Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1678

Su Hao looked at the statue. At this time, under the observation of Su Hao Divine Eyes, the curse in it was actually cracked a lot.

This made Su Hao extremely shocked. Suddenly, he thought of something and looked towards Xiao Yun'er. The bloodline of the other party was difficult for him to see through.

In fact, there are some bloodlines left over from the ancient times in Immortal World, and even Immortal Emperor-level experts are difficult to penetrate completely.

However, although it is impossible to see through it completely, Xiao Yuner's bloodline and the terrifying exposed make Su Hao more and more sure that her future is not very simple.

Her family is probably left over from ancient times.

"Su Hao Senior Brother."

When Su Hao got close enough, those people just noticed his arrival and got up immediately, and Xiao Yuner stared at him expectantly. Su Hao.

"I'll do it." Su Hao smiled, she naturally knew what Xiao Yun'er was thinking, and at this time, under the pouring of her blood, the curse had already been opened.

Also, Xiao Yun'er's mother's Divine Soul received some nourishment, which broke the curse and did not completely dissipate in three days.

Maybe three months, maybe even five months.

This is also the reason why Su Hao shocked Xiao Yuner bloodline.

However, this is all in the right direction.

As soon as he waved his hand, Fan Zhan arrived immediately. As Su Hao entrusted him, he slapped his chest sharply, and immediately a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth and landed in the jade bowl in his hand.

This blood is not ordinary, it is golden, and it exudes a splendid brilliance one after another, like golden water.

This is the blood essence of Chaos Gold, which is of great value.

Furthermore, with one mouthful, Fan Zhan slapped a second palm on his chest, wa'ed, and spit out more blood essence, his face turned pale.

Looking at it, there was half a bowl of blood in the jade bowl. Fan Zhan felt that it was not enough. He raised his palm and slapped it towards his chest for the third time.

But at this moment, Su Hao grabbed him and said surprisedly: "You don't want to live anymore?"

Fan Zhan is big and strong, with a simple and honest smile, Said: "Sect Master, I don't think this blood is too little, I'm afraid it's not enough, I'm vomiting."

Su Hao sweated on his forehead and said: "This thing needs to consume your life, vomit One bite is several years."

"It's okay, I can get here now, thanks to you, let alone years, even if you let me give you all my lifespan, it's fine."


Su Hao patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, enough blood."

In fact, it has completely exceeded the standard used.

Su Hao took the small half bowl of blood, walked to the statue, dipped his fingers in some golden blood, and quickly painted on the statue.

A strange rune appeared, golden light flashed, and under Xiao Yuner's shocked gaze, the stone statue turned into flesh and blood little by little.

Soon, as soon as Dao Palace pretended to be a woman, it was completely exposed, and it was five points similar to Xiao Yuner.

"Yun'er." The woman opened her eyes and made a surprised voice.

Xiao Yuner jumped up excitedly and burst into tears.

The mother and daughter cuddle together.

Su Hao waved his hand, and all the people in the room retreated.

Long time.

Xiao Yun'er just came out, wiped the tears from her eyes, looked at Su Hao gratefully, and said, "Senior Brother, many thanks to you."

Su Hao posed He waved his hand and said, "Although your mother is awake, she has only a few months of lifespan, and I can't guarantee everything that follows."

"My mother said it herself, she only has more than three months of lifespan. Time." Xiao Yun'er was very sad in her heart, but she never expressed it in front of Su Hao, who had already helped her a lot.

Striving to squeeze out a smile, she said, "It's fine now, if it weren't for you, Senior Brother, my mother might never be able to wake up."

"Take care of your mother, I'm going to be away for a few days, 3 months later, I'll definitely be back." Su Hao didn't say more, turned his head and left here.

He's going to Eastern Wilderness.

For the sake of Bing Qing'er, for the Demon Emperor, and for Xiao Yun'er's mother, to find ten thousand years of Immortal Medicine that prolongs lifespan, he will go to the vast Eastern Wilderness.

When he found Yan Nanfeng and expressed his thoughts, Yan Nanfeng expressed his support, but he told Su Hao to change his face and avoid Extreme Yin Church and Donghuangfu.

Su Hao found Xiao Xueruo again, took her to meet the Haoxian people, chatted with them for a day, took them to hunt for treasures in the Immortal Mansion, and finally spoke his thoughts.

"I'm going away for some time, Bald Hair, you and I." Su Hao only brought Bald Chicken, and the rest were left in Immortal Mansion.

Their cultivation base is still low, so they are not suitable for going out to practice, but Bald Chicken is a guy from Immortal World, and he still has a good fortune in Eastern Wilderness.

"Little mouse, smart."

The bald chicken walked out shyly, waved his hand and said, "Second dog, little bean, good cultivation, the second uncle will come back. Bringing presents for you."

The two guys are very depressed and they want to go together too.

In fact, Meng Xianxian, Yu’er, Bai Ling, Xia Xiaojiu, Fan Zhan, etc., all wanted to go, stay by Su Hao’s side, and experience the vast Immortal World, but were scolded by Su Hao. Refused.

The wind and clouds said: "Immortal World is even more dangerous than the lower world, you all follow, you can only become a drag on the Sect Master, if you want to help him, then try to cultivate, break through immortal, and even reach Immortal King."

These words, everyone can only silently nodded.

He secretly made up his mind that when Su Hao came back, he would have a new look and go out with him.

After Fengyunlang finished speaking, he walked over to Su Hao again, took out a map of animal skins, and said in a low voice, "Master Sect is going to Eastern Wilderness, so you might as well visit here."

Su Hao swept away, that is the Eastern Wilderness Tianran Mountain, and the location of the end of the map is a place called "Evil Moon Grotto".

Feng Yunlang didn't elaborate, but he must have something to do with the Demon Emperor when he came here. When the Demon Emperor fell, many of his forces were purged.

Some Immortal Kings and even Immortal Sovereigns were beheaded, leaving behind the creation of the Demon Emperor, hidden in this Heaven and Earth.

"Tian Canshan, Evil Moon Grotto." Su Hao resigned. He directly burned the map. The routes and routes in it, he already remembered clearly.

After doing all this, he left with the bald chicken, and it took him five days to arrive at the border of the northern immortal domain.

When I got here, I couldn't continue to fly. I needed to take a cloud ship to pass through the chaos of the space ahead and enter the vast Eastern Wilderness.

Therefore, when the two of them arrived here, they were about to descend, but at this moment, a whistling sound rang out, passing Su Hao and the two of them quickly.

Actually, it was Su Hao and the bald chicken who were dodging quickly, otherwise they would have been hit.

It was a big pill furnace, the speed was fast, and the air rubbed the flames.

He's gnashing teeth, and he will curse when he opens his mouth.

However, before he could speak, the pill furnace snorted and stopped, stuck a head out from above, looked at Su Hao and the bald chicken and cursed: "Blind, be careful to hit death. you."

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