Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1682

Pang Qing swept forward, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, it turned out to be the two.

Su Hao and the Bald Chicken.

Pang Qing was stunned for a moment, and immediately stepped forward and said, "Brother, leave here with me immediately, the cloud boat is going to explode."

He said to Su Hao and Bald Chicken. The impression was good, and I planned to leave here with them.

However, Su Hao waved his hand and said, "I haven't reached that share yet."

As soon as this statement came out, it attracted the attention of everyone in front of him. All eyes were focused on Su Hao.

It's just that when everyone saw his face and determined his age, they showed a hint of loss, just a hairless brat.

The three Array Masters of their Pang Family are helpless, and even the Mysterious Alchemist is helpless. What can a hairless brat do?

That alchemist doesn't hold out any hope, even he can't solve it with all his strength, what can a kid with a trifling smell of mother's milk not yet dried do?

He said: "Hurry up and prepare, the old man is not going to be buried here with you."

Pang Qing stared at Su Hao, his tone was also a little anxious, and said: " Brother, the situation is unusual, leave with me immediately, or everyone will die here."

However, Su Hao turned a deaf ear to his words, not only did not leave, but also walked towards the Formation In the past, it seems to be shot.

This made the alchemist shook the head and said, "The old man is an alchemist, and he listed my most powerful Formations, but they are all ineffective, do you think you can do it? "

Su Hao was indifferent, walked to the place of Formation, swept over the dozens of medicine pills, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Your medicine pills, as expected, should be Xianyuan Pill, the essence is sufficient, but your understanding of Formation is really too vulgar, it can be said that it is almost impossible No entry." Su Hao ruthless commented.

The alchemist had planned to leave immediately, but was stimulated by Su Hao's words, he stopped, turned his head again, narrowed his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Old man has been around for hundreds of years, you You are the first person who dares to evaluate me like this, but your evaluation makes the old man find it ridiculous."

The alchemy master has an extraordinary status. among the nobles.

"The old man's Formation, if you get the northern immortal domain, is enough to call it a profound mystery, or even call it Number One Array, but you say you don't even have access to the door?"

"This sentence alone shows that you don't know anything about Formation."

In fact, it wasn't just him, the three Array Masters all shook their heads. The only thought that Su Hao had was completely cut off.

After all, they are all well-known Formation Masters. Judging from their eyesight, the Formation of Dan Formation Masters is also a proven mystery and cannot be comprehend.

In Su Hao's mouth, he didn't even enter the door?

In their hearts, Su Hao probably doesn't even know the basics of Formation.

"Old Master, prepare now, our disaster is inevitable." The eldest Array Master in the Pang Family said again.

Old Master Pang nodded

, gave Pang Qing a wink, and said, "Try to save as many guests as possible."

However, Pang Qing did not move, but stared at Pang Qing. Ahead, Su Hao had already shot, and under his control, the medicine pills in the Formation were actually arranged and combined again.

"Hurry up and prepare, he doesn't understand Formation, any means are in vain." Alchemist coldly said.

Looking out from the observation hole here, the huge black vortex is only fifteen miles away from here, and it can be completely approached within a few minutes.

At that time, the ship was about to explode completely, and the cultivator under the Immortal Sovereign was simply impossible to survive in that vortex.

However, just before his voice fell, the huge cloud boat suddenly swayed and moved forward a point.

Although it only moved slightly, it instantly attracted everyone's help, and those eyes fell on Su Hao again.

At this time, Su Hao waved his hand again, the medicine pill continued to combine, a larger energy appeared, and the cloud boat slowly started.


Everyone was shocked.

However, this is not the end, Su Hao arranged the last time, those medicine pills, completely combined into a large array, a larger burst of energy.

The slow-moving cloud ship suddenly accelerated, and with a swish, it passed through like a stream of light, away from this area.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The alchemist was dumbfounded.

"Let's go."

Su Hao turned his head and left here with the bald chicken.

The scene was silent.

For a long time.

Pang Family Old Master rushed to the observation hole, looked out, vortex had completely moved away, the cloud boat was running safely, and they were completely out of danger.

"You wait here, Xiaoxin observes, Pang Qing, you must go with me to see that Little Brother, that must be an expert." Old Master said loudly.

Pang Qing was overjoyed, as if he was resurrected from the dead, he left here with his grandfather, and went after Su Hao.

As for the three great arrays, as well as the alchemy masters, they were staring at the medicine pills arranged in the Formation, each medicine pill flickering like a star.

On closer inspection, the medicine pills that are arranged and combined seem to be combined into one big character, but... OK!

medicine pill combines into formation, which is also a word.

The three Array Masters can't penetrate the profound mystery at all, but the cloud ship gets rid of the vortex's swallowing by this, and the Formation is extremely not simple.

The words of the Little Brother before, not just in name only, but also in reality.

In his eyes, perhaps he and the alchemy masters are indeed not yet entry-level!

As a matter of fact, the alchemy master had already been in turmoil in his heart, and the Formation attainments revealed by Su Hao had a huge impact on him.

Especially, the Formation composed of medicine pills listed the word "line", which made his mind pounding.

"The Nine Great Ancient Secret Formations!" The Alchemist was secretly shocked. He had only seen the description of this Formation in the ancient book.

It is said that there are nine ancient secret formations, and all those who are fighting are marching forward. They are the first alchemist of Immortal World since ancient times, which evolved from Nine Characters Incantation, each of which is terrifying. Incomparable.

Only alchemists can be listed.

And, it takes someone who is extremely proficient in Formation to do it.

Even the entire vast Immortal World, who can now list the nine ancient secret formations, can be counted on one's fingers.

didn't expect to encounter one here.

And it's listed at will.

He still used his Immortal Essence Pill.

"That Little Brother, his identity is not simple, and his ability is not simple." The Alchemist was shocked, and once again swept the Formation of the medicine pill combination, and hurried away.

The arrangement of the nine ancient secret formations has been monopolized by the largest ancient influences in the Immortal World, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to master it.

Since Su Hao has it, the background is definitely not small.

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