Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1625

"I said, don't put your head."

Su Hao's voice is unemotional, the suction of the palm is still terrifying, the origin of the overlord's qi is peeled from the body of King Xue Dao, gradually into his body.

Like a return to its original owner, it suddenly became stronger.

It is more than ten times stronger than in Xue Wang Dao Body!

This scene shocked Xue Wangdao. You must know that the overlord energy is not so easy to integrate. Without the help of the Lord of Lingkong Mountain, ordinary people can't use this thing at all.

After all, this was left behind by the Demon Emperor back then, with a terrifying curse that was absorbed by ordinary people, just courting death.

And Su Hao at this time, it is a perfect fusion, complete control!

More domineering than him!

Why on earth?

"The tyrannical spirit is mine. If Lingkong Mountain doesn't know how to cherish it, then I will take it back."

Su Hao The indifferent voice came into Xue Wangdao's ears, causing the latter's pupils to gradually dilate, and a terrifying guess emerged in his heart.

"That's right." Su Hao's mouth twitched.

"You're...Demon Emperor?"

Xue Wangdao's eyes widened suddenly, no wonder he can break the tyrannical spirit so easily and completely destroy the origin of that tyrant absorb.

It turns out that he is...

The Immortal World's top!

Isn't he dead?

Didn't the soul fly away and scattered?

How, how?

It's over, Lingkong Mountain will perish!

"Go, I'll send those juniors in Lingkong Mountain to accompany you soon." Su Hao sealed his cultivation base, exploded his fairy core, and released his palm.


Several thousand zhang highs, without the cultivation base, without the immortal core, the fleshy body blood energy has been weakened, when Xue Wangdao landed, all split up and in pieces.

Su Hao then landed, ignoring the muddy flesh and blood there, and walked step by step towards the black clothed person, who had collapsed to the ground.

As Su Hao approached, he kowtowed violently: "It wasn't me, it wasn't my idea..."


Su Hao a His foot smashed his head, and then he picked up Bing Qinger, who was riddled with scars on the ground, and said gently: "From now on, I will live a day, and I will not allow anyone to touch you."

Being held in Su Hao's arms, Bing Qinger did not resist, a sense of security from the depths of her heart moved, which made her cry again.

A strong sense of security surrounded her.

"You really didn't expect, you hid so deeply." A cold voice sounded, Ye Xingtian actually came over.

"Damn it, Ye Xingtian, you base and shameless villain!" High in the sky, Nan Doutian was trapped there by several formation flags, unable to break through.

He was careless and fell into Ye Xingtian's trap.

Ye Xingtian didn't care about him, stared at Su Hao playfully, and said, "However, no matter how deeply you hide, you will surely die today, this is the Immortal Mansion, but no one can come to save you. You."

Su Hao hugged Bing Qinger, looked at him indifferently, and said, "You also want to die?"

"Hahaha, crazy!" Ye Xingtian A little Su Hao with one hand: "Do you think that killing Wangdao Xue will be able to ignore of the law and of natural morality? In my eyes, he is just an ant that can be pinched to death."

Wangdao Xue is Sixth, there is a huge gap with Nan Doutian, while Ye Xingtian is the fourth, how can he be compared with Xue Wangdao?

Shoes are not worthy!

"It seems that you really want to die."

Su Hao hugged Bing Qinger's waist and walked forward at the same time. The breath is vast, and the tyrannical spirit bursts out.

His tyrannical aura was more than ten times stronger than that of Xue Wangdao, and that terrifying coercion was really like the coming of a tyrant.

Even Ye Xingtian was deeply shocked.

In fact, this shock has only just appeared, and it has become an astonished expression.

Su Hao wrapped his arms around Bing Qinger's waist, three meters away from him, clenched his fist with his left hand, and punched him fiercely.

A terrifying immortal strength rushes forward, and with the help of domineering, it gives people a sense of regardless of the law and of natural morality, Annihilating Everything.

Ye Xingtian's complexion greatly changed, clasped his fists together and resisted forward.

But just for a moment, his arm made a ka-cha sound, blood surged from the inner Qi, and all defenses were directly broken.

Fear appeared on his face, and he said in shock, "How is it possible for you?"

He couldn't block Su Hao's one-handed punch!

The fourth Heaven's Chosen in the dignified northern immortal domain was actually kicked back with a punch?

"You think I'm afraid of you?" Su Hao said with a sneer: "Don't say now, even in Taicang Mountain, if I really want to kill you, it will be with no difficulty."

This is not an exaggeration for Su Hao. In order to hide his identity, he never used his life-defying energy, or even the Demon Emperor's unique immortal art.

Otherwise, Ye Xingtian would have already died.

However, now his cultivation base is more powerful, reaching the Immortal Seventh Layer, and his overlord spirit returns to the body. Even if he does not use those means, he is extremely powerful.

Even if it is against Ning Wuque, Su Hao is sure!

"You..." Ye Xingtian was shocked to the extreme. He had always regarded Su Hao as his prey, and was determined to kill him at the Immortal Mansion. He also thought that all of this was with no difficulty.

Who knows, people have always been joking with him.

"Since you are courting death, I will fulfill you." Su Hao spoke again, with one hand the landlord Bing Qing'er, and the other hand to blast forward again.

The immortal strength of terrifying was like a big river, vast and turbulent, and the imposing manner of breaking through everything completely suppressed Ye Xingtian.

His eyes flashed, his body kicked up in the air, like a first-class of light shot into the far sky, he and Ning Wuque needed to join forces.

"I told you to die, then you will die!"

Su Hao's figure followed and chased in the direction where Ye Xingtian disappeared.

"Hey, me, where am I still here?" Nan Doutian shouted, he was trapped in the Formation, and he could break it by himself for at least three days.

Three days, the Immortal Mansion will also be opened and must leave.

"What am I?"

He cursed, how many good things will be missed in three days?

Unfortunately, Su Hao had already stepped away, he still hugged Bing Qinger, and at the same time his palm glowed, and the golden light completely wrapped Bing Qinger.

The blood on her body quickly dissipated, the wound healed at an incredible speed, and the injury in her body was greatly relieved.

The two walked on the clouds at high altitude, like immortals. They were going to visit the Great World here to see the vast mountains and rivers and picturesque scenery.

In fact, the smile on Su Hao's face really gave people this feeling. He looked at the mountains and rivers below and kept asking Bing Qinger if it was good or not, and whether it was beautiful...

But his Divine Soul kept staring at Ye Xingtian ahead, and the distance between them was controlled within thirty miles.

Su Hao is now far better than Ye Xingtian in terms of speed and battle strength.

He couldn't escape at all.

Ye Xingtian also discovered this, and if he ran away like this, he might have died at the hands of Su Hao before he could find Ning Wuque.

This made him very angry. He thought that when he reached the Immortal Mansion, it would be his world. Who knows, but it was the exact opposite.

Surrounding his eyes, he looked towards a direction, where there is a fortune mountain, where he might be able to escape Su Hao's pursuit.

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