Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1824

Su Hao raised his fist and smashed it fiercely under Heavenly Master Zhang's shocked gaze.

One punch!

Simple and rude.

blood energy spray!


Heavenly Master Zhang’s chest exploded directly, blood spurted endlessly, his body flew upside down, and a mournful howl came out of his mouth.

This scene made Qin Wushuang and Ninth Princess all stunned.

Even, have one's hair stand on end!

Heavenly Master Zhang, with a bloodline of Ancient Race, Strength of Fleshly Body is extremely powerful, fleshy body firmness, terrifying extraordinary, ordinary Immortal Artifact can't help him at all.

But at this time, he exerted all his strength, unable to shake the purple hair, and he punched his fleshy body directly!

Purple hair, fleshy body terrifying!

"No, it's impossible, how can your fleshy body be so terrifying, I'm an Ancient Race..." Heavenly Master Zhang screamed in shock, with incomparable shock.

"Is it very difficult to deal with? The Ancient Races I killed are not few!" Su Hao said flatly, which was true.

There are indeed quite a few ancient races in the wasteland killed by the Demon Emperor, and even the fleshy body became an Emperor, and they were almost buried in his hands.

He has done a lot of research on this family.

The sound fell, Su Hao took the next step, urging him with blood energy, the same terrifying speed, and in the blink of an eye, he caught up with the Heavenly Master Zhang who was flying upside down.

At the same time, his fist was raised again and slammed down for the second time.

Heavenly Master Zhang complexion greatly changed, fiercely slapped the palm of the hand on the storage bag, a beam of black light roared out, and at the same time blocked in front of him, it became a tortoise shell.

However, Su Hao's fist slammed, and with a bang, the tortoise shell exploded directly. His fist continued to move forward, still striking on Zhang Tian's body.


Heavenly Master Zhang exploded half of his body, and he let out an extremely painful howl, even more horrified to the extreme.

Su Hao's Strength of Fleshly Body is even more terrifying than he imagined, and even more powerful than the real Ancient Race.

In his shock, Su Hao's third punch came, the blood energy burst, and a blood-colored dragon head seemed to appear above the fist, which was boundless.


Heavenly Master Zhang yelled, but it was too late, Su Hao's murderous intention was set, and no one could stop it.

His fist slammed down relentlessly, and with the surging blood, Heavenly Master Zhang's fleshy body completely exploded, and the fairy core was destroyed.

At this moment, Su Hao turned around and looked at Qin Wushuang and the others who were already trembling with fear and chills all over.

Under his eyes, those people, as if was struck by lightning, kept retreating.

"Qin Wushuang, you are really courting death, and I told you that adults are not mortals, but you have to provoke them when you go." Ninth Princess scolded.

When the voice fell, she quickly looked towards Su Hao and said, "Sir, calm down and leave this place. I will tell my Royal Father truthfully and ask them to pay enough price!"

"Forget it, they messed with me, not your Royal Father, it's not his turn to take care of it." Su Hao's tone was extremely indifferent, and he was not in the mood to continue playing hide-and-seek with Ninth Princess.

He stepped down, his breath bursting, and coldly said: "Now, I want all the treasures in the Immortal Palace, including the head, do you have any questions?"

"Boy , if you dare to touch us, the lord will not let you go..." a cultivator said coldly.


The man had exploded before the voice completely fell.

Su Hao withdrew his fists, looked towards the others, and asked again, "Is there a problem?"

Qin Wushuang's legs went weak with fright, this guy is really too Terrifying, limiting immortal strength here, they are like the meat of the chopping block in his hands.

"I'll hand it over, but you promise not to kill me." Qin Wushuang hesitated, then said immediately.


Su Hao nods.

Those people looked at each other, immediately took out all the treasures, and handed them all to Su Hao. At this time, being able to survive is the most important thing.

Only, at the same time when the treasure was in hand, Su Hao's body flickered continuously, and his fist smashed out quickly.

When he returned to the spot again, several blood mists spewed out at the same time.


Qin Wushuang and the others collapsed to the ground with a pained look.

"I said I won't kill you, but I didn't say that, I will definitely let you go." Su Hao looked indifferent, put away all the treasures, and walked directly to the outside of the tomb.

"Sir, these people have only oneself to blame, I will tell Royal Father clearly, he won't blame you." Ninth Princess turned her eyes and spoke immediately. Now all the treasures are in On Su Hao, absolutely stabilize him.

"I'm afraid you're thinking too much."

Su Hao figure stopped, turned back to look at Ninth Princess, and said, "My business, your Royal Father is not qualified to take care of, He blames it or not, and I don't care at all."

"Sir, you..." The Ninth Princess looked ugly.

"Entering Eccentric Mansion, Heavenly Master Zhang and Qin Wushuang are targeting me, you will not know it, and you stand by, just use me to make your Royal Father hate those two people."

"Eccentric Mansion. p>

Su Hao stared at Ninth Princess, making the latter's face even more ugly, it was a fact that she used Su Hao.

Her Royal Father wanted her to marry Qin Wushuang, but he didn't like Qin Wushuang and Ninth Princess at all, so he tried his best to make them go wrong and cause Royal Father's anger.

"I don't care what your purpose is, but you took advantage of me, I'm very upset." Su Hao dropped a sentence coldly, and added: "Second, your Royal Father is very shameless! "

"I made an all-out effort for your Xuanling Dynasty, fighting for the chance to enter the tomb, but he wanted to kick me away, requite kindness with enmity." Su Hao's tone was cold.

"My lord, I'm afraid I have misunderstood something. My Royal Father has always been grateful to you." Ninth Princess's eyes flickered.

"It's ridiculous, when I Su Hao is a three-year-old child?" Su Hao twitched his mouth and said, "He knew how bad my relationship with Heavenly Master Zhang and Qin Wushuang was, and sent him two. Come together, isn't the meaning of it not clear enough? The emperor is ruthless, I already knew it, but I never thought that he could be so ruthless after I paid so much for you."

"So, these treasures , I want it all, this is the price."

The bald chicken came over and said with a smile: "Your father and you are too tender to play with this freak, not to play with you directly. Xuanling Divine Dynasty is already polite, I advise you to stop and continue playing, there will be serious problems."

After finishing speaking, he and Su Hao moved towards the exit directly. go with.

Ninth Princess's face became more and more ugly, but she didn't dare to stop it, Su Hao too terrifying, she dared to say more, at least she ended up the same as Qin Wushuang, the cultivation base was completely abolished.

But she was really unwilling to let Su Hao go like this. After all, so many treasures are not willing to give up on anyone.

Even if Su Hao is the dísciple of the Taiyin Chief Sect, she is not willing to give up.

"This matter will not be left alone." With a cold look, she glanced at Qin Wushuang and immediately stepped forward: "He abolished your cultivation base, we will go to the imperial capital to find him immediately. I, Royal Father, avenge you."

"No, go directly to my father, he guards the border, which is even closer." Qin Wushuang gnashing teeth, with incomparable malice in his eyes.

He wants Su Hao to die, die without a burial site!

"Okay." The Ninth Princess smiled secretly. That's the purpose. Great Marshal's shot is much safer than his Royal Father's shot.

Extreme Yin Church really blamed it, kicked the Great Marshal away.

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