Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1639

Su Hao held the Immortal Cauldron with boundless hatred in his eyes, and rushed forward with the Immortal Cauldron, and the great cauldron turned into a huge existence like a mountain.

Looking from a distance, it was as if Su Hao was holding a golden giant mountain, smashing towards the fiercely below, and the void trembled uncontrollably.


Under this boundless hatred, great cauldron formidable power terrifying, and surging against fate, that can only cast a layer of cultivation base of Immortal King Xuan Kun, his face changed suddenly, feeling the danger of terrifying.

The immortal strength in his body surged wildly, but he was shocked to find that behind Su Hao, the Elder and dísciple of Taicang Mountain all came, and each shot a terrifying palm.

Those palm prints whistled downward, completely suppressing his immortal strength, which had never been fully recovered, as if his hands and feet were bound.

Combined with Su Hao's Immortal Cauldron, the immortal strength could have been released, and he was suddenly stretched.

great cauldron was violently suppressed and extremely heavy, Xuan Kun let out a shrill howl, the sound of flesh breaking, and his body suddenly drenched with blood.

But this is not the end. With the fall, Su Hao once again raised a great cauldron, and everyone in Tai Cangshan once again laid a terrifying immortal strength.


The shouts rushed to the sky, and everyone was filled with endless hatred, making Su Hao's Immortal Cauldron formidable power even more terrifying. One of Xuan Kun's arms exploded directly.


It was shouting loudly again, Su Hao's cauldron overwhelmed everything, the earth trembled, and the rumbling exploded, and Xuan Kun's body exploded. most of them.

The blood turned into mist, dyeing the void completely red.

"I am Extreme Yin Church..." He felt the danger of life and death and immediately shouted.

“Extreme Yin Church is a fart!” Su Hao shouted, regardless of the law and of natural morality, the great cauldron pressed down for the third time, Xuan Kun was screaming miserably, and there was only one left. a head.

In the eyes of the head, there was incomparable panic and incomparable fear, and finally, he begged loudly, hoping to be forgiven.

But, is it possible?

Su Hao flew up, kicked it fiercely, the head flew out like a ball, Leng Qianhan blocked in that position, kicked the second kick, the head was facing Jiang Feng And go.

Then it passed to the third Elder, the fourth Elder, and even the feet of many dísciples in Tai Cang Mountain, who took the head as the ball.

Finally, Xuan Kun's head, with a miserable howl, landed at Yan Nanfeng's feet.

Yan Nanfeng's expression was extremely indifferent. He stepped down with heavy steps, and flames burst out from under his feet. He coldly shouted loudly: "Hexian, you are optimistic!"


Yan Nanfeng's feet fell, and the human head exploded like a watermelon, and the Primordial Spirit in it flew ashes and disappeared forever.

The people in Taicang Mountain, dressed in rough clothes, the anger in their eyes did not go out much, they all turned their heads and looked at the high sky.

The Three Great Protectors there, Lingkong Mountain and the three most powerful Elders in Lingkong Mountain, all trembled with fiercely, and their bodies were icy cold.

They are suppressing the demonic energy at this time, and it is impossible to move at all, otherwise they will be backlashed, and the eyes of those below are obviously murderous intentions.

"Everyone, if we can't go back, Extreme Yin Church will surely enter the northern immortal domain, and when the time comes, no one will be spared." A Dharma protector loudly said.

"What is there to be afraid of?"

Yan Nanfeng had already given up everything, and when he said the word . regardless of the law and of natural morality.

Hexian's death is enough to make him crazy, and Hexian's torture makes him feel like a knife, how can he write off his debts for so many years?

"What a big tone."

Suddenly, an old shout sounded, and a silver-white bead shot from the sky rapidly. The silver bead was the size of a human head.

And as they approached here, the beads suddenly opened, the center was empty, and there was a little man sitting there, an old man.

Accurately speaking, this is an immortal core, and only the Immortal King can get the immortal core out of the body.

“Great Protector.”

As the villain was exposed, the three guardians ascended high in the sky, and were immediately pleasantly surprised. This was one of the Great Protectors of his Extreme Yin Church. , Left Protector.

Xianhe stood up, walked out of the beads, and gradually grew taller and turned into a white clothed white-haired old man. His temperament actually gave people the feeling of divide poise and sagelike features, extraordinary and refined.

He stood proudly in the sky, swept down, and his majestic voice came out: "Xiao Xiaobei immortal domain, there are people you dare to look down on me Extreme Yin Church?"

Yan Nanfeng was fearless and dauntless, and said: "Since the battle, then there is no fear!"


At the same time as his voice fell, a burst of The incomparably huge coercion has already shrouded, and the old man pressed a huge palm.

Yan Nanfeng's complexion changed, the sword of judgment exuded a dazzling cold light, towards the huge handprint, fiercely slashed over, the terrifying sword light like to divide Heaven and Earth into two.

But the sword light was vast, and it fell under the palm print, and it all exploded. The old man grasped it, and the sword light shattered in his palm.

Immediately, he pressed down his palm again, and Yan Nanfeng was a few thousand zhangs apart, but suddenly flew backwards, blood spurting out of his mouth.

Throwback three thousand zhang!


The three protectors in the sky laughed proudly, and one of them said: "I am the Great Protector of Extreme Yin Church, and even the fourth layer cultivation base of Immortal King. How dare you stop it?"

Left Protector sneered, like staring at trivial ant and staring at Yan Nanfeng, and then took the next step flat, but it was like Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, falling on Yan Nanfeng's head.

The soles of his feet have already stepped down.

At the moment, Yannan's flesh and blood exploded.

"The Mountain Master!"

The Elder dísciple of Tai Cang Mountain rushed away, releasing all the cultivation bases, but under the soles of their feet, the alliance disintegrated, all screaming miserably , the flesh has a tendency to explode.

"A group of ants, dare to make trouble?" Left Protector's voice was extremely arrogant, and his eyes were full of contempt. These people were ignored.

Suddenly, a terrifying wind came, he smiled slightly, and slapped his palm towards that direction, but the contact with the incoming attack was complexion greatly changed.


As the sound of acid splashing sounded, Left Protector only felt a sharp pain in the palm of his hand, but he was fiercely shocked, and still let that great cauldron, Su Hao, who was already holding the cauldron, fly upside down.

But at this level, Yan Nanfeng and others at his feet were already retreating rapidly.

"courting death."

Left Protector's palm was corroded and bursts of white smoke rose. His eyes stared coldly at Su Hao, who was receding, and said savagely: "You dare injure me?"

"So what?" Su Hao's purple hair fluttered, his expression fearless, and his figure was stable outside the old man three thousand and zhang.

"Then crush you."

Left Protector gloomily said.

But at this time, the wind and clouds roared high in the sky, and in the sky in the distance, a huge dark cloud rolled in, with endless Monster Qi in the dark cloud.

The dark clouds move, bringing up the terrifying momentum, like a thousand armies myriad horses galloping forward.

"Who dares to touch my brother Hao?"

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