General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 626: secret (one more)

  Chapter 626 Secret (one update)

  Finally, a walnut peeler left, and two letter writers came, and Wei Ting couldn't do it anymore.

  Su Xiaoxiao took a letter from everyone's letters to check the handwriting.

  Su Xuan and Shen Chuan are both Xie Yuan, calligraphy is nothing to say, each has its own strength of character, pleasing to the eye.

   When I came to see Wei Ting again, Su Xiaoxiao's eyes almost popped out: "What did you write? How could I be able to handle this kind of words? Are you trying to ruin my reputation on purpose?"

   Wei Ting glanced at someone blankly: "Isn't this your handwriting?"

  He imitated her handwriting completely!

  Su Xiaoxiao coughed lightly, never admitting that her handwriting looked like ghosts crawling against the backdrop of Shen Chuan and Su Xuan's calligraphy.

  She said righteously: "You are discrediting me!"

  Finally, she accepted the letters written by Su Xuan and Shen Chuan, one for Princess Hui'an and one for Princess Jingning, perfect.

  As for Wei Ting's, she did accept it, but it was definitely not for gifting or collection, simply because she didn't want her "calligraphy" to be lost to the people!


   Seeing that she accepted it, Wei Ting hummed softly.

  Su Xiaoxiao came back from the Western Jin Dynasty and brought gifts to her family.

  Her father loves to drink tea. She brought her father tea from the Western Jin Dynasty. The taste is a bit special. I don't know if her father is used to drinking it.

  Su Cheng likes it very much, as long as it is a gift from his daughter, she likes it!

——It was actually bought by Wei Ting, just like what the little princess said, she was going to the Western Jin Dynasty this time either to treat illnesses, or on the way to treat people. Yes, it is said to be quite expensive.

   "Sister! Where's mine! Where's mine!" Su Ergou couldn't wait any longer.


  Su Xiaoxiao handed Su Ergou a small box the size of a palm.

Su Xiaoxiao searched for the snowy silk from Feng Xiaoran, took part of it, and asked Meiji how to make a hidden weapon, and made a mechanism box. When in danger, hold the two ends with both hands, and pull the inside open. The snow-covered sky silk can cut iron like mud in an instant.

   In return, she let Mei Ji play with her silver glove for a day.

A group of people had dinner in Su Cheng's yard. Qin Canglan went to war, his daughter got married, and the three little Doudings were not there. It always felt that the house was much deserted. Tonight was rarely lively. Su Cheng took his son-in-law with Su Xuan Shen Chuan drank a few cups.

  Shen Chuan and Su Xuan both have to go to class tomorrow, so they can't drink too much, because Wei Ting is drinking with him.

  Su Cheng drank too much, showing the air of a bully, extremely unrestrained, and wanted to pull Wei Ting to his hand, so frightened that Su Xiaoxiao hurriedly persuaded his father to come down.

  Su Cheng recalled his experience in the village.

  Su Xuan was the only one on the table who hadn't been to Xinghua Village. He couldn't get in the conversation, so he just looked at them quietly, with a smile on his lips.

  Su Xiaoxiao turned her head and saw the faint smile on his face, feeling inexplicably that the years are quiet.

  He seems to have experienced something, and he has a hard-won cherishment for everything today.

   But it’s very strange, he grew up in the Hou’s mansion with rich clothes and fine food, unlike Su Mo who went to fight on the battlefield, what could he have experienced?


  Su Cheng fell down and hit his head on the table.

  Although Shen Chuan only drank two cups, he was still a little bit overwhelmed, feeling dizzy.

  Wei Ting carried Su Cheng on his back: "I'll take Dad back to the room, Ergou, you help Shen Chuan into the carriage of your sister and me, and we'll take him back to the academy in a while."

   "Okay, brother-in-law!" Su Ergou listened to Wei Ting's words, and sloppily helped the half-drunk Shen Chuan up.

  The main room fell silent.

  Su Xuan is not a talkative person, he sits quietly on the chair, looking at Su Xiaoxiao and the cool moonlight outside the window.

   "There are also gifts for my cousin." Su Xiaoxiao.

  Shen Chuan was here just now, she didn't know that Shen Chuan would come to the capital, she didn't prepare his gift, and with Su Xuan as his companion, she wouldn't embarrass him so much.

   "Oh?" Su Xuan smiled and looked at Su Xiaoxiao.

  Su Xiaoxiao took out a booklet from the bundle he brought and handed it to him: "Here, the only copy of former Master Chaoyun."

  This master Yun was a famous calligrapher in the previous dynasty. He could write superbly with his handwriting. He regarded fame and fortune as dung.

  It's a pity that he was also born at an untimely time. At that time, the previous court was at the end of its strength due to internal and external troubles. He was finally persuaded to enter the court, but within a few days, the previous court was destroyed, and he also went crazy.

   It is said that before he died, he burned his own calligraphy completely, and only some of the calligraphy that had been given away flowed out among the people.

  It’s just that in the past so many years, there is nothing left.

   "I took a lot of effort to get this lonely copy."

   It was exchanged for two pieces of silk from Snowy Sky and Feiyue Theater.


  The words came to his lips, but before he could speak, he stopped.

   "This only copy..."

Su Xiaoxiao nodded: "That's right, it looks like an ordinary copybook, and each word has nothing to do with each other, but in fact there is a hidden mystery, I think, this is probably something that Master Yun wants to pass down, maybe it has something to do with the previous dynasty. Annihilation. If you decipher it, you might be able to unlock the secret. After all, you like secrets, don’t you?”

   When she said the last sentence, Su Xiaoxiao looked at him without blinking, not letting go of any expression on his face.

  Su Xuan smiled: "Are you so attentive to everyone?"

  Su Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows and said: "It depends on whether it's worth it or not. To my fourth cousin, I have given all my heart."

  Su Xuan closed the lonely book, and looked at Su Xiaoxiao quietly: "Actually, I want to know more about you than the secrets of the previous dynasty."

  Su Xiaoxiao smiled: "Yes, I can exchange my fourth cousin's secret."

  Su Xuan lowered his eyes and smiled quietly: "It's getting late, you should go back."

   It is really strictly guarding against death.

  However, compared to the first "I have no secret", the conversation this time seems to have made some progress. He did not agree to make an exchange with her, but he admitted that he had a secret.

   Conquering the fourth cousin is just around the corner!

   "Daddy is asleep."

   Wei Ting walked over.

  The three little guys also fell asleep on the carpet in a mess.

   Wei Ting glanced at the two strangely, always feeling that the atmosphere between the two was weird, as if there was some secret.

   "Let's go." Su Xuan got up with a smile, put away the lonely book, and picked up a sleeping little Douding from the ground.

   "Well, let's go." Su Xiaoxiao finished speaking without changing her expression, hugged a little Douding, and said to Wei Ting, "There is one left."

   Wei Ting picked up Dumb.

  After putting the child in the carriage, Su Xuan said to Shen Chuan who was sitting in the carriage, dizzy and memorizing "The Analects of Confucius", "Brother Qinghe, take my carriage, I will take you back to the Imperial College, and take the exam questions for Chunwei by the way."

  As soon as he heard the test questions, Shen Chuan immediately left with him.

   Wei Ting and Su Xiaoxiao sat up with the child in their arms.

   "What did you just say?"


  Wei Ting: "..."

   It's not Su Xiaoxiao's secret, but the topic of discussion is indeed a secret.

  Xiao Su put the three little guys on the simple couch and fastened the safety buckle.

  The carriage was swaying, and she was also a little sleepy.

  Su Xiaoxiao yawned and looked at the energetic Wei Ting: "You drank so much wine, aren't you sleepy?"

   Wei Ting snorted lightly: "You think I'm you, pouring just one cup? No, it's just one sip."

  Su Xiaoxiao: It’s wrong to step on it.

  I wanted to sleep on this guy's shoulder for a while, but Su Xiaoxiao didn't want to lean on him because he was so short of twitching.

  She opened the curtain to let the cold wind blow away her drowsiness, but she never expected to see a familiar and sneaky figure on the street.

  (end of this chapter)

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