Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1701

The situation is extremely dangerous, everyone is afraid, and even some people are so scared that they pee and pee. Under the threat of life and death, they have no dignity and tolerance.

Everyone begged Su Hao loudly and made all kinds of poisonous oaths, as long as Su Hao was willing to save them and let them be cow mouths.

Now, Su Hao is their only chance to survive.

Under such momentum, Su Hao flashed, turned into a stream of air, floated out of the bottle gourd's mouth, and stood calmly on the spot.

Everyone begged loudly, and everyone was surprised to find that Su Hao was standing. The terrifying Formation pressure didn't seem to have any effect on him.

And this immediately strengthened everyone's mind that Su Hao can really break the formation.

The cry of the crowd was louder.

Who doesn't want to live?

However, Su Hao didn't say a word, and strode forward. The Formation really didn't hinder him at all, and he entered the passage with no difficulty.

"How is it possible, how did you get in?" Elder Song, the two Array Masters of Cloud Sea Sect and Xuan Star Sect, and even Tang Qing were shocked to the extreme.

The huge pressure in that passage is stronger than where they are, Su Hao didn't do anything, how did he pass?

"Come here like an ordinary person." Su Hao spit out a few words lightly.

Then, I took a few steps forward again, without any hindrance.

The bald chicken's eyes lit up, and immediately restrained all the cultivation base breath, then stood up, and walked over with no difficulty just like Su Hao.

Under the guidance of the bald chicken's sound transmission, Tang Qing was also very bright, then stood up and walked over without any hindrance.

This scene made everyone dumbfounded, what did they do?

Everyone is puzzled.

It was obviously under great pressure, why were they not blocked and went in easily?

Also, Bald Chicken and Tang Qing entered with no difficulty after Su Hao appeared. This method must be on Su Hao.

The Three Great Elders from the outside world are also amazed. This is simply unreasonable. What did that kid do?

Does he have any magic weapon?

However, even if there is a magic weapon, there should be energy fluctuations? It is also impossible to save Tang Qing and the two silently?

Su Hao didn't do anything, he was very bland, even the cultivation base was deliberately sealed, he really looked like an ordinary person.

Elder Song loudly said: "Master Su, help, old man will follow you in the future."

Xuan Star Sect, the Array Master of Tianhe Sect, all begged loudly.

The pressure has reached the limit, and they can't bear it anymore. If they continue, they will definitely blow up on the spot.

Su Hao, bald chicken, Tang Qing has stepped into the passage, and his voice stayed on the spot: "Didn't I say, walk in like an ordinary person."

Everyone is suspicious.

Suddenly, Elder Song said loudly: "Everyone suppresses all cultivation bases and shuts down all breaths."

While speaking, he should act first and suppress all his own cultivation bases. Like an ordinary person, in an instant, the terrifying pressure disappears.

His eyes were bright, and he laughed proudly: "hahaha, so that's how it is, so that's how it is, when you are strong, you are strong, but when you are weak, you are weak."

When they encounter this pressure, the first thing they think of is to radiate the power of cultivation base to resist, but the more this is, the greater the pressure, until they are all crushed, the energy disappears, and the pressure dissipates.

The greater the resistance, the greater the pressure.

On the other hand, if there is no resistance, does the pressure still exist?

At the same time as he broke the mystery, the rest of the people did the same, and everyone sealed their cultivation base, which caused the pressure in this place to disappear instantly.

Almost alive, everyone breathes deeply, showing a relaxed smile.

It turned out to be that simple.

However, without Su Hao's guidance, they wouldn't be able to comprehend the profound mystery until their death.

"Not good, the portal is going to be closed." After breaking the pressure here, Elder Song was complexion changed again, and immediately whizzed away and plunged into the portal.

The portal was shrinking, and the remaining people rushed towards it. At the same time as they disappeared, the cliff was completely closed.

In the outside world, all the Three Great Elders were relaxed, especially the Xuan Star Sect and the Great Elder of Tianhe Sect, and they laughed proudly.

"Brother Peng, the Three Great Sects enter it at the same time, how much fortune they can get depends on their ability."

This is the end of the matter, and Peng Zhen is helpless. The creation of the Immortal Sovereign mansion must not be monopolized by them.

He couldn't do anything about the Two Great Elders, but he was the one who attached all these annoyances to Su Hao. If that kid had informed them earlier, wouldn't this place be unique to his family?

"hmph, Elder Song should know how to do it, to tease me Cloud Sea Sect like this, they won't get good fruit to eat." Peng Zhen said gloomy and coldly in secret.

Even if Su Hao can survive, he won't let them go.

But they completely forgot that if it wasn't for Su Hao, let alone entering the Immortal Sovereign mansion, their people would have been wiped out long ago.

As a matter of fact, Su Hao can thank him for them, but he has no hope at all. He has seen a lot of requite kindness with enmity.

These wolf-hearted guys, when in danger, can put down all their dignity and enshrine you as their ancestors without hesitation.

But when the crisis is over, for the sake of profit, they will desperately kill you, eager to bomb you to pieces.

Of course, these people want to do anything to him, but it is not so easy. Even, the Immortal Sovereign mansion is full of unknown dangers. Those people who go in may give him hope.

Actually, this is the case. When Su Hao brought Bald Chicken and Tang Qing into it, he found that the place is not spacious.

And, all around is a dead place, not even trees and flowers.

This made Su Hao and Bald Chicken feel a little lost again. It was absolutely impossible to get the chance of Immortal Medicine here for ten thousand years.

However, they are not for nothing.

There is only one bare mountain ahead.

On the top of the mountain, stands a throne.

Under the sun's rays, the throne absorbs the essence of sunlight and emits a dazzling golden brilliance.

"Dragon Throne!"

Su Hao narrowed his eyes.

That chair is not an ordinary Dragon Throne. It contains the inheritance of Immortal Sovereign. As long as you sit on that chair, you can immediately get all the inheritance of Immortal Sovereign.

Get Immortal Sovereign inheritance, ascending to the skies with a single leap, as long as you grow up normally, you can reach Immortal Sovereign without hindrance in the future and become the supreme powerhouse of this great Immortal world.

However, it is not so easy to get into that chair.

The creation of Immortal Sovereign is not so easy to get.

On the top of the mountain, there are several stone statues, which should be the goalkeepers here. It is quite not simple, and it is absolutely impossible for Su Hao and the three of them to climb up.

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