Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 977:

When Cheng Yuan knew the news, he was also aggressive.

"Is that correct?" He murmured. If, based on the recorded information of the Zerg, these experiments are likely to be humans! ?

Think about the lifespan of the earth. In such a long time, why is only human beings born such a prosperous civilization?

Although many archeologists have discovered some relics of a more ancient age, those simple things do not prove anything.

After all, judging from the speed of the development of human civilization, how can they disappear for no reason if there is an advanced ancient civilization?

It's pure nonsense to say that a natural disaster destroys a civilization. Even animals know that they can run away when they can't resist it. Wouldn't the ancient civilization with higher powers not know?

In the face of natural disasters, it is absolutely possible for them to retreat and find new places to live and re-establish civilization.

Is it really because of the Zerg?

The speed of development of human civilization is indeed unparalleled, and even before ten thousand years have elapsed, a magnificent and splendid civilization has developed.

Ten thousand years is a very small number for the earth.

"First observe the Zerg's behavior in secret, and release the virus to lurk." Cheng Yuan calmed down, and gave an order to zero.

"Okay." Zero also felt that the speculation was too horrifying. Maybe the Zerg's experimental subjects are other. It is not necessarily that these creatures were destroyed by their humans during the development process.

In this way, I comfort myself, and let the copied Zerg quietly lurk in the Zerg army.

He has another thing to do.

The crystal seeds of Crystal Spirit have been safely received. He needs to take a good look at the information in these civilizations to see if they are different from what he got or if he is missing something.

Anyway, Jingling is definitely finished this time. There are not enough troops to resist the invasion of the Zerg. What do they use to protect themselves?

The internal situation of the Crystal Empire is also as expected, and the Crystal executives who got the news at the first time packed up their properties and left the central star.

As for those civilians who have no idea what happened on the front lines, they are still being hoodwinked.

High-level officials are worried that once the news spreads, it will cause the turmoil of the entire Crystal Empire, which will lead to even worse consequences.

The main thing is that once the news spreads, they will become very difficult even if they want to leave.

As for those who escaped, Freeman, the chief of the Senate, did not stop at this time. He was considering when to announce the news.

He didn't want the people to die in ignorance.

But while he was thinking about it, on Jingling's public network, they suddenly revealed the news of their defeat, and even the information of several Jingling executives who had fled were registered.

In order to prove the reliability of this information, there are not only text pictures but also videos attached. The most important thing is that the escape routes of those who escaped are marked clearly.

Even the ship number used by the other party to escape was clearly written.

This time, directly blasted the pot among the crystal people.

All Jingling couldn't believe it, how could their army be defeated? Is mechanical life even more terrifying than the previous Zerg?

The appearance of the Zerg clan also concealed the news, so the people of Jingling always thought that they were still fighting mechanical life, and they did not know that their army had changed targets.

It is natural to find that this will not let go of this opportunity, he directly exposed all the news and published the upcoming news of the Zerg on the network.

At this moment, all the crystal spirits were boiling.

Without the protection of the army, what do they use to resist the menacing Zerg?

The emotion of panic immediately spread in the Crystal Empire, and panic brought riots and crime.

From this moment, the crystal empire of the original civilized order has completely become an empire of chaos, violence and crime.

All kinds of chaos erupted on all the planets.

Threats to life detonated the evil face in Jingling's heart, and all Jinglings were preparing for a complete madness before destruction.

Such a situation cannot be effectively controlled by the urban defense forces.

Because the chaos that erupted is not limited to the people, but also the middle and upper levels of the crystal spirit.

Compared with ordinary people, members of the high-level crystal spirits are more afraid of death, and they are more afraid of losing everything they are now.

So they are more crazy than the people.

Without these defenders who guard the city order, the chaos of the crystal spirit is further intensified.

And this is exactly what zero hopes to see.

On Luyuan Star, taking advantage of the chaos, he forcibly controlled a machinery factory that he had been paying attention to, and processed himself a controllable body.

He controlled the relatively stiff body and came to the **** tree of the crystal spirit. The tightly guarded place was deserted at this time, and even the personal image was invisible.

Without blocking, Zero easily took a copy.

After leaving the Divine Tree, Zero came to Luyuan Star's most ancient historical library. He used a small carrying device to pack all the higher-value books.

"Where's the robot you're responsible for?" Just as Zero was preparing to leave with these books, a surprised voice came behind him.

Waiting for zero to think about how to answer, the old crystal can not wait to say: "Since you are here, hurry up with me, the books in the three secret rooms need to be removed as soon as possible."

I was stunned at that time, and he also stayed in Lvyuan Star for a short time. He had never heard of the existence of a secret room in this historical library!

Immediately after, he followed the crystal spirit with joy.

The three secret rooms are not in different places, but a huge space divided into three rooms.

But as soon as he entered the back room, Zero felt his head big.

The height of the closet is more than two hundred meters, and huge bookshelves extend from the ground to the roof.

The walls were full of books, and even the back of the door to the back room where they came in was transformed into bookshelves full of books.

This is just a book in a room. How can he move it?

When he was puzzled, he didn't know how the old Jingling man was operating. The whole room suddenly vibrated, and then he saw the bookshelves on all four walls of the room suddenly compressed from high.

The "clicking" folding sound was neatly arranged, and the bookshelf in front of it narrowed down step by step, and finally turned into a cube less than about ten centimeters.

"Take it, UU reads and follow me to the next room." The old man of Jingling seriously put the cube into the hands of zero, and then hurried to the next room.

Taking a quick look at the cube in his hand, he did not expect that Jingling had such advanced space compression technology.

When the old Jingling put the third cube in the hands of zero, he looked at him very seriously: "Go, bring them with the hope."

Zero respectfully looking at the old crystal spirit who cherishes knowledge, said in the wrong eyes of the other side, "Relax."

Then, with a thunderbolt, he reached out his metal hand and grabbed the old man's head.


A skeletal corpse with a thin head was thrown to the ground and left the chamber with no expression.

"I don't know what crystal spirit heritage there is on this Hope. It's a good harvest." Zero tilted his head and showed a cruel smile, then took the three cubes and walked towards the Hope. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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