Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1837

Beside the Yin River, Su Hao sat cross-legged. Immortal seeds poured into his body and quickly melted, becoming an accelerator for cultivation.

At the same time, the twelve Ancient God decrees, Supreme Heavenly Demon Art, were running at the same time, and the left hand of the demon fused with the left arm was refining and opened at a very fast speed.

This extremely fast speed is beyond imagination. For ordinary people, it would take at least a month to fully practice Transforming Demon Hand.

With the help of three methods, Su Hao shortened the refining time infinitely.

Demonic energy rushes into the body one after another, Su Hao's vitality is rapidly and powerful, and the cultivation base is also rising step by step.

Two hours, the magic hand completely absorbed!

But the imaginary signs of breakthrough did not come.

It can be said that there is still a long way to go.

Su Hao's cultivation base just went to the late stage of Immortal King Second Layer.

However, he was not flustered. At the same time as the magic hand was refining, his magic skills were running rapidly, and a terrifying swallowing force burst out from his body.

He turned into a vortex.

The surrounding Yin Qi is a small river that turns into a galloping stream. It gathers quickly, like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, and enters Su Hao's body.

With Yin Qi's entry into the body, Su Hao's cultivation base, which had already reached its limit, became stronger again, and went further on the basis of the late Immortal King Second Layer.

Immortal King Second Layer Peak.

One step away, breakthrough!

The opportunity has come.

At this moment, Su Hao is also a little excited. After all, he is not safe in this Extreme Yin Church, and he only has about two months now.

Once the Worry-Free Immortal King is freed, it must be immediately to kill him.

So, Su Hao's cultivation base is naturally the stronger the better.

He desperately needs a breakthrough.



Su Hao took a fiercely swallow again, and the surrounding Yin Qi seemed to have been emptied, and no more Yin Qi was added.

This made Su Hao's face with his eyes closed, showing a strange look, and then he was a little disappointed.

Here Yin Qi, not an endless supply, has the maximum amount to grab in one day.

For the average person, this maximum amount is enough to allow them to endlessly cultivate for twelve hours. On the second day, Yin Qi can replenish the maximum amount again.

But Su Hao's speed surpasses the average person by too much, and in just one hour, he plunders all the cultivation resources of the average person for a day.

"It's a pity."

He closed his eyes, and his heart was filled with deep helplessness.

After all, with this momentum, breaking through the Immortal King Third Layer in one fell swoop can save a lot of energy.

Missing this opportunity, Su Hao would have to work at least three times as hard to break through.

However, Su Hao has nothing to do, and immediately, he intends to end the cultivation state.

However, at this moment, three powerful breaths approached.

"It's him!" A familiar voice sounded, and from the voice, one could hear the other party's resentment, wishing to chop Su Hao up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades immediately.

This voice is that Yufan.

"Brother Yu, I'm from ASEAN, I've never been bullied. I'll definitely avenge your revenge for you." There was another voice, with a cold murderous intention.

At the same time, a terrifying and gloomy aura rushed towards Su Hao, making a rumbling terrifying sound, apparently the second person who spoke up shot.

Su Hao has not seen it, but he also feels the evil in it.

This man is obviously killing him!

In addition, ordinary people should not be disturbed when they are in the state of cultivation. If they are not careful, they may experience a cultivation deviation, or even go back to their blood and explode directly.

Not to mention, the attack of terrifying.

As a matter of fact, the person who shot it also had this idea. After all, Yu Fan was abolished, and according to him, it was a single move.

This is enough to show the power of Su Hao.

How much better the shot is than Yufan, he is not completely sure.

It's just the right time to make a move.

"Brother Yu, don't worry, my devilish claws are made by the devil Yin Qi that I absorbed from a piece of devil bone, and it is very terrifying."

"Don't say that he is in a state of cultivation now, even if he spares no effort, he will definitely not be able to stop it."

The person who took the shot said proudly.

He looked towards the person beside him: "What's more, our Senior Brother Qi also came along. Even if that kid can stop my attack, he will definitely not be able to stop Senior Brother Qi."


Yu Fan was nodded, he dared to come back, of course, he made foolproof preparations.

The person who shot was named Zhao Sheng, who was one point stronger than him.

The other person is Qi Xuan, who is extremely renowned in the downstream, and whose cultivation base has reached the terrifying Immortal King Sixth Layer. He is one of the people with the most potential to hit the midstream dísciple.

these two people arrive at the same time, and the purple hair cannot escape.

In fact, in his eyes, Su Hao is over.

In the cultivation state, if you are attacked by the evil claws, you will surely die!

Moreover, the Demon Yin Claw had already hit Zifa's body with great precision.


The magic hand struck down, but in the imagination, the scene of Su Hao blasting did not appear, not even a mouthful of blood.

Accurately speaking, they seem to have not been harmed at all.

In fact, when the attack landed on Zifa's body, it disappeared like a clay ox entering the sea.

It's like being absorbed.

Not only absorption, but also rapid refining, and then the purple-haired breath roared at a terrifying speed, becoming more and more powerful.

This made the three of Yu Fan stunned.

That kid broke through?

In this case, not only did they not suffer the slightest damage, but instead they broke through?

This kind of thing is exactly what I unheard-of.

"Okay, very good, this attack is too timely." Su Hao was overjoyed. Originally, he had already reached the end of the road, and he would definitely have no chance for breakthrough today.

didn't expect, at this critical moment, someone sent him a huge amount of Yin Qi.

The Demon Yin Claw, which carries Yin Qi in the Demon Bone, is much more important to Su Hao than the Yin Qi in the lower Yin River.

He quickly refined, his breath roared, and the Yin Qi he added, surged like a torrent, and destroyed the dam that blocked Su Hao's advance in an instant.

Immortal King Third Layer!


Su Hao opened his eyes and shot a sharp cold light in his eyes. The powerful force rushed through his body, making him feel a sense of joy.

Immediately, he turned his eyes and looked at the three of Yufan. One of the short and thin men was the one who shot before.

"It's you, want to kill me?"

Su Hao coldly asked.

Under Su Hao's icy gaze, Zhao Sheng, the short, thin man, suddenly changed his expression, and a cold air rushed to his forehead from the soles of his feet, making him feel a little bit of fear.

But just for a moment, he became arrogant again, pointed at Su Hao, and said sternly: "It's me, how, you think you can kill me?"

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