Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 974:

Inside the Zerg warship, Li stared calmly at the huge number of creatures surrounding the warship.

"What's going on !?" He questioned his lieutenant Su An.

Su An frowned as she looked at the creatures outside, and was equally puzzled. He didn't know why these creatures followed their battleships.

What made him feel speechless was that these creatures surrounded the battleship, neither attacking them nor walking away.

He tried to expel these creatures, but what caused him a headache was that these creatures were completely not afraid of their weapon attacks. Because of the Stellar furnace, the attack methods they used were all gravitation.

Driven by a stellar furnace, controlling the direction of gravity to produce a distorted form, it was quite effective at first, and these creatures were crushed directly by the radiation of distorted waves.

Their stellar furnace itself is a super gravitational field. The powerful gravitational field can not only withstand all energy and kinetic energy weapons, but also can rely on strong gravitational distortion to crush and crush opponents.

But soon he discovered that these creatures had fully adapted to the impact of gravitational distortion in less than five minutes.

And Su An also discovered that these creatures are not only adapting to the gravitational field of the stellar furnace quickly, they are even eating the huge energy of the gravitational field!

"Overseer, these creatures are too weird! They seem to react to all strong energy, and the huge energy brought by the Stellar furnace attracts them!" Su An wiped a clean forehead, and was very aggrieved inside.

This kind of thing that can't be driven away or beaten is just like a tumor attached to his body, which makes him very uncomfortable!

Li Wenyan was silent for a while.

These things can neither be destroyed nor expelled, can they be allowed to roam freely around their own warships?

"Is there no way !?" Li looked at Su An dissatisfied.

Su An groaned for a moment, and frowned, explaining: "There are ways, they are attracted to the Stellar Stove. As long as we close the Stellar Stove, these things will leave without feeling the gravitational field, but ..."

He glanced at the dense crystal warship on the screen.

Closing the Stellar Furnace is impossible, or the kinetic energy weapons of the Crystal Spirit will pose a great threat to their warships.

With all this in mind, Li Yi's time is in a dilemma.

Seeing the embarrassment of the sergeant, Su An also began to think about ways to deal with it.

The existence of these creatures is a great drain on the gravitational field. If these creatures are not expelled as soon as possible, God knows that if these creatures continue to absorb them, their gravitational field will be weakened as a result.

Although it is a bit exaggerated to say this, these biomes using the energy of the stellar furnace will not be able to absorb even 10,000 years.

Can't stand these creatures growing themselves!

As their size increases, their absorption rate and absorption ratio are increasing wildly, which only makes Su An worry.

"Perhaps, we can try to use that pocket space to attract the attention of these creatures, and then we can get out of here as quickly as possible." Su An looked at the pocket space.

Their Zerg have come out completely, and this pocket of energy that is frantically replenishing is completely worthless to their Zerg.

If they can attract the attention of these creatures, they will naturally not mind doing small movements in this pocket space.

"Huh?" Lee's eyes brightened, and Su An's proposal was quite good.

Although there is almost no people and dark energy in the pocket space, it is still an independent space!

If the space medium of this pocket space is used up, with these creatures being critical of energy, the space medium can attract their attention more than the gravitational field.

"You can try to continue tearing the gap and see if you can expose more space medium." Lee thought for a moment, and Shen Sheng commanded.

"Understand, Overseer." Su An ordered.

Soon, one of the main battleships of the Zerg detached from the large army and headed towards pocket space.

As the battleship left, many creatures followed, and continued to surround the battleship.

These warships can move freely in the gravitational field. Naturally, the relative force field technology is also applied. A huge protective barrier formed by the gravitational field wraps the warship.

This barrier allowed them to operate unhindered within the radiation range of the stellar furnace.

But it is this barrier that attracts many creatures.

Not too far away, the main battleship soon came near the rift in pocket space.

Without any pause, a high-energy ray was fired from the battleship's main gun, and the purple ray hit the crack surface directly.

Although at the same time as the rays hit the fissures, countless tentacles got out of the fissures and tangled into the rays.

But totally useless.

These rays penetrated the tentacles and sturdyly hit the fissures.

Silent energy diffusion, a huge circular energy wave burst into a dazzling light, and a layer of purple was rendered around the entire fissure.

At the same time as the purple rays hit, the entrance of this pocket space was like a knocked-out porcelain piece, which quickly cracked and expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This speed is very scary, even if Cheng Yuan and Zero are far away from here, you can clearly see the expansion of that square gap again through remote observation ...

"Crystal first, then Zerg, what are they playing? They are taking turns attacking this forbidden zone of life?" Cheng Yuan looked at the widening gap in wonder, a little puzzled.

Zero also didn't understand the situation on the Zerg side.

The huge gravitational field produced by the stellar furnace directly isolates all detectable means, so he is also obscured by his eyes.

However, monitoring of the pocket space in the life exclusion zone is still normal.

Because of this Zerg attack, the gap not only expanded rapidly, but the most shocking thing is that the creature that was originally adsorbed on the space medium had unknowingly split!

He never thought of this!

He hastened to contact through a special tool, and the control remains unchanged, even he can control the split up!

This change is completely incomprehensible.

After all, there is only one smart chip. Is it such a split that a complete individual cannot replicate?

Zero reported the news to Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan was also lingering for a long time. To be honest, the growth of these embryos made him feel uncontrollable.

The powerful individual's growth rate and the unknown evolution direction have made him wonder how to describe these creatures.

The only thing that reassured him was that no matter how much the creatures grew, they were still under his control.

If not, these creatures might be a disaster of their own creation!

Didn't you see that even the Zerg are helpless with these things?


On the other side ~ ~ When the gap widens wildly, more violent dark energy is absorbed by the pocket space. In the process of absorption, the huge energy tide will directly surround them as Su An guessed. All creatures are attracted away.

According to Su An's analysis, this huge energy tide not only contains huge dark energy, but also is doped with many spatial media.

With the keen sense of these creatures, it is naturally impossible to let go of the space medium.

In less than an hour, the Zerg warships, which were originally surrounded by biomes, restored order.

This makes the crystal spirits who have been vigilant about them very depressed, knowing that these strange creatures and mechanical life are inextricably linked, they think that mechanical life and zerg conflict.

How long did it take?

Not only did these creatures retreat, what was most unacceptable to them was that the two sides did not have any loss at all, and before they succeeded, they could not succeed in the house! ? Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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