Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1815

"Boy, if you haven't come on stage, you won't regret it, right?" Lan Tianyi couldn't wait to shout.

In his heart, at this moment, Zi Fa must be extremely regretful. After all, the three Masters were completely angry and all had murderous intentions.

However, he was obviously thinking too much, Su Hao's expression was flat, not only did he not have the slightest fear, but instead pointed to the largest battle stage and said, "Let's go there to compare, the three of you. Come together, I don't have time to fight you one by one."

As soon as this statement came out, it caused another uproar, and everyone didn't know how to describe Su Hao, he was too daring big.

At this time, how dare you be so arrogant.

And the three Masters, their faces were extremely blue, all the fists under their sleeves were clenched fiercely, making a harsh ka-cha sound.

Even in the depths of the Eastern Wilderness, few youngsters dare to take this attitude towards them, and on the outside of this trifling, they can't stand it.

"Old man is enough for one person!"

Array Master jumped first and landed on the battle stage. With a flick of his sleeves, he threw several golden flags. .

Those small flags fell to the ground, and immediately exuded a special aura. Those auras were connected, and the wind was surging. In the mighty, the wind and dragons roared.

Not one, but three.

The three terrifying wind dragons made a whistling sound, rippling the ferocious baleful aura of the soul.

"Boy, come, die!"

Array Master coldly shouted.

Pill Refinement Master and Artifact Refinement Master have not come to power. In their hearts, this Formation has already killed Su Hao, and they don't need to compare at all.

The kid has no chance to compete with them.

As a matter of fact, everyone on the field had this idea in their hearts, especially the Array Master, who was defeated before. He was only facing a wind dragon and had no power to fight back.

What's more, now there are three?

He looked at Su Hao and shook his head silently, this youngster really doesn't know how to measure up, this time is good, it's totally making people anxious.

Heavenly Master Zhang and Qin Wushuang stood aside and looked at Su Hao with a playful look, as if they had seen him shattered to pieces.

Under everyone's thoughts, Su Hao touched the ground with his toes, and fell onto the battle stage like a flying swallow.


At the same time as Su Hao fell, the Array Master couldn't wait to make his move. He wanted swift and decisive to kill this daring boy.

Let everyone know what a Master is, and how miserable the fate of offending them is.

At his command, the three wind dragons roared out and charged towards Su Hao. The desolate and mighty dragon roar rang out, and the world was mighty.

However, in such a terrifying imposing manner, Su Hao looked extremely calm, never evaded, but took a light step forward.

That is, this step, a faint light wave rippling under his feet.

Instantly, the Array Master complexion greatly changed.

"Is this a coincidence?"

He thought to himself.

Su Hao took a step that turned out to be the only student!

Standing here, the three wind dragons couldn't see him at all, and they couldn't do anything to him.

Of course, this is unknown to outsiders, and many people have sneered, believing that Su Hao will surely die, and even his calm step, in the hearts of everyone, is completely frightened.

"If I knew this earlier, why would it be in the first place." Lan Tian sneered.

It's just that this smile just bloomed, and it disappeared quickly, and then a strangeness emerged.

Three ferocious wind dragons actually brushed past Su Hao.

Turn a blind eye to him.

Never dealt a single damage.

Actually, he wasn't the only one, all those people were stunned for a while after the wind dragon whistled past. Could it be that they were beaten crookedly?

Otherwise, how could this wind dragon miss Su Hao?

The Array Master on the stage squinted his eyes and said secretly: "It must be a coincidence, it is definitely a coincidence, I am not a hairless brat to see through this great wind and dragon swallowing array. Outside, there is no one who can see through this profound mystery of Formation like me."

His eyes froze, his palms swayed continuously, and the golden flags immediately shifted and changed positions, causing the three wind dragons to move quickly. Turn around.

In addition, the three wind dragons were separated, and charged towards Su Hao from three different directions, with a more ferocious and terrifying aura.

Some people even saw that the pupils of the three wind dragons were stained with blood.

The evolution of the great formation, the great wind and blood dragon!

The blood dragon is the main culprit. In the Formation, every step of the murderous intention, every step of the Death Gate, the only life gate has been completely closed.

It can be said that in the Formation, there is absolutely no way out.

"The old man will have to see, how can you hide." Array Master sneered with victory on his face, hands behind ones back, waiting for victory to come.

But in this case, Su Hao turned around and stepped on the Second Step. When this step fell, he trembled violently, like an earthquake. At the same time, the three wind dragons rubbed Su Hao again. body passes.

He is safe and sound!

Not even a single point of damage to the shirt.

Array Master's eyes widened, his eyes glanced all around, and he found that the big array he had set up, at some point, was stolen and replaced, changing the situation.

Zi Fa took that step, which was extremely delicate, forcibly opened a way to survive!

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. The old man has been studying Array Dao for three thousand years, how could a hairless brat like you be able to see through it?"

Array Master looked a little hideous, even his forehead Sweaty, obviously, his mood can no longer be calm.

This scene caused all the people in the audience to turn pale in fright, and Zifa avoided the wind dragon twice in a row. It wasn't a fluke, it seemed that they really saw something.

Can he break the formation?

Suddenly, there was a lot less sarcasm and sneer, and the Array Master, who had been defeated before, showed deep horror.

Whether Su Hao can break the formation or not, reaching this step is already extremely extraordinary, at least, he absolutely cannot.

That youngster completely surpassed him!

"This is the old man's formation, I want you to die, you must die!" Array Master shouted again, his palms swayed continuously, and the control formation changed again.

Suddenly, the entire formation became even more dangerous, the wind howled, the wind dragons were ferocious, from three to six, six to nine, nine wind dragons appeared, and the formation was at least three times mysterious. superior.

terrifying more than three times.

However, Su Hao was the hook the head and said: "I gave you three chances, but unfortunately you are disappointing, your accomplishments are nothing more than that."

This voice fell, It was that deeply stimulated the Array Master's self-esteem, causing him to gnashing teeth and spewing flames from the top of his head, which was quite unconvincing.



Su Hao stepped on the Third Step.

This step he stepped down three feet.

With the landing, a terrifying explosion sounded.

It was the wind dragon that exploded.

And, the nine exploded at the same time!

Su Hao this step is like stepping on the gate of the great formation!

Great formation, break!

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