Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 985:

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Cheng Yuan was waiting for the Zerg action, and Su An did not let Cheng Yuan down. The first rescue teams soon came to the entrance of the restricted area of ​​life.

At this point, the dormant creature at the entrance left long ago with zero arrangements.

However, the Zerg did not know that they carefully tested the entrance for a long time, and only slowly approached after confirming that there were no problems.

With the influx of dark energy, this pocket space is gradually being assimilated.

Zerg may have research on this, but the research data is definitely not known to Su An and Lee.

Cheng Yuan and Zero are even more obscured by this, they can only watch the entrance of the pocket space getting bigger and bigger, as to what will happen in the future, they have no idea.

At this point, the Zerg's huge rescue team has all entered the forbidden zone of life.

This huge rescue team has 100,000 warships of all types.

However, the moment the fleet entered the forbidden zone of life, countless tentacles protruded from the rift at the entrance to firmly block the entrance.

This scene made Su An, who was always paying attention to the situation here, jumped to his heart. He had a very bad feeling. 80% of his rescue team could not come out!

At the same time, the rescue team who had just entered the forbidden area of ​​life also discovered this situation, and at that moment they had a little panic.

They know too much about these creatures, and ordinary weapons do not play any role at all!

As for what weapons can do harm to them, it is unclear so far.

Many Zerg ships choose to make a U-turn at this moment. These U-turn warships do not want to escape, but want to try to break through the blockade of these tentacles.

If they can't break through, they won't be able to get out even if they rescue the Overseer.

What is the difference between saving and saving?

"Have you found the coordinates of the Overseer?" On the command ship of the rescue team, Su An looked at the commander of the rescue operation with a serious look.

"Yes, it has been found, but the situation is a bit complicated!" The commander's face was not very good-looking.

He felt that he had been deceived by Su An. Although it was incumbent on him to save the Warlord, Su An should not give them any information at all.

"You mean the tentacles blocking the entrance?" Su An raised an eyebrow and said, "You don't have to worry about this, I will use the Stellar furnace to attract these things, you can take advantage of it."

Since Su An dared to send a rescue team, he naturally had some preparations.

"No, Sergeant Su'an, I'm not referring to the tentacles blocking the entrance, I'm referring to the environment where the Overseer is!" He returned the picture to Su'an.

At this time, Su An also saw what kind of environment the Overseer was in.

It was a huge group of creatures swimming like sardines. The smallest ones were almost the same as their medium-sized battleships, and the largest were one size larger than their battleships.

According to the feedback information, their Lord Warlord is in the middle of this group of creatures!

Su An's mouth twitched and he felt scalp tingling.

Faced with such a huge biota, he felt that it was impossible to break into the storm.

Maybe their weapons will also be one of the nourishments to promote the evolution of these creatures!

This result is even more terrible.

Especially the Warlord is still inside. If the energy absorbed by these creatures continues to evolve and grow, will their Warlord be squeezed in the middle?

When thinking of this, Su An felt like crying without tears. This situation of being unable to start makes him very depressed.

"Deputy officer, what should we do?" The commander of the rescue team asked again. He was also troublesome, but he couldn't do nothing, so he could only leave the problem to the deputy Su'an to solve it.

Su An's brows were all curled up, and he had no good way!

These bioskins are thick and thick and can't be moved at all!


Suddenly, Su An saw the picture in front of him shake, his thoughts were interrupted, and asked in amazement: "What's going on?"

"We were attacked!" The commander's face was pale, and his pale skin was even more somber.

"Did those creatures actively attack you !?" Su An was surprised. In their data analysis, these creatures rarely actively attack others!

The only thing that makes them active is pure energy!

"Yes, we are surrounded ..." Without waiting for the commander to finish, a sturdy tentacle pierced the battleship armor, as easy as cutting tofu.

Then Su An saw a relatively small tentacle engulfing the commander at a rapid speed, dragging it away in the shouting of the other party.

Seeing the momentary disappearance in the picture, Su An was silent. When the scream of the commander came to an abrupt halt, he slammed a punch on the console.

"Damn, what's going on with these things!" He was furious. The lead was inexplicably defeated on the other side, and the speed of the defeat was still very fast. He received no news at all.

Immediately afterwards, he received the leader's escape boat malfunctioning during the jump and broke into the troubled creature's nest directly, and was surrounded by groups!

If that's the case, why should he still contact the outside world! ?

Su An's frightened sweat came from this sudden thought, and he murmured, "Why do I have such thought?"

Shaking his head, he quickly took this idea that made him trembled, and began to rethink how to save Lee.

These creatures are powerful, but their intelligence is about the same as the beast, which is a disadvantage.

What's more, they have a very keen sense of powerful energy sources, from which he can determine that these creatures are desperate for energy.

"Perhaps, you can try to use a few stellar furnaces to lead away these creatures, and then smoothly send the Warlord out?"

The first rescue failed, although it made him angry, but the anger could not solve the problem. When he thought of the second solution, he immediately started to execute it.

This time, he didn't plan to send too many warships.

He only dispatched 50 battleships with stellar furnaces and 100 pioneer ships with a strong advantage in speed.

Fifty stellar furnaces react at the same time. This powerful energy should be able to attract these creatures, and then let the pioneer ship use the speed advantage to rescue the warlord!

When the Zerg rescue team came to the entrance again, the originally blocked tentacles retracted long ago.

When Cheng Yuan saw that there were only a hundred and fifty warships, it was a moment.

"What are these guys thinking?" Cheng Yuan touched his chin and watched the Zerg action puzzledly.

Zero on the side is not too concerned about things here, he is working hard to study the technology on the Zerg warship.

And, to deal with problems on the planet.

The afterglow of the energy that erupted from the brief conflict between the Zerg and them was detected by the Earth ’s Astronomical Research Institute. was originally an official. Even if aliens were discovered, they would try to hide it.

Thanks to the developed network, this incident happened to be discovered by a hacker with an astronomical hobby inadvertently hanging around.

This hacker is naturally not a big deal, and sends everything directly to the network. In this era of global integration without the so-called network wall barrier.

What he posted spread throughout the network in just a split second.

Even if the official wants to stop, it is too late.

In addition, when the intelligence of the technology crystallization company is judging, the news that will not cause significant impact or harm to society will not be blocked.

Let the news spread all over the earth directly.

So everyone knows that there are alien warships very close to the solar system!

(= Remember in a second)

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