Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1840

As a prisoner?

Wei Cheng looked startled in the Clean Jade Bottle. He was a little confused about what Su Hao said, so he did a great job, and the Sect Lord named him to commend him.

Will he be a prisoner?

"It's not the prisoner of Extreme Yin Church, it's my prisoner, I'm the one who imprisoned you." Seemingly aware of Wei Cheng's doubts, Su Hao added another sentence.

Immediately, Wei Cheng's expression turned cold

"Boy, are you joking with this Elder? I am a great hero, you dare to imprison me?" Wei Cheng threatened coldly Said: "Open the Clean Jade Bottle immediately, and let the old man go out. The old man can pretend that nothing happened, otherwise..."

"You can't get out."

Before he could finish speaking, Su Hao interrupted again.


Wei Cheng was furious, his expression savagely down, and at the same time a terrifying cultivation base breath surging in the Clean Jade Bottle, if you want to Clean Jade Bottle is thoroughly fried.

It's a pity that Su Hao's Clean Jade Bottle is extremely hard, the terrifying ban engraved on the mouth of the bottle, invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, Wei Cheng exerted his full strength, and even sprayed out blood essence strikes, he couldn't shake a single point at all. a cent.

I can't even make the Clean Jade Bottle tremble once.

At this time, a strand of Su Hao's Divine Soul, transformed into an exact similar appearance to him, plunged into the Clean Jade Bottle and said, "I'm looking for you, I have something to ask, you If you do as I say, I can promise not to kill you."


Wei Cheng said angrily: "You think you can hurt this Elder, even if I'm imprisoned here, and you can't help me in the slightest."

A golden light erupted from him, exuding a heavy aura.

"You know, this is blessed by a powerful Great Elder at the Earth Grade level, let alone you, even Immortal King 8-Layer, ninth layer, can't help me!"

Wei Chengyou had no fear, hands behind ones back, and said arrogantly: "Let this Elder go out immediately, I can let go of the past, otherwise, I will have you smashed to pieces."


Su Hao smiled faintly.

“courting death!”

Wei Cheng flashed his body and went straight to kill Su Hao. He had golden light protection and thought he ignored Su Hao’s attack, but Innate stood at invincible position.

The Clean Jade Bottle can't be broken, but this kid can definitely be the master. As long as he is suppressed, he is afraid that he won't be able to get out?



Su Hao raised his palm, and fiercely slapped it out. Wei Cheng, who was approaching, was extremely stunned. In this state, he flew out suddenly.

Even, his face is hot.

There is a strong sense of pain!

Su Hao's palm, ignoring the golden light shield, hit him directly in the face!


Wei Cheng's expression changed drastically, his eyes widened, and he roared in disbelief: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, I have golden light body protection, you How could it possibly hurt me?"

"pa pa!"

Again two slaps.

Simple and rude.

Wei Cheng's face was swollen.

He was completely stunned.

Both eyes popped open.

"pa pa pa!"

Su Hao drew his mouth three times in a row, Wei Cheng's face was drenched with blood, his teeth were shattered, and he let out an extremely painful wailing.

"Do you want to continue?" Su Hao asked with a light smile.

"You, what the hell did you do... No, my body protection golden light, this..." Wei Cheng was shocked, the golden body protection light on his body actually dissipated.

"What is this in the body, why can it melt into golden light, even my cultivation base, my vitality, all dissipate, what the hell is this?"

He shouted desperately, as if he had lost his mind, and a special golden air flow emerged in his body, such as gangrene attached to the bones, which could not be escaped no matter what.

The golden light of his body protection, his cultivation base, and his vitality are all being eroded by the golden airflow. One more second, the damage will be huge.

Keep going, he will die!

"Your life is in my hands, I want you to give birth to you before I can live, I want you to die, you will surely die!" Su Hao's voice was suddenly cold: "Kneel down!"

A mighty coercion shrouded Wei Cheng, trembling with fear, he fell to the ground suddenly, looked at Su Hao in horror and said, "Don't, don't kill me."

He has made great achievements and is highly regarded. What awaits him will be endless glory. How could he be willing to die?

"Where is Bing Qing'er?" Su Hao's tone was even colder.

"shivered spirit!"

Wei Cheng fiercely shivered, looked at Su Hao in shock, and said, "How do you know her, you are... purple hair, purple Fa, are you..."

Su Hao changed his appearance and said, "Yes, it's me! Now, I need to know where Bing Qinger is immediately, my patience is limited, you It's better not to provoke me."

With the sound falling, Su Hao controlled Wei Cheng's anti-fate qi, roaring and rushing, his vitality, cultivation base, passing by extremely fast.

Wei Cheng was so frightened that he was sweating profusely, and continued: "Promise me, let me die, and I can tell you."

"You won't die now."

"Cracked Sky Island, I was taken there that day and handed Bing Qing'er to an Earth Grade Elder. As for whether she is there now, I don't know." Wei Cheng fell to his knees. , tell the truth.

"How to get there?"

"The Fissure Island is located in the upper reaches of the Yin River. If you want to go upstream, the cultivation base must be strong enough, otherwise, the dísciple there will be killed immediately. You."

"However, even if you do reach the upper reaches, you will not be able to enter the Sky Splitting Island, where the punishment of the Extreme Yin Church is severe, and the dísciple is not qualified to set foot on."

"Unless, you become Earth Grade Elder."

Speaking, he glanced at Su Hao, with a deep fear in his eyes, and at the same time expressed his own opinion, that is simply impossible.

Su Hao's cultivation base was noticed by him, and even compared with the upstream dísciple, it was too far behind. It was absolutely impossible to become Earth Grade Elder.

However, Su Hao is seriously nodded and seems to be doing it.

Then, he left Clean Jade Bottle in a flash.

"You said, don't kill me, let me out." Wei Cheng roared.

"I didn't kill you, but when did I say I would let you go? The moment you took Bing Qinger from me, your fate was already doomed, waiting for the cultivation base to disperse. Do your best and die of old age." Su Hao gloomy and coldly said.

"No, you go back on one's word, let me go..."

Su Hao closed the Clean Jade Bottle directly, threw it into the storage bag, and then body flashed , left the mountain directly.

Becoming an Earth Grade Elder is extremely difficult, and it is even more difficult for Su Hao to reach that level in less than three months.

But no matter what, he has to do it, even if there is only a 1 in 10,000 chance, he has to try!

At least, he wants to take a look at Sky Splitting Island. How is Bing Qinger now?

Demon Emperor has already apologized to her once, and Su Hao will never allow a second time.

"Qing'er, wait for me, no matter how difficult it is, I will not give up, even if nine deaths and still alive, I will live up to you!"

"This life, I will It's your... unparalleled hero!"

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