Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1641

Su Hao's eyes, with surging flames, Bing Qinger was taken away, Su Hao can be sure that there is no her breath here.

"She, she was taken to Eastern Wilderness." The Dharma protector immediately trembled, even if it was the Immortal King's third floor, he was now unable to move half a point.

And, even if it is possible, the presence of the Monster Race person, and even the silver flood dragon under his feet, the breath is completely enough to suppress him.

"Split the rudder?" Su Hao narrowed his eyes, in this case, Monster Race can go, but he can bring it back by the way.

But, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the Dharma Protector continued: "No, it's the chief instructor of Eastern Wilderness, she is the one wanted by the Emperor Yin, so she took the Teleportation Formation Platform directly to the chief instructor, And there is only one Teleportation Formation Platform, only once, they have already left.”


Su Hao’s eyes froze suddenly, and he suppressed Immortal Cauldron, the old man His head exploded directly, the immortal core exploded, and both cores exploded at the same time, he was completely dead.

Killed on the spot.

"Yin Emperor!"

Su Hao has more hatred in his eyes. In fact, he has long guessed that Bing Qinger will be taken there in the end, her ruthless heart Great help to the Emperor.

However, Su Hao absolutely didn't expect that these people would carry an array across a large area.

The anger in his heart was surging, Su Hao looked towards another guardian, the great cauldron in his hand, suppressed it again, and crushed it alive on the spot.

Next is the third protectors, and he will not let any of these people go.

With the death of the three protectors, the suppressed demonic energy below immediately rolled up, and there was a sound like a tsunami.

Longkong Mountain Master, and the Three Great Elders, spits out blood violently, was completely backlashed by the demonic energy, and the cultivation base was polluted.

At this moment, the anger in Su Hao's heart was vented, and Bing Qinger was taken away, but it would not be dangerous for the time being, her ruthless heart did not regenerate, and the Yin Emperor would never touch her.

And the ruthless recovery, under the experienced and knowledgeable Old Guy of Yin Huang, It shouldn't be more than three years.

Three years is so short for immortal.

It's not too long for Su Hao.

After all, Yinhuang is a Immortal Sovereign.

The number one expert under the emperor.

Su Hao wants to get to that point, even if he has the inheritance of Demon Emperor, there are incomparably huge difficulties, he has to be serious.

"Wait for me, I will definitely pick you up."

Su Hao stepped forward, grabbed the mountain master Lingkong, and said, "You are the first generation mountain master. ?"

"The great-great-grandson of King Ling, the fifth generation." The dignified mountain master, under Su Hao's indifferent eyes, turned cold all over, shiver coldly.

"King Ling?" Su Hao sneered, grabbed him, and plunged directly into the demonic energy of the magic mountain under his horrified gaze.

Black's demonic energy rolled, like a sea of magic, and the two plunged into it, setting off a huge wave of demonic energy, causing everyone to be shocked.

You must know that this is the most dangerous place in Lingkong Mountain. Even the Immortal King, or even the Left Protector who entered it at the peak period, are all nine deaths and still alive.

The terrifying demonic energy, even from a distance, makes people have one's hair stand on end.

"Su Hao." Yannan Fengzhen.

"It's okay, since my brother Hao dares to go down, he has certainty. He never does anything he is not sure about." Lin Yaoyao was not worried.

He and Su Hao walked all the way, no matter what the danger, Su Hao can turn peril into safety, what he does must be planned and prepared.

Actually, that's true. This place was sealed by the Demon Emperor back then, and Su Hao was very familiar with what was hidden in it.

He took the Lingkong Mountain Master and went deep into it. Under the erosion of the demonic energy, the Lingkong Mountain Master's breath was extremely weak, and he kept screaming. , making a screeching sound.

But it's not really terrifying, when he looked towards Su Hao, his eyes suddenly burst open, revealing a deep inconceivable, endless burst of horror.

Su Hao was indifferent under the terrifying demonic energy, and the demonic energy rolled into his body, making his cultivation base even stronger.

He can absorb the terrifying demonic energy!

Not only that, after absorbing the demonic energy, his face began to change, his delicious and pretty face gradually matured, a face that Immortal World remembered deeply, exposed in front of Lingkong Mountain Master .

This face is exactly similar to the statue that exploded above the magic mountain.

"You, you are...Demon Emperor?" Lingkong Mountain Lord's fear can no longer be described in words, didn't expect him to come back.

In those days, the Demon Emperor built Lingkong Mountain and gave him countless blessings. He used Lingkong Mountain to develop and rise step by step.

But they didn't know how to be grateful. When the Demon Emperor was in a disaster, they rebelled directly and became a member of the Demon Slayer army.

Although they never stabbed the Demon Emperor, they killed a lot of Demon Emperor's subordinates.

"Are you surprised?" Su Hao looked at him and smiled.

"You, you are not already... No, this is impossible, absolutely impossible! You have scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, how can it be reproduced?" Lingkong Mountain Master has one's hair stand on end.

"There is no such thing as impossible in this world. Back then, I built Lingkong Mountain and gave you endless blessings. Now, I will take it all back."

Su Hao's voice was cold. In the extreme, he took the Lingkong Mountain Master and went deep into the bottom of the magic mountain. In front of it, there was a faint beating sound, making the sound of peng peng, like the beating of a heart.

"No, Lord Demon Emperor, I didn't do all this, it was King Ling, and it had nothing to do with me. At that time, I didn't exist at all. It's not fair."

Lingkong Mountain Lord loudly said.

"Yeah, it's very unfair, but why do you want to unite with Extreme Yin Church to capture Bing Qinger, Extreme Yin Church is the mortal enemy of Demon Emperor, don't you know that? And they can Is it not your credit for entering Taicang Mountain?"

Su Hao narrowed his eyes.

Longkong Mountain Lord complexion greatly changed.

Su Hao continued to move forward, the beating sound of peng peng was even louder, and soon, a black heart appeared not far away.

On that heart, there are mysterious rune.

The Demon Emperor suppressed this heart and sealed it with a statue.

I planned to return one day, purify this demonic heart, and give it to Lingkong Mountain as a Supreme Treasure to help them dominate the northern immortal domain.

Unfortunately, things are unpredictable.


Su Hao threw it casually, the volley mountain master complexion greatly changed, struggling violently, but unfortunately it was impossible to move at all, and his figure was straight towards the devil Heart fly away.

The demonic energy was enough to threaten his life. This demonic heart was the source of the demonic energy. As he approached, his body immediately rotted.

To be precise, it's melting.

In front of Su Hao, the mountain master Lingkong gradually melted under the miserable howl, and the blood essence was absorbed by the demon heart.

With the absorption, the magic heartbeat becomes more powerful.

"If you don't cherish Lingkong Mountain, then I will take you with me to help Taicang Mountain dominate the northern immortal domain, the Eastern Wilderness, and the Great Immortal world!" Su Hao stared at his heart, revealing a sense of indifference. Domineering!

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