Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1631

Leng Xingdao, Number One Person under a thousand feet of ice, ignite the holy lamp of destiny, and create Supreme brilliance.

He stepped forward, folded his arms across his chest, looked at Su Hao with a playful look, and said, "The enmity and resentment between you and me in Lingyun Mountain should also be ended."


"Go away."

Su Hao strode forward, the demonic fire covering his whole body, his eyes fixed on the front, Bing Qinger has gone away under the leadership of black robed man.

And the Immortal Mansion is about to open. If you let him leave, Bing Qinger is extremely dangerous.

Time was running out and the others, he rushed forward.

But a silhouette flashed in front of him, and the terrifying breath was released, like a wall, firmly blocking Su Hao.

Leng Xingdao narrowed his eyes and said, "Did you know that I am the second day arrogant of the northern immortal domain, the one who lit the holy lamp of destiny, how dare you talk to me like that?"

"I'll say it again, get out!"

Su Hao continued to move forward, the flames in his eyes, the terrifying murderous aura, made the temperature here drop to the extreme, the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month were full of frost.

Leng Xingdao's eyes narrowed, and the breath released was more terrifying. Above the wall of air that blocked Su Hao, there seemed to be a big star spinning, and it was even harder. Obviously, it was not going to be released. He went over.

"Besides Bing Qianchi, you are the first person who dares to use scrolling with me. For this, you have to pay an unbearable price."

Leng As the second person, Xingdao is naturally arrogant. In addition, he just lit the holy lamp, focal point of ten thousands, Child of Destiny, when it is high-spirited and vigorous, he is not allowed to deny his majesty. .


At this time, in the distant sky, clouds and mists rolled, and a huge portal appeared in the sky.

The Immortal Mansion is on!

Su Hao's expression changed greatly.

"Oh, Immortal Mansion is on? One step away, you can leave alive, but unfortunately, you offended me." Leng Xingdao's face was more playful.

Ning Wuque narrowed his eyes, Su Hao's terrifying shocked him, he had better die here, otherwise there would be no place for him in Taicang Mountain.

Shen Bijun sneered likewise, however, she will not let Su Hao die, she has a deal with Leng Xingdao, Su Hao will be suppressed and fall into her hands.

The fate-defying family is the cauldron. I wonder if she will completely break the shackles that are sealed in the body?


In the distant sky, the clouds and mist gathered more, and the huge portal appeared completely, shining a bright golden avenue from it.

Immortal Mansion is fully open.

Su Hao's eyes were filled with incomparable anger, he seemed to hear the smug laughter of the black robed man, and seemed to see Bing Qing'er's miserable look.

All of this is because of the blocking of the Leng Xingdao.

"What the hell are you courting death!"

Su Hao cursed, his fists were like shooting stars, swept away, terrifying magic fire, with Su Hao endless Anger and resentment, blasting Leng Xingdao.

"hmph, overestimate one's capabilities."

The corner of Leng Xingdao's mouth twitched, fearless, he reached out with one hand, under the dense starlight, making that palm, like It turned into an infinite starry sky and pressed down.


Ning Wuque moved Divine Pupil, moved towards there, and his expression immediately became shocked. Leng Xingdao's cultivation base has completely surpassed his imagination.

In Ning Wuque's opinion, even if the two of them are added together, they are definitely not the opponents of Leng Xingdao. He is indeed the closest person to Bing Qianchi.

Under the Great Hand Seal of the starry sky, endless big stars are suspended, and each big star is a terrifying Blade Qi.

It's just...


Su Hao's fist smashed down fiercely, the starry sky that the palm pressed, trembling uncontrollably, The surging power is unscrupulous in it.

Thousands of stars exploded!


next moment, accompanied by a roaring roar, the starry sky was completely shattered, a streak of blood splattered from Leng Xingdao’s palm, and his body couldn’t help shaking.

His eyes were full of incredulity. His big starry hand was actually shattered?

You know, he used 80% of his cultivation base.

This kind of power, Ning Wuque will die tragically.

Leng Xingdao clenched his teeth and hit his second palm with a cold look in his eyes, with a trace of shame: "Thousands of Xingdao Yu!"

The second palm pressed down , that palm burst out with extremely dazzling brilliance, among which one after another big star descended rapidly, like a meteor, falling down densely like raindrops.

That meteor not only gave people a feeling of incomparable weight, but also had a terrifying sharpness, like a cold star heavenly blade, Annihilating Everything, killing everything.

This is a meteor shower!

Ning Wuque looked even more horrified. He really overestimated himself. No wonder the Leng Xingdao could light the holy lamp, but he couldn't.

The two are not the same level at all.

Leng Xingdao can kill half a step Immortal King by raising his hand!

"There is still a huge gap between him and Bing Qianchi. How far has Bing Qianchi reached? When can I catch up? Can I catch up?"

He has always been very confident in himself, but at this time, there is fear in his heart, and there is a feeling of powerlessness.

Dao Heart, lax!

However, in his self-denial, Su Hao in front of him was actually fearless and dauntless rushing up, his body burning with terrifying flames.

In him, Ning Wuque finally saw the gap, he didn't dare to fight, and even denied himself at a glance, while Su Hao was fearless and dauntless, press forward!

This is the gap.

"However, it is also certain to die." His eyes flashed coldly.

This move is simply not something Immortal King can resist.

Half the Immortal King will be killed.


“Break for me!”

Su Hao burst into a drink, and his body rose up with countless flames. He seemed to have turned into a sea of flames, and all the meteors fell into it, and all of them were destroyed. Burn to ashes.

More than that, Su Hao, like the lord of flames, rose from it, strode down, and appeared in front of Leng Xingdao.

He broke this move.

The Immortal King's move to kill half a step was broken by Su Hao!

Ning Wuque's heart sank to the bottom.


Shen Bijun also stayed on the spot in surprise.

Even Leng Xingdao was stunned, but Su Hao broke it again. This time, he showed the power of 90% of the cultivation base.

This man exceeded his expectations.

In fact, what he saw was far from enough. Su Hao strode forward in front of him, his palms spread out, and the golden light rose up. There seemed to be something condensed between them.

“die for me!”

Su Hao burst out, his palms covered with golden light and flames, fiercely slapped down, Leng Xingdao used immortal strength to block, Still going backwards.

"Whoever stands in my way, kill!" Su Hao stepped down again, and the second palm slapped down with a fiercely, even more terrifying force.

The palm of Leng Xingdao exploded.

This time, it's really looking for meat to explode!


Su Hao broke through the clouds for the third time, the golden light on the palm of his hand condensed rapidly, and a vast and great cauldron appeared.

For the first time, in Immortal World, Su Hao showed the Supreme Treasure of the Destiny Family... Kill Immortal Cauldron!

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