Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 983:

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Lee's face was all black. He never expected that the auxiliary intelligence would be occupied by the opponent without even a little resistance!

Unwillingly, he pushed the chair he had been sitting on hard, exposing an emergency switch under the chair. This switch was to have a countermeasure when the warship was in crisis.

Seeing the switch exposed, Lee quickly reached out and grabbed the handle of the switch and then raised it.


A crisp metal collision sounded, and Lee let go of his hand and backed away.

I was still waiting for the chain reaction of the emergency authorities, but after a while, there was no response!

Lee froze.

what's the situation! ?

Before he could figure out what was going on, the lights in the hall suddenly went out and fell into darkness.

Lee now understands, the opponent directly cut off the energy of the entire battleship!

It also made his emergency switch useless!

Although he would like to ask the original designer now, why not get a pure mechanical institution!

However, the idea passed away, and a purely mechanical interlock switch was set up inside the battleship, and it was connected to the main area of ​​the battleship.

This is obviously unrealistic!

After all, the size of this battleship is here.

Without energy and power assistance, no switches can be moved.

But this time he was disgusted, the emergency switch was useless, and he didn't want to spend more time in the control hall, wearing heavy armor and striding out.

Fortunately, the opponent has only controlled the warship through auxiliary intelligence. The warship itself is still very complete, and there is no intruder. There is enough time for him to leave.

He has decided that he will immediately leave to find Su'an, and then lead the large army to directly destroy this civilized race he has transformed.

If you can't destroy the other party, just leave!

The threat of this civilization seems to him greater than that of the Crystal Empire!

In particular, this silent method makes Li feel that the Zerg civilization has gone a different way.

But he didn't feel right. Although their Zerg did not go to the extreme of intelligence, their Zerg as a high-level civilization is definitely not bad.

If distinguished by intelligence level, their intelligence is also the highest level sequence.

But now he was so easily cracked that even control was lost, which made him almost doubt life.

Is it too long in the life exclusion zone, so it is too far behind?

The development of intelligence can basically be regarded as changing with each passing day. It seems quite reasonable that the intelligence that has not been updated for a long time is easily destroyed by the enemy!

Thinking in his head, Lee came to a emergency warehouse, opened the hatch and walked in.

Fortunately, the emergency hatch does not require intelligent control or energy assistance. There is a fixed mechanical shaft to assist in opening, so he went in smoothly.


"Successful, we controlled all Zerg warships." Zero's voice was a little trembling, and he felt a little weird. I don't know if the Zerg was too weak in this regard, or if they were too strong.

There was not even a little resistance.

At this moment, his eyes were shining, and he stared at the Zerg battleship group that had not moved on.

These warships will be their trophies, and they are too useful!

Whether they research or use it by themselves, they can greatly improve their weaknesses.

However, when he saw many small emergency escape capsules escaping from the Zerg warships, and then jumped away, he hurriedly opened the jump blockade.

But even so, he only stopped a small number of Zerg emergency escape capsules.

Cheng Yuan was equally excited. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the huge warships with enthusiasm. These warships now belong to him. As long as they are used reasonably, it will not be a problem to fight the Zerg!

But suddenly he felt regretful again. If he had known that electronic viruses could be used to take the battle, he now has 80% of the warships he has snatched from Jingling!

The thought of Jingling's horrible warships being destroyed by the Zerg, he felt a heartache.

He is different from the advanced civilization of the Zerg. In the eyes of the Zerg, the battleship of the Crystal Empire is dispensable, too weak!

But in Cheng Yuan's eyes, the huge number of battleships of the Crystal Empire can play a great role in his hands!

At the thought of the Crystal Empire, Cheng Yuan was very hot.

"Zero, look at the situation of the Zerg on the other side, how is their destruction progressing!" Cheng Yuan shook his fist, thinking before leaving the crystal.

However, he suddenly felt that the crystal empire still had a great effect. After all, the huge empire foundation was still there, if it could plunder the industrial foundation of the crystal empire.

This will definitely save him too much development time!

"Okay." Zero reluctantly regained his gaze. After using the auxiliary intelligent control of the Zerg warship group to drive to the designated place, he turned his head to check the situation on the Jingling side.

On the side of Jingling, under the gradual advancement of Su An, although there was sporadic resistance, these resistances were as fragile as a piece of paper, and they were easily broken by just pulling.

It would have taken him only a few years at the current rate to completely destroy all the planets of the crystal spirit.

But Lee's side let him speed up. It wasn't much at all, and speeding up according to Lee's requirements would be fine.

But just as he was about to speed up, the neural network had problems. After a sting in his head, he lost his connection to the neural network.

At the same time he also lost and had direct control of the warship.

"What's the matter?" Helplessly, he could only ask the auxiliary intelligence in the battleship.

"You have been disconnected, do you need to reconnect?" The mechanical sound of the assistant intelligence sounded.

"Reconnect." Su An stunned, he hadn't encountered the problem of disconnection, he felt a little aggressive at this moment.

"Reconnecting ..."

"It has been reconnected and is retrieving identity information. The identity is correct. Welcome Deputy Lieutenant Su An."

Reconnecting with the battleship, Su An quickly searched the battleship and found that there were no problems, he was completely confused!

Is it too long and something goes wrong with the biochip?

Su An frowned slightly, UU reading biochip problem is not a big deal, after all, this kind of thing has not happened.

This is just like our personal ID card, if it is damaged, just replace it with another one.

But the key to replace the biochip needs to return to the empire.

They don't know how many light years away from the empire, and thousands of years have passed, and there is nothing in the empire.

Whether to come back after going back is a question.

This all needs to be discussed with the profit to decide.

He contacted Lee.


"What's going on !?" Su An found that he couldn't connect with Neural Network!

Is there something wrong with him?

(= Remember in a second)

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