Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1846


Deathly silence!

Everyone is going to be stupid.

He seemed to forget to even breathe.

Clouds break the sky and lose under the same realm.

Furthermore, after using the privilege token to reach the Immortal King Second Layer, not only did he fail to turn the tables, but he was killed instantly!

This accident, like thunder boom, heaven falls and earth rends!

I don't know how long it took before someone slowly lifted the head, and then countless people agreed, all of them looked at the silent purple-haired silhouette on the mountain in shock.

next moment.


The sound of suck in a cold breath roared like a wind wheel, connecting into pieces, making the mountain peak like a cold air blowing up whirlwind.

"Invincible, this is the real invincibility!"

"terrifying, terrifying to the point of monstrous, I can't imagine, I can't imagine it at all!"

"He is definitely not much worse than Number One Person Zhou Tong, or even equal!"

The people at the foot of the mountain are completely crazy, what they see today is enough to become a miracle, no matter how many years have passed, they will be deeply deeply engraved in their hearts.

The existence comparable to Number One Person Zhou Tong was born.

That Zhou Tong created a miracle here and became an Elder. Although he was only a human-level Elder, it was enough terrifying.

At this moment, purple hair is close to this height in their hearts.

Langyue was also completely stupid, the arrogance in her eyes disappeared completely again, and when Su Hao looked at her, it was as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, her body was extremely cold.

Without any hesitation, she left here at a frantic speed, daring not to stay, her purple hair regardless of the law and of natural morality, strong and unusual, kill her with no difficulty.

However, this is not to make her give up, no one can shake the purple hair in the lower reaches, then she will go to the middle reaches, and her two brothers are very terrifying in the middle reaches.

Kill the purple hair, nothing difficult!

"big brother, second brother, they will definitely avenge me, Zifa, you wait for me!" As she ran, she thought fiercely, she had never eaten before. Such a big loss.

This is definitely not over!


On the mountain peak, Su Hao looked around, no one dared to speak, and few even dared to look at him.

Everyone is afraid.

At this moment, he turned around again and headed up the mountain. He came here today to break records and create miracles.

In this way, attract the attention of the leader here, get the identity of a person-level Elder, so as to continue to climb to the Profound Level, Earth Grade.

In this way, it is hoped to go to the Split Sky Island.

The figure gradually increased, and the cloud and mist became thicker and thicker. In the end, Su Hao's figure was completely hidden, and he disappeared on the mountain.

"I don't know, how many gold and silver fruits can he pick?"

The crowd did not leave, but gathered at the foot of the mountain, and more people came to hear the sound, Staring at the mountain, eager to see what that purple hair can do.

"The most recent record is Number One Person Zhou Tong. He picked ten golden and silver fruits, which attracted the attention of the great character and was promoted to Elder."

"Purple The hair may not be as good as Zhou Tong, but it can definitely be more than five."

The discussion at the foot of the mountain was extremely surging and fiery. with the result.

Su Hao naturally didn't know this. He quickly rushed to the land of hundred zhang and saw the first golden and silver Fruit Tree, but there was no fruit on it.

Continuing to climb, Su Hao came to a place of one hundred and fifty feet. He walked around the mountain and walked in parallel for a week, and found a full seven Fruit Trees, but unfortunately, there was not a single fruit.

In desperation, Su Hao continued to move up and came to the place where the second hundred zhang was. In the gap of a big rock, he saw a relatively thick Fruit Tree.

It was also the first time that Su Hao saw the golden and silver fruit.

A fruit sized, gold and silver two colors.

This fruit is slightly immature and not yet fully ripe, but it won't take too long to ripen, maybe it will take another day or two.


Su Hao approached without saying a word, and immediately extended the hand, went straight to the fruit and touched it.

"Dare to move, I'll kill you!"

The palm almost touched the fruit, and an extremely cold voice was sent into Su Hao's ears, with a terrifying voice. murderous intention.

Su Hao slammed the palm of his hand, next moment, the palm continued to move forward, and then directly picked the fruit that was less mature.

This fruit is a little cool to start with, like jade stone, and the aroma of refreshing people enters the nose, which is mouth-watering.


Su Hao shoved the fruit into his mouth without saying a word. He wanted to taste how the fruit tasted.

After eating, two special air currents melted in the body, Su Hao refined them and felt the mystery in them.

This fruit is good.

There is a kind of rhyme in it.

It's much better for him than those Yin Qi.

Immediately, Su Hao's heart moved.

This thing, the more the better!

It seems that creating records here can also get some good benefits, and the cultivation base goes a step further.

"you are courting death."

The secret voice resounded again, filled with thick resentment, and a more powerful breath, which caused the temperature here to drop suddenly , There seems to be a layer of frost on the surrounding rocks.

next moment, a figure flashed out from the shadow of the mountain and stood three feet in front of Su Hao.

This person looks like he is in his thirties. He is dressed in black cloth and has a tall body. His features are as sharp as knives, with sharp edges and corners, but at this time his eyes are as sharp as knives.

"You dare to disobey my order?" He spoke again, his voice even colder, with an aloof and remote.

"Everyone can pick the fruit, not you alone." Su Hao said in a flat tone.

"I have already discovered it, and I have guarded it here for three days and three nights, waiting for it to mature before picking it. You have ruined my plan."

black clothed The man's questioning tone was strong.

Su Hao raised his eyes and said, "It's my rashness to say that, wait until I go to the top of the mountain to pick one for you."

"Joke!" The black clothed man scolded and said, "The Fruit Tree under the three hundred zhang peaks has been plucked by me, and there is no ripe fruit, what will you compensate me for?"

"You are wrong, I am not It is not to compensate you, and there is no need to compensate you. In fact, the fruit here will not belong to you just because you discovered it in advance."

"I just think that you have been here for three days. Sanye, that fruit should be very important to you, so I intend to help you."

"Please remember, I am helping you, not owe you."

Su Hao said calmly.

"You!" The black clothed man with gnashing teeth said, "You are so brave, do you know who I am?"

"Is it necessary?"

Su Hao asked rhetorically.

"Good boy, I haven't met someone as arrogant as you for a long time." The black clothed man coldly said: "However, soon you will regret your arrogance!"

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