Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1874

The army is in formation, standing there alone, already imposing a boundless manner and feeling invincible. Who would dare to fight against such an army of immortals and demons?

Lin Xiyao sweated more and even looked pale, but after clenching her teeth, her eyes showed firmness, and her fingers danced again.

She's going to break it all.

On the piano, she is not without failures, but it is rare, and she has never been so frightened and timid as a mouse under the imposing manner of the other party.

She has her own character, she is stubborn and arrogant, especially on top of her best Zither Dao, she is not allowed to fail completely.


Su Hao smiled, the woman's stubbornness was more terrifying than he thought, but today Su Hao is determined to make her surrender, so she must be suppressed.

“ding ding dong dong !”

A few more notes were thrown out, Su Hao stood on the platform of the generals, threw the long sword, and the domineering air came out spontaneously, Immediately behind him, thousands of immortals and demons followed in a monstrous imposing manner.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Thousands of immortals roared, murderous aura monstrous, Heaven and Earth trembled.

The killing sound is mighty, and the imposing manner is like a torrent, irreversible.

Block half a point, smash your body to pieces!

In an instant, Heaven and Earth changed color, Lin Xiyao's body trembled, her expression was terrified, the music of the piano was completely disrupted, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth.

The whole person went backwards.

There was endless horror in his eyes.

"Can you be convinced?" Su Hao stopped playing the piano, looked straight ahead, overbearing, and asked you, are you convinced?

"I, you... terrifying, I'm not your opponent!" No matter how stubborn Lin Xiyao was, she had nothing to say at this time, the opponent was much stronger than her.

Especially, if she just ordered a general, she had already destroyed everything. If she really sent troops, she would be completely finished now.

I can't accept it.

She was devastated.

I have a lot of doubts about myself.

This is the manifestation of Dao Heart's collapse.

Above Zither Dao, she had never been hit like this, and at this moment, she couldn't accept it, and she was deeply in self-denial.

Dao Heart is getting more and more unstable.

cultivator, if Dao Heart is completely defeated, even if the talent is outstanding, it will lose all opportunities for progress, and it will be completely abolished.

Su Hao doesn't want this. After all, this is his appointed recipe. If it is abolished, it will be self-defeating.

"You don't need to deny yourself. In front of me, you have no comparability at all. I am much better than you, such as True Dragon and Ants!"

Su Hao shouted like thunder.

At the same time, his imposing manner has changed drastically. In Lin Xiyao's eyes, he is unattainable and stalwart, like the overlord of Sovereign Heaven and Earth, like the Supreme Immortal Emperor standing above Heavenly Dao , In a single thought, Sovereign Heaven and Earth went up and down.

"You and I are not at the same level. My stalwart is unattainable. It's not as good as me, that's what it should be!" Su Hao said again, going deep into Lin Xiyao's heart.

within same level, will compete.

For example, between generals and generals, comparing military exploits.

As between bachelors and bachelors, there is a comparison of literary talent.

For example, between Immortal King and a cultivator, they will fight to the death and die, and decide the winner and loser.

Who has ever seen, a beggar, compete with the emperor?

In front of the emperor, beggar doesn't have the heart to compare, I'm just inferior, that's the truth, he won't be hit, let alone be ashamed.

At this time, Su Hao planted a seed in Lin Xiyao's heart, you are not as good as me, my status, my strength, you can't compare.

Your defeat is justified!

You and I don't need to compare.

“My lyre is not an illusion, but reality, my army, imposing manner like a rainbow, should break through everything, one day, occupy the Great Immortal world absolutely.”

Su Hao's words are also true. His way is there, and everything in the sound of the piano will one day be revealed in front of the world.

He has millions of immortals and demons as generals, he has hundreds of millions of souls as soldiers, and his sword edge is the general trend, grandiose, do not dare not obey!

Lin Xiyao was trembling and her eyes were cloudy.

"I'm not as good as you... I'm really not as good as you, but I, Lin Xiyao, am not a waste, not everyone is inferior, you terrifying, terrifying to an unparalleled level, I am under you, but It's just right."

Lin Xiyao seems to understand everything, her eyes are firm again, her future has not been ruined, and, with Su Hao, and the Great Dao of Light, the future is bright.


Suddenly, she bent her knees and fell to the ground, completely convinced.

Su Hao smiled with satisfaction.

At this point, Jin Tianhong was completely awake. He was shaking all the time, and he was stunned. Su Hao's general trend, even he was pulled into it.

Under the general trend of grandiose, he is like an ant. If he dares to block it, he will surely be submerged.

"I really underestimate him. I can't see his future, and I'm not qualified to speculate. In short, Dapeng rises with the wind and soars up to 90,000 miles!"


He was amazed, just like Lin Xiyao, he completely surrendered, his heart was on the ground, and he looked at Su Hao, as if he was looking at the great sun that was about to lift off. Soon, he will shine on the world!

"Tell Zhou Tong to fetch the Coiling Dragon Root." Su Hao opened his mouth with a flat tone, but in Jin Tianhong's ears, it was as if the master had ordered him, and he did it immediately.

Soon, a coiled dragon root the size of a scarlet thumb fell into Lin Xiyao's hand. She immediately cupped one fist in the other hand and thanked her, saying, "many thanks Master, dísciple will repay in the future."

"I don't need it as a teacher, but I also want something. Take me to find the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. There are three people left. The dísciple I want is not only you."

Su Hao said with a smile.

Lin Xiyao nodded, what Su Hao said, she would not deny that, in her heart, Su Hao has...omnipotent!

He said that if he wanted piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, he would definitely get it.

Leaving Jin Tianhong's great hall, they walked down the mountain and walked all the way under the gaze of the surrounding dísciple.

Those dísciples are no strangers to Su Hao, and the arrogant person who challenged Mu Xuankun was this person.

But at this time, they saw Lin Xiyao following him, even with bright smiles on their faces, always looking at Zi Fa with admiration, and felt a deep sense of inconceivable.

"What's the matter, the cold and arrogant Lin Xiyao looks at her with admiration, why do I look a little admiring in those eyes?"

"No way, this bastard, actually got Lin Xiyao's love? My God, what happened?!"

"Damn, damn, he has what skills and abilities, Lin Xiyao, one of the four beauties in the middle reaches, in my heart Goddess, actually surrendered to him?"

Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, extraordinary ability, cold and arrogant, not to mention dísciple, even Elder, it is difficult to get close to them, let alone make them smile, even worship .

This is simply unimaginable.

It's like a dream.

Everyone is extremely envious and jealous of Su Hao. This is an opportunity they have been thinking about day and night, but absolutely impossible to get. Some people even let out an angry wolf howl.

In this regard, Su Hao is very indifferent, this is just the beginning, he wants to win all of them.

No, to be precise, he is going to take an assessment. Are the remaining three qualified to be won by him?

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