Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1637

The Pisces Jade Pair fell to the ground, and Hexian died completely. Su Hao stepped forward, shaking his hands, holding the Jade Pair in his hand, his face gradually turned hideous.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die in vain, absolutely not! Old watch!"

turning around, he looked towards Lingkong Mountain, killing Immortal Cauldron again Appeared, he stepped forward, and with loudly shouted, the Golden Cauldron in his hand fiercely smashed forward.

As he smashed down, a drop of blood was left in his eyes, bursting out: "Hexian, I will avenge you!"

He smashed again and again, The twelve Ancient Gods in his chest trembled, the essence in his body rapidly melted away, and his cultivation base gradually broke through.


The terrifying vibration continued to sound, radiant and turbulent.

Su Hao is desperate, he must kill Xuan Kun and let him die completely.

Under this terrifying hatred, his cultivation base breakthrough, immortal Eighth Layer!

But Lingkong Mountain's large array of protecting the mountain was instructed by the Demon Emperor back then. Although it was nothing in the vast Immortal World, there were really few that could be broken in the northern immortal domain.

In addition, this Formation is in the outside world, even if Su Hao knows the secret, but does not have enough power, it is difficult to shake it completely.

However, he never retreated. Immortal Cauldron smashed and smashed again and again, causing him to tremble violently.

"Open, open, open!"

He shouted, his eyes shot sharp cold light, the great cauldron in his hand smashed violently again and again, and the big formation was shaking.

However, there is no sign of opening at all.

"Boy, don't bother, you can't open this place, wait until I, the master of the mountain, and Extreme Yin Church, stabilize the situation in the mountain, and immediately come to kill you!"


Mountain Protecting Great Formation, like an upside down bowl, shrouds the entire volley mountain, invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable.

The Elder dísciple, who looked at Su Hao like a fool, sneered coldly.

The Divine Idol in Lingkong Mountain exploded, and the demonic energy tumbled, threatening life and death. Now the first priority is to suppress the demonic energy. Su Hao is just a salted fish and cannot open this great formation.

They were watching Su Hao laughed heartily like they were watching a play.

"Crane Immortal!"

Yan Nanfeng remained stunned on the spot, and the He Immortal who had fought with him all his life, died in front of his eyes.

His eyes widened, his body trembled, and he felt dizzy.

After so many years of forbearance, in the end, Hexian still took this step.


He faced upwards and roared in grief, with great pain, scolding himself, what kind of unparalleled mountain master, just useless waste!

"The Mountain Master!"

The shouted sounded from the bottom of the mountain, Leng Qianhan and the others did not go back to Taicang Mountain, but did not worry about this place, they followed directly and witnessed everything with their own eyes .

They were heartbroken, bloodshot in their eyes, and endless hatred in their hearts.

Hexian is an old urchin, and often uses them to test medicines, but everyone knows his feelings for Tai Cang Mountain, and no one can compare it.

His dedication to Yue'er's feelings is even more admired by everyone. There is only one crane fairy in the whole world.

"Mountain Master!"

They were shouted, be eager to have a try, all of them had a crazy impulse, even those dísciples, their eyes were blood red at this time .

The breath in the body is rushing, and there is an uncontrollable trend.


In front of him, Su Hao was holding the Immortal Cauldron, strikes constantly, every time it fell, the great formation trembled once, and the terrifying light wave was released.

However, Su Hao's palm was splattered with countless blood, and the palm seemed to explode.

But he didn't stop, full of rage, and kept smashing down with the great cauldron.

"Hahaha, don't you think he looks like a fool, this great formation was carved by the Demon Emperor of the past, and he wants to open it too? It's a fool's dream!" Elder sneered loudly, folded his arms across his chest, and was arrogant.

Numerous dísciples echoed, and the laughter was piercing.

Su Hao is indifferent, undefeated with anger and blood, and keeps strikes, he vows to open the big formation, Hexian can't die in vain, Lingkong Mountain, Extreme Yin Church, not a single one will be spared!

"hmph, wait, your end is Immortal-like with the crane that acted recklessly, only the soul flew away and scattered." The Elder continued to be arrogant.

"Mountain Master!"

Leng Qianhan waited for the Taicang Mountain cultivator, looked at Su Hao's desperate strikes, and issued a third heavy shouted, and they asked to fight.

Hexian is the elder of his Taicang Mountain, the senior of his Taicang Mountain, and this debt belongs to his Taicang Mountain.

Yan Nanfeng looked indifferent, the murderous intention in his eyes gradually surging, looked at Su Hao, looked at Lingkong Mountain, and saw the Elder and dísciple in it, like a public laugh, they all seemed to be watching The fool looked at Su Hao like a fool.

"Master Yanshan, the overall situation is the most important thing. For the sake of Taicang Mountain, you should not go into this muddy water. After all, Extreme Yin Church, you cannot afford to offend." The elder of Lingkong Mountain was arrogant.

Yan Nanfeng's body trembled, he took three steps down, slowly lifts the head, and looked towards the sky, the fist under his sleeve, clenched fiercely, his voice was choked, but more There are so many domineering, saying: "If the blood is not defeated, there is no one I can't afford to offend... Tai Cangshan obeys orders."


The dísciple below, Elder, shouted in unison, took a sharp step forward, imposing in a monstrous manner.

"Go to battle, go to battle, go to battle!!!"

Yan Nanfeng shouted and took the lead. The reticle is fiercely smashed away.


Leng Qianhan and other Elder dísciple rushed out in unison, showing terrifying power, countless terrifying attacks, and went to suppress the great formation. .

"Go to battle, go to battle, go to battle!!!"

Yan Nanfeng is crazy, he is the master of Tai Cang Mountain, but his blood remains the same, afraid? What should a cultivator be afraid of? If you can't even protect your own sects, what's the point of this Taicang Mountain?

Tai Cang Mountain, in his heart, is a place full of enthusiasm, family and affection.

To do this, you can give everything.


Everyone in Taicang Mountain joined forces to attack, especially Yan Nanfeng, whose cultivation base North immortal domain is standing at the top, already the Second Layer Immortal King.

At this time, the immortal strength of terrifying is vast, and every punch brings shocking waves.


A huge crack sounded, and cracks appeared on the formation.

In an instant, the Elder dísciple among them, all complexion greatly changed, gave birth to fear, the elder who was teasing before, trembled: "Crazy, these guys are crazy, hurry back to the mountain."

They immediately went backwards.

But it was too late. Su Hao held the Immortal Cauldron, Yan Nanfeng punched the Immortal King, Leng Qianhan, Jiang Feng's immortal strength exploded.


It exploded completely.


The momentum is like a tiger and wolf, fierce like a big wave, everyone in Taicang Mountain rushed forward, the elder Old Fang turned around, and was already kicked by Yan Nanfeng step down.

"Hexian's death requires you all person to pay for it!"

The sound fell, and people exploded.


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