Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 963:

"what happened?"

Suddenly a stinging screen made Li's eyes widen, and a low alarm sounded in his ear.

"Su'an! What's going on, why is the alarm sounding!" Lee's thick voice rang through the battleship, and the dissatisfied voice made Su An, who was planning the plan, immediately put down the matter at hand to hear the situation.

Su An quickly discovered the source of the alarm sound, which came from the restricted life zone!

Opening the video footage from the restricted area of ​​life, Su An directly stunned, and a shuddering fear followed.

The energy absorbers they put out at this time completely turned into strange strange creatures.

The small size of the energy absorber has been completely occupied by a huge, congested eye, and the stent originally used to absorb energy has now become a slender sharp antennae flying around.

"What's going on !?" At this moment, Su An thought of a lot.

How did these weird creatures form, and how did they quietly occupy and change their energy absorbers?

What is the nature of these organisms, and how wide is their radiation growth range?

Will it infiltrate warships that are still dormant?

This series of associations made him cold sweat, he was afraid to rush to find profits.

If these unknown creatures had infiltrated their warships long ago, the result would be absolutely unimaginable. Maybe at that step, they could only turn around and run away.

After all, even if they are more conceited, they can't dare say that they can defeat Jingling by relying on the existing troops.

The number disadvantage is not a joke.

"Overseer! Find out why!" Su An ran to Lee in a sigh of relief.

Lee turned to see Su An's face was serious, and realized that the problem could be very serious.

"What's going on? You're here in person?" Li frowned, and there was some ominous hunch in her heart.

"It ’s biological erosion. Some unknown biological infiltration has changed our energy absorption device. All the energy we can absorb is getting less and less. I am not sure whether this creature is aggressive or whether these creatures have invaded other dormant Battleship. "Su An said in a breath, showing the picture to Lee, looking down and not afraid to look at each other.

Lei ignored the actions of Suan. He looked at the screen, and his energy absorber was completely different now.

Although the overall shape has not changed much, the original purely mechanical creation now gives him a feeling like a metal creature.

"They ... have life?" Lee hesitated, looking at the energy absorbing device that was still swimming in the universe from time to time.

"Yes, they are alive." Su An bowed his head and replied.

"Do you know where these things come from?" Li's face became unsightly, and Su An could think of it, he could also think of it. If this unknown creature could invade their warship silently, then he needed I rescheduled my own future.

After all, he didn't want to wake up an unknown monster that was completely out of control. The monster at the rift mouth just made them feel helpless.

If your battleship becomes the body of these monsters, this is even more terrifying than the crystal spirit.

Because he knew how powerful his fleet was!

If it wasn't clear that there was pocket space here, it wouldn't be banished here by the Jingling.

What makes me most uncomfortable is that I haven't found such a living creature in this pocket space for thousands of years in this life exclusion zone.

He did not associate these things with the outer universe creatures, and their understanding of pocket space is clearer in their Zelkvian civilization than in the Crystal Empire.

Every pocket space is very strange.

Some pockets are small and may be as large as a tiny galaxy, but there are several very valuable planets inside.

Some pocket spaces are very huge, just like the second universe, which makes people unable to explore the end at all, which makes them sometimes involuntarily think about whether the place where they live is also a pocket space.

There is a lot of pocket space, and some pocket spaces are very unique. He accidentally broke into an unknown pocket space. The size of this pocket space has not been detected, but he still remembers it.

Because there is a huge star in that pocket space, the star emitting the hot temperature is like the high-density energy body in the center of the silver disk galaxy.

Just after measurement and comparison, the star in that pocket space is twice as large as the center of the silver disk galaxy!

When he discovered this pocket space, he was very excited. He had the evolutionary genes, but he wanted to find a suitable planet for experiment.

But before he had formally explored it, a huge dark shadow passed by near his fleet, which instantly cost him three main battleships.

He also fought back, but his weapons did not cause any damage to the opponent, but the battleships were destroyed one after another.

This made Lee have to withdraw from that pocket space, and to his surprise, when he withdrew from the pocket space, the opponent did not continue to hunt his own troops.

This surprised him. When he was considering whether to send a part of the fleet to stay here and quietly explore the world inside, he found that the previous entrance had disappeared.

This made him regretful and relieved inexplicably, the other party was too scary, he did not even see the shadow of the enemy!

After this he came to the Silver Disc galaxy.

With narrowed eyes, through their exploration of Zelkvia civilization, they have found thousands of pocket spaces, no matter which space there are special creatures.

Some of these creatures have advanced wisdom and have formed their own civilization.

Others are low in intelligence and can only be described by beasts.

Their training soldiers obtained genes from a pocket space full of bugs, and then cultivated ~ ~. This is exactly what they did. Their Zerkvia civilization was called the Zerg by many civilizations around them.

Who makes their own image and these cultured soldiers are so close to insects.

Thoughts associated with this, Lee reached out and opened a video, which was saved after being attacked by the shadow.

Although it is difficult to see the other person's appearance, there is a blurred image of the other person in the video.

The silent video unfolded, Lee stared at the blink of an eye. Although the image of the other party was blurred, after processing, he was still able to see that the other party had the same high intelligence form as them.

He wore a gray armor made of unknown materials, and there were a few things like light bands on the back, which were structurally similar to bird wings.

Of course, the shape of the other party doesn't care, he cares that the other party can wander in the universe alone!

It's unimaginable!

It was this video that made him cut off the idea of ​​looking for this pocket space, and even dared not report.

He was afraid that some visionary guys in the empire would make crazy moves that would bring disaster to their civilization.

Su An has been waiting for Li's order quietly. When he saw Li watching a completely irrelevant video, he wanted to remind the other party, but he was afraid to speak.

"Suan." Lee's voice sounded.

"Here, what do you command?" Su An respected.

Lee said calmly, "Start a medium-sized battleship first and see what happens, if these creatures really soaked all our battleships ..."

Having reached this point, Lei hesitated for a long time, and then continued to say: "Then just give them up and we leave."

Su An was stunned, but he also knew the benefits, and nodded, "I see."

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