Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1711

Su Hao's words were obviously addressed to Wuyou Immortal King, causing the latter to clench his teeth, his face flushed, and his anger rose to the sky.

Only, under the gaze of the three Great Immortal kings, his anger was suppressed again, and he whispered: "Old man apologize to you, this drop of Immortal Sovereign blood, sold to How am I?"

He humiliated, thinking that making such a concession has already given Su Hao a great face.

Unfortunately, Su Hao still ignored it and looked towards Lei Immortal King, saying: "Since I don't plan to buy it, then I'll just eat it."

Said Then, he crushed the beads, and the drop of blood was really going to drip into his mouth.

"Wait." Immortal King Lei shouted anxiously and said, "I bought all the immortal jade on me from Immortal Medicine for 10,000 years, and I can give it to you with Immortal Medicine of three hundred million immortal jade."

"Apart from this, this seat promises to keep you safe for three months, how about that?"

Lei Immortal King stared at Su Hao, compared to Wannian Immortal Medicine, Immortal The benefits of Sovereign blood to him are naturally more.

Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I said, I'm a weird-tempered person, anyone who wants to sell can sell it for any amount of money, it's yours."

"Wait." Wuyou Immortal King gritted his teeth and said, "I bid 600 million. In addition to the 300 million immortal jade on me, these three Immortal Artifacts are also yours."

He took out treasure, and said again: "Apart from this, I can recommend you to enter the Extreme Yin Church, become one of the elite dísciple, and even teach you cultivation in person."

However, Su Hao still threw the beads to The Thunder Immortal King said: "I have a good impression of you. Even if your price is very low, I will give it to you to help you break through." King's hands.

The latter face changed, then looked at Su Hao gratefully, and said, "Okay, although this seat is greedy, I also have my own principles."

"This thing Accept, Wannian Immortal Medicine is yours, apart from this, I, Immortal King, promise to act as your bodyguard for one year, I am here to keep you safe!"

He gave a bigger Promise, directly engrave the contract.

Within a year, Su Hao will be by his side as a bodyguard.

Su Hao pulled the corner of his mouth and accepted the jade slip.

Worry-free Immortal King's fist under the sleeve has been fiercely clenched, and the sharp nails have penetrated into the flesh and blood of the palm.

What Su Hao did was tantamount to giving him a big mouth.

He offered a higher price, but people ignored him at all.

Just don't sell it to you!

And, in this brief moment, Su Hao actually took out the Immortal Sovereign blood again, and not one drop, but four drops full of essence.

It's just that Su Hao directly ate a drop of Immortal Sovereign's blood when Wuyou Immortal King was about to speak, and gave a drop to Tang Qing and the bald chicken at the same time.

Four drops of Immortal Sovereign blood, in the blink of an eye, became the only one drop.

Worry-free Immortal King, my heart is dripping blood, this thing is of great benefit to Immortal King, but it has extremely limited effect on immortals, such as Su Hao and Bald Chicken.

They do it like reckless waste of natural resources.

"Honestly, this stuff isn't that great." Su Hao shook his head and complained that it didn't taste good.

This is another curse in the heart of the worry-free Immortal King, your uncle!

It's not just him, the people at the scene, including the Immortal King who bought Immortal Sovereign blood, all looked shocked.

After all, Immortal Sovereign blood can be sold for as low as 400,000 to 500 million.

That's what they ate?

Or three drops?

This is more than one billion.

In the end, everyone could only spit out four words: "rich, self-willed!"

Su Hao's face didn't matter, he threw the last bead in his hand and said: "This is the last drop, I promise."

"Who wants it?"

"Little Brother, I don't worry about the Immortal King's offense, I hope you Haihan, this thing is for me But it is of great use, you help me today, I will repay tomorrow, and Extreme Yin Church will also repay."

Worry-free Immortal King's tone was even more humble, if the last drop of Immortal Sovereign blood cannot be obtained, That great good fortune really passed him by.

"You want?"

Su Hao smiled playfully.

The smile on his face made Immortal King worry-free, his chest almost exploded, but he could only smile reluctantly and said, "I really want it."

" Little Brother, the old man also desperately needs this item, and I am willing to pay a high price to buy it."

"Yes, I am also willing, and like the Thunder Immortal King, I am willing to be your thug for a year, no. If you do, two years will do."

The Immortal Kings with a slightly lower cultivation base at the scene couldn't help but feel a huge excitement. After all, this is the last drop. .

"I'm the last drop, so many of you want it, I can't satisfy it all." Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I don't want to have a grudge with you either, this last drop, One billion, whoever can take it out will have it."

"It's not that I have a bad heart, the main thing is that the threshold is not high, and the competition between you is bound to be fierce. What casualties, isn't it my fault?"

"I'm for your own good, I can sell this thing or not, after all, I already have nearly two billion immortal jade, There is no shortage of money."

Su Hao's smile makes those Immortal Kings want to smash his face, one billion, you are too dark?

The key is, this guy is really thick-skinned, and he even has the face to say that he is good for them?

Everyone was silent. Those Immortal Kings with weaker cultivation bases all retreated. At a cost of one billion yuan, they absolutely couldn't get it, and they couldn't even go bankrupt.

Worry-free Immortal King also gritted his teeth, one billion, which is a sky-high price!

"I knew no one wanted it. Now that it's alright, no one needs to hurt. I'll eat it." Su Hao said casually, crushed the beads directly, and took out the drop of blood with golden.

"I want it!"

Worry-free Immortal King gritted his teeth, he desperately needed this thing now, he cultivated worry-free Sword Art, greed for merit, and caused a big problem in his body.

This kind of Sword Art needs a strong enough cultivation base to suppress, otherwise, the sword qi backlash will hurt itself.

Worry-free Immortal King is now facing that kind of situation. His only way to save himself is to break through the next realm and suppress the backlash's sword qi.

This drop of blood essence in front of me is slightly weaker than the ones that Su Hao sold before, but it is enough for Worry-Free Immortal King.

"Isn't it, you buy a billion, are you stupid?" Su Hao deliberately made an exaggerated expression.

God knows how angry Immortal King is. He almost spat out a few mouthfuls of old blood. He took three deep breaths and said, "I want it, a billion, and also."

"However. The old man has only three immortal jades that exceed 300 million yuan, plus three Immortal King artifacts, which together are worth 600 million yuan. The rest of the old man can write a promissory note for you and make up for it in the future. "

Worry-free Immortal King stared at Su Hao and said, "Apart from this, what I promised before can still be done, with my token, you can join any branch of Extreme Yin Church, more You will get preferential treatment that is different from ordinary dísciple.”

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