Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1668

A generation of Immortal King turned into minced flesh and mud, and stayed in this void and abyss forever. Maybe someone who came here later, with good luck, can get a drop of Immortal King blood and a piece of Immortal King minced meat. , is also a great good fortune.

However, Su Hao didn't care about all this, the terrifying flames burned in his chest, his eyes penetrated the void, chasing after the white clothed Immortal King.

It turned out that when the black clothed Immortal King was suppressed and torn apart, the white clothed Immortal King had already penetrated the void, like a stray dog.

Su Hao's cruelty, Su Hao's terrifying, made his scalp tingle, this lower realm must not stay, otherwise, he will die.

He turned into a long rainbow thread, hurried away, and went straight to the South Heaven Gate.

Su Hao took the crystal coffin and followed him, at a moderate pace.

Such a scene was seen by too many people, and they were all terrified. Two Great Immortal kings, one was killed and the other fled in embarrassment.

This is nothing short of a miracle.

From now on, as long as the lower realm is immortal, no matter how many years have passed, this legend about the Heavenly Emperor will be impossible to disperse.

The Lord of the East Heaven Gate, the Emperor of the North Heaven Gate, their expressions all changed drastically, and the whole person became icy cold. At this time, they were completely aware of Su Hao's terrifying.

However, after the two were briefly shocked, they quickly caught up. They still had hope and another chance.

As long as the Immortal King leaves and enters the Immortal World, he will definitely be able to bring his army to the lower realm again. The Immortal World has countless powers, and there must be people who suppress Su Hao.

When the time comes, they are still safe and have control over the entire Nether.

With this only thought in mind, they showed extreme speed, followed behind the two, and ran all the way to the South Heaven Gate, praying silently in their hearts, the white clothed Immortal King must leave as wished.

"Sin, you can't kill me. When I return to the upper realm, I will definitely bring an army to kill. When the time comes, it will be the day of your destruction, and you will be smashed to pieces!" white clothed Immortal King loudly said, The sound spread throughout the continent, like a vast thunder, causing countless people to panic.

This is really the Immortal King's wrath.

However, all this did not stop Su Hao in the slightest. His pace was not fast, not slow, and he kept a certain rhythm.

The white clothed Immortal King was always in his sight.

Finally, the nervousness of the white clothed Immortal King has eased, and a few ten thousand li beyond is the South Heaven Gate, where there is a direct road to the upper realm.

For him, tens of thousands of miles are in a flash. When the time comes, he can board the passage and return to the vast Immortal World. Su Hao will eventually die.

"Not only that, before I leave, I must destroy everyone in the Jail Tower, and let that kid have a taste of how life is better than death."

"Listen Say, his parents and Master are in the prison tower, watching those people die, this must be a good feeling?"

The white clothed Immortal King showed a sinister smile.

In the blink of an eye, the South Heaven Gate in front of him has arrived, his smile is even more complacent, everything has been fulfilled, and finally he decides the life and death of sin.

"Hahaha, sin, wait for the old man to return in a swirl of dust." Loudly roared, he blasted the void and landed on the South Heaven Gate.


When he really arrived here, the smile on his face instantly stiffened. What he saw was a rubble, and the South Heaven Gate had completely disappeared.

Frightened in his heart, he looked into the distance, and the tall prison tower was gone.

There was more panic in his heart, sweat on his forehead, his body flashed, and the palm print blasted the void in front of him.

At the same time, the whole face is ashen.

The passage there has also completely disappeared, and the alien beast guarding there has been disappeared.

The way back is broken!

"Are you looking for this?" Su Hao followed, flicking his sleeves, the Jail Tower appeared directly, and the silhouettes all walked out.


The white clothed Immortal King trembled.

"Or, are you looking for this?" Lin Yaoyao arrived, his body changed, and he became a huge alien beast, carrying the blood essence of Kunpeng.

white clothed Immortal King desperate.

Heart ashes.

The East Heaven Gate, the Lord of the North Heaven Gate, and even the Great Emperor of the Lower Realm followed, and when they saw this scene, they all trembled. It turned out that Su Hao had already solved the trouble.

They closed their eyes completely and had no chance.

"I blew up this realm, I don't live, and no one can live." The white clothed Immortal King went crazy, rolling out terrifying power from his body, and wanted to self-destruct it.

The Immortal King self-destruct of the first generation is much more terrifying than the self-destruct of the Hell Tower, enough to completely destroy the entire lower world, and all living beings become fly ash.

However, Su Hao stepped down one step, grabbed the white clothed Immortal King suddenly, and plunged into the crystal coffin whose lid had already been opened.


The crystal coffin shook violently, and the surrounding void trembled, but it only spread for thirty miles before disappearing completely.

The hardness of the crystal coffin is unimaginable.

And the coffin seems to contain a world, there is a way to the Immortal World, and the Immortal King's self-destruct cannot affect the lower world at all.

As the fluctuation subsided, Su Hao walked out of the crystal coffin again, unscathed, and everyone exhaled a long breath with smiles on their faces.

This disaster has come to an end now.

However, it was difficult to see a smile on Su Hao's face. He turned his head and stared at the sun-shooting bow in Lin Yaoyao's hand, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Going forward, holding the bow in his hand, a brilliant brilliance immediately rippled from the bow, and Bai Ling gradually emerged. After seeing Su Hao, he plunged into his arms and cried.

Miao Ruyan followed, looking at Su Hao, crying and laughing, and in the end, he saved them.

Feng Legendary and Lin Ruhua followed closely, looking at Su Hao with brilliance in their eyes, he was the real hero in their hearts.

Fairy of Ninth Heaven disappeared, but the nine True Spirits did not completely dissipate. Bai Ling, Miao Ruyan, Lin Ruhua, Feng Legendary, each controlled the twin spirits and were still independent individuals.

This may be the only thing that makes Su Hao happy.

It's a pity Xuannv...

At this moment, on the bow, a ray of magnificent light finally radiated, and a silhouette appeared again, she was purple clothed, with a face like painting.

It turned out to be a mysterious girl.

Su Hao was shocked and overjoyed.

"The last True Spirit keeps the Xuannv's body."

The four Bai Lings each control the twin spirits, the ninth spirit is the bridge, exists alone, didn't expect transformed into a mysterious girl in the sun-shooting bow, reappearing in the world.

"elder sister, who is he?" The purple clothed girl had panic in her eyes. She didn't know Su Hao, but had a deep memory of the four Bai Ling.

They have become the Artifact Spirit of the sun-shooting bow together.

She quickly hid behind Feng Legendary and Lin Rujia, and looked at Su Hao with a burning gaze, a little frightened.

However, Su Hao laughed, and the laughter spread throughout Heaven and Earth, which was a pleasant surprise.

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