Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1820

As soon as Lantian opened his eyes, it was completely normal, which shocked everyone at the scene, and couldn't help shaking violently, and it was a continuous trembling.

Pill Refinement Master's Grade 6 Immortal King Pill has no magic cultivator to recover Lantianyi's injury, and Su Hao's Dan, instantly recovered completely, stronger and weaker, do I need to say more?

Therefore, everyone also thought of the situation of terrifying, Su Hao single furnace, at the same time practiced Dan and Qi!

How terrifying?

"It's amazing, it's really amazing, it's so powerful that it's unimaginable by an old man, I Ding Xuan is convinced." The Pill Refinement Master was shocked for a long time, and then he said with a trembling voice.

"Yeah, I am also blinded by Heavenly Fire this time. The origin of this youngster is definitely not simple. In ordinary places, there is no such enchanting character."

Artifact Refinement The Master also quickly said that he didn't dare to embarrass Su Hao again, the shock left by the other party in his heart could no longer be described in words.


Shen Guozhu laughed loudly and looked at Su Hao in the distance, with deep excitement in his eyes.

Originally, they had nowhere to go, and their hearts turned to ashes.

didn't expect, Zifa alone, pulling strongly against a crazy tide, brought back the opportunity for them.

He turned his head to look at the Ninth Princess and said, "Jiu'er, you have done a good job, and the Royal Father will reward you heavily."

"I can share my worries for the Royal Father, yes. Jiu'er's honor, this time if it wasn't for Heavenly Master Zhang and Qin Wushuang, who shot directly, we wouldn't need to be frightened by this." Ninth Princess said immediately, and her eyes faintly discernable swept to Heavenly Master Zhang and Qin Wushuang. .

The two of them immediately felt cold all over, and they never expected that Zifa was so extraordinary that he really kicked the iron plate this time.


Snorted by the coldness of the Lord Shen, there was already a rift in his heart.

However, he didn't directly blame it.

I don't know what to think.

The people of the Feathered Divine Dynasty are no longer arrogant, the Feathered King Fiercely gritted his teeth, and reluctantly threw a golden jade slip to the Shen King.

Then, without saying a word, he walked away with a sullen face.

Blue sky clenched his fist secretly, not grateful to Su Hao, but annoyed, and even gave birth to infinite murderous intention.

His eyes were hurt by Su Hao, thinking that saving him would make him grateful?

"Sooner or later kill you!" He fisted fiercely.

But at this moment, the color suddenly changed greatly, and there was a mysterious force in the body, uncontrollable surging, crackle, his meridian trembled, making a terrifying cracking sound.

Even, his fairy core in this brief moment is covered with a layer of black brilliance, if it is corroded, it will quickly dissipate its vitality.

"This, this, my cultivation base..." He was horrified, his body trembling, but no matter what he did, it was just in vain, and the cultivation base still passed.

A few blinks.

It disappeared completely.

He's a waste!

"That Pill, that Pill!" He let out a hoarse wailing, his anger attacked his heart, and at the same time as a mouthful of blood spurted, he completely passed out with a deep sense of unwillingness.

"Good method." Shen Guozhu was shocked in his heart, looking at Su Hao, with a deep fear in his eyes, but at a young age, it is rigorous schemes and deep foresight.

And, ruthless!

A moment later, Lord Shen took out a golden token like the one from the Feathered Divine Dynasty, and combined it with the one from the Feathered Divine Dynasty, turning it into a disc, which was the key to the tomb.

"Jiu'er, you take this item and go directly to the tomb." Shen Guozhu made a quick arrangement, glanced at Heavenly Master Zhang and Qin Wushuang at the same time and said, "You two go with you, make a contribution to the crime, remember If you don't do this well, you don't need to come back."


The two trembled immediately.


In the boundary between Feathered Divine Dynasty and Xuanling Dynasty, there is a vast mountain range called Boundary Mountain.

The entrance to the tomb is in the mountain range.

However, it is in an extremely dangerous place in the mountain range, a place called the Valley of Evil Beasts.

“Crossing over that mountain is the Valley of Evil Beasts. There are countless monster beasts, fierce and brutal, and there are many other existences in the Immortal King Level. We must be careful when entering it.”

Ninth Princess stood beside Su Hao and reminded in a low voice.

Su Hao nods to the beast

, but without stopping in the slightest, with the bald chicken, he walks directly towards the evil valley that the Ninth Princess said.

"Hey, although you are powerful, there are countless monster beasts in the valley of evil beasts. Even my Master would not dare to enter it rashly. If you go like this, you are just courting death."

Qin Wushuang coldly said.

Heavenly Master Zhang said: "It will really kill people. We discovered this place for the first time, where three great experts of the Immortal King Sixth Layer died."

They did so Said, but did not step forward to stop Su Hao, even the Ninth Princess did not stop, whether Su Hao went or not, they didn't seem to worry.

In fact, it can be said that they want Su Hao to go.

And Su Hao didn't seem to care about this either, strode forward, and the bald chicken climbed over a huge mountain, and saw the vast valley below.

This valley is really vast and extremely huge. The valley is densely covered with thorns and ancient trees in the sky. Just looking at it, you can see that this place is unusual, and there must be a danger of terrifying.

In fact, the Monster King hidden in the valley, Su Hao and the bald chicken have long been aware of it, especially the bald chicken.

After all, he is a descendant of Vermilion Bird and has a keen eye for monster aura.

"This place is even more dangerous than what they said. The Demon Ape Clan should live in it. There are hundreds of Great Demons. The powerful ones have even reached the terrifying level of the Immortal King Seventh Layer." Bald chicken sound transmission Su Hao.

"It's nothing to you, right?" Su Hao smiled.

The bald chicken nodded, said: "Nature."

He is the descendant of Vermilion Bird, the Sovereign in the Monster Race!

After he finished speaking, he continued to step forward, and at the same time he spit out a scarlet airflow, which spread rapidly in the valley, covering almost every inch of space.

On time. In the valley, there was a huge rumbling sound, like a thousand beasts galloping.

Behind her, Ninth Princess eyes flashed and she stood aside.

And Qin Wushuang and Heavenly Master Zhang looked at each other with a sneer at the corners of their mouths.

The terrifying in the valley was clear to them, and the huge movement at this time should be that Demon Ape Clan felt the human breath.

Monster Race values the territory very much. If the aliens dare to set foot there, they will immediately attract their most violent attacks.

Especially for humans.

Hundreds of demon apes came out together, and the terrifying momentum, even Immortal King Seventh Layer, and even Eighth Layer, would die here tragically.

In fact, the next moment, the black and tall magic ape, has already rushed out of the jungle.

The tallest Demon Ape at the head, exuding a very terrifying aura, turned out to be the Immortal King Seventh Layer, and it has reached the level of the middle stage of Seventh Layer.

An extremely fierce Monster Qi roared, making people have one's hair stand on end.

Immediately, Ninth Princess, Heavenly Master Zhang, Qin Wushuang, and even those experts from the Xuanling Divine Dynasty who followed along, immediately retreated.

Su Hao and the bald chicken stand alone in front.

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