Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1617

The Immortal Mansion is located behind the ancient city, and a cliff top is the entrance.

As several Great Influences took out the tokens that were opened here, on the cliff, there was a burst of colorful light, dragons and tigers circled, and a gate to the void opened silently.

Even if only a portal is opened, the essence of terrifying is surging out of it, spreading with the wind, making countless dísciples fascinated.

Unfortunately, most people are not qualified, only those who compete for the top 20 are qualified to seek great good fortune.

Through the selected dísciple, under the envy of everyone, they stepped into the portals one by one. Just before entering, Ning Wuque glanced at Su Hao and looked towards the ugly-looking Xue Wangdao. , the corner of his mouth twitched.

As the corners of his mouth opened, Xue Wangdao's complexion suddenly changed, and a voice sounded in his head, then looked towards Su Hao, looked towards Nan Doutian, next moment, and clenched his fist.

"Brother Xue, this is an opportunity!" He dropped a few words and strode into the portal.

Su Hao stepped into it a moment ago, and with the feeling of Heaven and Earth being reversed, he landed in an ancient mountain range.

The mountain range stretches, such as Azure Dragon lying down, towering ancient trees, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, tangled with green vines, like a sturdy python, screaming tigers and apes, giant birds rushing Xiao, flames spewed from the wings.

Looking around, the ancient wild spirit assumes the senses.

Su Hao smiled. What he saw in front of him was so familiar. The Demon Emperor of the past had also entered the Immortal Mansion, where he had an advantage that others did not have.

At least, that fortune place, in his heart, remembered three places, all of which are great good fortune places here.

"Then go to the Ice Palace first!" Su Hao narrowed his eyes.

He stepped up, with a gust of wind on his body, whizzing away, and on the way, those ancient and powerful monster beasts were all avoided by him.

At the same time, Su Hao Divine Soul spreads out, looking for in the mountain range, those Immortal Medicines are treasures of hundreds or even thousands of years at every turn.

There are some things that Su Hao can't use, but he picks them up and can take them out to Xiao Yuner, etc., especially the Immortal Medicine that repairs Divine Soul, Su Hao wants to arrange for Ah'Dai.

Although there may be some unpredictable changes in the relationship between him and Ah Dai in the future, Ah Dai can also be said to be born and die for him, and Su Hao will definitely help.

And, from Ah Dai, he may be able to learn more about the Twelve Ancient Gods.

"Three-flame magic grass." Su Hao swept forward, under the low mountain, there was a grass with three leaves, the leaves were like fire, green magic fire.

Around the flower, there are some bones scattered, which are left by the death of the nearby creature.

The three-flame magic flower can absorb the souls of creatures close to them, and those souls are absorbed by the leaves, making the grass more terrifying.

This thing, which feeds on Divine Soul, is also the Supreme Treasure that heals Divine Soul.

Su Hao grinned, strode closer, and at the same time as the green light flashed from the blade, Divine Beating Whip fiercely beat down in his hand.

Divine Beating Whip's formidable power is not bad. As the cultivation base becomes stronger, its effect becomes more and more powerful. It is not a problem to suppress this grass.

Put this thing away, and he continued to move forward. When he was still three thousand miles away from the Immortal Mansion in his memory, he suddenly stopped, frowned and looked towards not far away. .

There was a person lying down there, making a weak and painful cry. Su Hao looked at it, and the corner of his mouth twitched, and said, "Brother Nan, the injury is not serious."

There The person who fell was Nan Doutian, with blood spurting from his chest. In front of him, a huge green-spotted tiger fell.

Nan Doutian squinted his eyes with annoyance: "Bastard!"

He stood up with difficulty, and as Su Hao approached, he even took out a long knife and held it tightly. In hand, ready for battle.

In this Immortal Mansion, murdering to seize the treasures is extremely rare. He has come in a few times and naturally knows the rules here.

"Ai, don't be nervous, I'm here to help you, I can help you suppress your evil fire, or even crack it completely." Su Hao laughed.

"hmph!" Nan Doutian clenched the long knife in his hand even tighter. Would he believe this kind of lie to the little child? Su Hao might help him?

If it wasn't for this person, how could he lose a lot of face in the outside world, but in front of the absolute dísciple, he didn't even have the courage to fight.

"You think I'm a three-year-old child? Although I, Nan Doutian, have been suppressed, but if I fight to the death, I will make you pay the price!" Nan Doutian coldly said.

“Brother Nan, you are thinking too much. If I want to hurt you, do you think you still have a chance to get in here?”

Su Hao laughed.

Nam Doo Heavenly Dao: "What exactly are you trying to do?"

Su Hao's words are good, if Su Hao expresses his stubborn illness in the outside world, there is no need for Su Hao to take action. Will shoot, he probably won't be able to come in.

"Attempt... I want to give you a blessing." Su Hao said with a smile.

"get lost! ”

Nan Doutian went straight away with a knife in hand, could he believe this?

However, just after walking out more than ten meters, a huge rumbling sounded, and his figure suddenly retreated and stood with Su Hao.

"Brother Nan, you are coming back soon, do you believe me?" Su Hao smiled playfully.

"I believe in your uncle!" Nan Doutian cursed, but his eyes were staring coldly down, where a person strode forward.

"Wangdao Xue, you are courting death?"

Nan Doutian looked straight ahead, and flames erupted from his eyes.

"Brother Nan, this is the Immortal Mansion, the mountains are good, the water is good, and there is a strong Taoist luck, the feng shui is very good, suitable for a cemetery." Xue Wangdao coldly smiled.

"You are really fat, dare to say this in front of me?" Nan Doutian stared, the long knife in his hand was cold light.

In the past, he chased and killed King Xue for 30,000 miles, beating him on his knees and begging for mercy. Since then, when this kid saw him, he was like a mouse when he saw a cat, and he never dared to speak loudly.

"hmph, Brother Nan, you have occupied the fifth Heaven's Chosen position long enough, and now I plan to take this position." Half a point of fear.

From Ning Wuque, he already knew Nan Doutian's secret, he didn't dare to fight Su Hao, and he gave way, because of the evil fire in his body.

At this point, he was extremely weak.

Not even the top ten Shen Bijun.

In this case, could he still be afraid of Xue Wangdao?

Nan Doutian squinted his eyes, and he knew it in his heart. He approached Su Hao, and Divine Soul sound transmission said: "Xue Wangdao not only wants to kill me, but also kill you, shall we join forces?"

He is absolutely not Xue Wangdao's opponent now, especially since he fought that Monster Tiger before, he also suffered some injuries and is even weaker.

Stop talking about Xue Wangdao, even Shen Bijun is qualified to take him down.

"Brother Nan, this kid has committed a crime, I think you should kill him." Su Hao didn't seem to hear Nan Doutian's sound transmission, loudly said.

Nan Doutian's face turned green, your ancestor's!

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