Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1665

Su Hao raised his sword horizontally, his sword qi burst into flames, and his cold glow pierced through the void. He responded to the Immortal King with actual actions, and he would fight if he wanted to!

“courting death!”

The white clothed Immortal King was furious, and his body suddenly enlarged, becoming the size of a mountain, and terrifying golden light burst out from above his body, as bright as a big one. day.

Golden Body Dharma Idol!

"Since you don't surrender, then you will be suppressed under the palm print... The Great Freedom Tathagata Seal!" His voice was huge and magnificent, like the Heavenly Lightning Array, and the roar of the avenue.

Flip between the hands and press the palm down, the golden beam of terrifying light shines down, directly locking Su Hao, and the huge palm print goes down with the golden light.

In an instant, this space is still, it seems that everything has been suppressed, even the time feels like it has stopped.

Immortal King expert is amazing when it doesn't move.

Raise your hands!

"Thunder, fire!"

Su Hao stood below, never dodging, but slashed his sword up, two sword lights roared out, one was like thunder and mighty Make a rumbling sound.

One is like fire, that fire golden, in the burning, the void collapses, it is Su Hao's Innate True Fire, and now it has experienced Immortal Qi baptism, it is really nothing that does not burn.

The thunder and lightning exploded, the palm print under the suppression trembled, the flames burned, the trembling palm print quickly shrank, and the golden light dimmed.

The white clothed Immortal King's expression changed, and he said, "It's really a bit capable. You can crack the Great Freedom Tathagata Seal of this seat. Although it's only my five-success power, it has reached the Level 8 immortal level. , it seems that you really went to Immortal World!"

white clothed Immortal King bright vision like a torch, guessed the key all at once, without entering Immortal World, Su Hao is impossible to achieve such terrifying Strength.

But only for a short time, his surprise was put away, and he silently read the secret formula of his debut, and found that the space was shaking.

This shaking was unusual. With the bumps, the space seemed to shrink. Su Hao was in the center of the shrinking space and was about to be completely sealed.

Space Law.

In Immortal World, the Law Power is strong and the void is firm, but in this lower realm, the void is far less firm, and you only need to know a little of the law of the void, you can display the ability to terrifying.

At this time, the white clothed Immortal King unfolded a trace of Space Law, turning this space into a cage, shrouded between the palms and fingers.

thunder went out, the flames vanished, and the space gradually shrank, until it finally shut down completely, turning into a drop of sand that was held by the Immortal King.

Su Hao was completely blocked in that void.

The old man twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "No matter how powerful you are, and against this king, there is only one way to be suppressed." Turned into a grain of sand, like a cage, pressed between the palms and fingers, this method is extremely terrifying to the lower world.

If the Immortal King really wanted it, wouldn't the entire Nether be refinished by it.

The Lord of the East Heaven Gate and the North Heaven Gate, with a long breath, the terrifying before Su Hao, and the domineering of Tu Xian like killing a dog, shocked them to the extreme.

Fortunately, this white clothed Immortal King, with mysterious methods, completely suppressed it.

"The lower realm will be ruled after all, you and I are the masters of the lower realm." The two looked at each other, each conveying their spiritual thoughts, with excitement, and almost laughed out loud.


The smile has not yet spread completely, and a cold voice has resounded throughout the audience: "such insignificant ability, want to imprison me too?"

A voice sounded, and the audience was shocked. The white clothed Immortal King turned his head suddenly. Suddenly, Su Hao appeared behind him, standing with a smile on his face.

The smile was clearly contemptuous.

Actually, it is indeed contempt, Space Law, Su Hao knows more than he, there are countless universes, and it is the top ten laws, in this lower realm, you can have absolute strength control over the void.

In the shock of the white clothed Immortal King, he swept his palm and grabbed a few dusts of sand. Then the dust was thrown out, and it magnified rapidly, becoming dozens of vast mountains.

At the same time, he grabbed a few drops of the water vapor in the void, splashed it out, and immediately turned into a taotao river, like a vast and boundless sea, shrouded toward the Immortal King.

Water droplets can transform vast oceans, sand grains can reach ten thousand mountains!

Immortal King shrinks the void, Su Hao enlarges the space, a grain of sand or a drop of water can become a terrifying Great World.

The mountains and seas were merciless, and the rumble of suppression came. The Immortal King changed his face at once. The Space Law displayed by Su Hao was much more terrifying than him.

His eyes narrowed, and his body changed again, becoming a golden body of ten thousand zhang, ten thousand zhang golden light surging, the terrifying golden light blocked the mountains and the sea.

However, at this moment, Su Hao had arrived, standing on top of his head, holding a golden great cauldron in his hand, and then rumbled down.

Slay the Immortal Cauldron!


great cauldron suppressed, the pressure was boundless, Immortal King's golden body immediately shrank, and every time Su Hao smashed it, the golden body shrank by one foot .

Not only that, but under Su Hao's explosion, blood splattered on the shrunken golden body, and the Immortal King let out a terrifying howl.

What made the white clothed Immortal King even more frightened was that his Art and Dao, under that great cauldron, had all disappeared, such as clay ox entering the sea, which did not play a half-point.


Su Hao held the cauldron to suppress, and again and again, the terrifying power made the Immortal King's skeleton make a ka-cha sound, apparently breaking open. .

This scene shocked the East Heaven Gate, the lord of the North Heaven Gate, and even countless cultivators in the lower realm, to the point of being so shocked that they almost fainted.

The Immortal King of the dignified generation, the stalwart existence that can shatter the lower realm when he raises his hand, was pressed and beaten by Su Hao, making a mournful howl.

How far is Su Hao terrifying?


Suddenly, a huge energy surged in, causing Su Hao to frown violently, giving birth to a sense of crisis, he immediately blasted the void And go.

At the same time as he left, a scarlet arrow came quickly, swiped and swept across, and the void exploded and collapsed completely.

It turned out to be the black clothed Immortal King, who had already mastered the sun-shooting bow and shot Su Hao with the big bow.

The white clothed Immortal King got out of trouble and came in a flash, dressed in rough clothes, staring at his terrified eyes, and said: "Kill him immediately, the family is too demon."

black clothed Immortal King said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, even if he terrifying again, can he block the sun-shooting bow? Fairy of Ninth Heaven Shadow Transformation, I have been shot into the sun-shooting bow, temporarily suppressing the bow, for a short time. for me to use."

He sneered three times, the big bow in his hand was drawn again, and along with the sound of wind and thunder, a scarlet arrow shot out from the bow and arrow.

This arrow is fast and boundless, like a ray of light. Wherever it passes, the mountain peaks explode, the void collapses, and the clouds disappear in a large area.

Su Hao held the Immortal Cauldron to resist, all of which were continuously retreated by the arrows, and the palm of the cauldron spilled blood.

This bow is formidable power terrifying boundless.

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