Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 961:

Although this special instance, which is obviously different from the Zerg soldiers encountered before, looks small, it looks very burly.

This feeling is like seeing a one-meter-eight pole and a one-meter-yen but full-bodied muscle.

Although the former is tall, it will not give you the feeling of being burly and tall. On the contrary, the latter is of ordinary height but has a burly feel.

At this time, the newly emerged Zerg gave the two people this feeling.

But it's just a feeling. The Zerg, who just appeared, hasn't even straightened up, and was turned into a sieve by a group of intelligent robots.

Cheng Yuan, who has been looking at the screen: "..."

"The order wasn't passed on?" He couldn't help but look to zero, which was all mashed into meat. How much more value?

Lingyi laughed and explained: "Maybe the transmission of information is a bit delayed, and our intelligent robots start faster."

In fact, when he saw that this special Zerg was directly sieved into a sieve, he was stunned.

It seems that the Zerg clad in a windy wind turned out to be a flimsy rifle head, without even the ability to resist!

It's almost!

Fortunately, Zerg soldiers with complete armor also seem to be quite a lot. They also caught three or four live ones.

"Captain, the enemy has occupied the energy room, they have destroyed the energy pipeline, and the warship can no longer sail." A Zerg soldier came to Pingji with a sigh of sigh and lowered his head to report.

Calmly clenched his fists, his eyes contained anger, but more were unwilling and helpless.

He just wanted to retreat to the rear for a while and was attacked!

And it is not clear to him who the enemy is, how strong it is, and what the purpose is.

The main thing is that those mechanical soldiers are simply the nemesis of their carbon-based life. Even if they don't have money to train the soldiers, they are just like real cannon fodder in front of these metal units. They have no effect!

They have no fear of danger, no fear, individuals are very powerful, and they can be described by terror.

In addition, Pingji found that the biological reactions that can be detected on these machines, that is, these things are not pure machines, but also have biological characteristics.

This makes Pingji even more puzzled.

Although he is not an expert in scientific research, he cannot understand why the other party uses such a combination of biological and mechanical things.

The power of mechanical creations is clear to any civilization, because all their weapons of war are mechanical products.

Even to train soldiers, they must be equipped with simple weapons after completion.

The problem is that even if they use machinery, they will not be as crazy as the unknown civilization in front of them. They also tried to use the army of machinery.

At first, the army of machinery was indeed very powerful, and it could be almost described in combat.

But soon, their enemies invented a method for the mechanical army. The most direct manifestation is the electronic jamming bomb. When this weapon that can infect the electronic signals of the mechanical army was put on the battlefield, their mechanical army was directly reduced to a pile of waste iron.

If this method is only a loss, the information invasion war is even more deadly.

At first, a civilization invented a new type of information virus. Through the virus invasion, the other party directly controlled the central intelligence that controls the army of machinery.

As a result, their mechanical army not only did not attack the enemy, but in turn aimed their muzzles at themselves!

The result of that battle was that their Zelkevia Empire was directly counterattacked by the other two star domains, and since then the mechanical army has been abandoned by them.

If there are, they are very scarce and they are used in some sectors that are not particularly important.

Just as he shook his head, a few roars and screams came from the door of the control room, and then the door was opened, and a group of robots with guns broke in.

Pingji looked at the robots gloomily, and before he spoke anything, a group of intelligent robots aimed the energy gun at him.

Without any nonsense, Pingji raised his hands.


Pingji's surly surrender gave him a lot of attention. Although he couldn't understand Pingji's whispering Zerg language, his lack of limb movement was very obvious.

Caught a Zerg with a relatively high status. Zero Nature will not kill directly. After all, he wants to know about the Zerg.

The value of this zerg is obviously many times higher than those of miscellaneous soldiers.

After the arrest was ordered, Zero let the intelligent robot control the entire whale ship.

He didn't stay much next, after all, it was too close to the Zerg here, and it would not be a good thing for them to accidentally be found.

After using nano particles to quickly repair the whale ship's energy pipeline, it controlled the whale ship to sail to its frontline base.

Of course, this behavior is quite dangerous. He is sure that the Zerg definitely has the positioning function of finding his own auxiliary warships. If he sees one of his warships running alone to an unfamiliar place, they will definitely be alert.

Although he wanted to shield the whale ship ’s signal and disguised himself as a sacrifice, he could n’t get started because he could n’t speak. He could control the whale ship ’s return to the limit in a short time.

too little time!

Cheng Yuan obviously also realizes this problem, but he also knows the problem itself, and can only hope that the Zerg will fully focus on dealing with the crystal spirit, without paying attention to the whereabouts of a small warship.

This whale ship is a small warship in both the Zerg and the Crystal civilization, and generally won't receive much attention.

In fact, Cheng Yuan's idea is not wrong.

At this time, the Zerg had fully focused their attention on the crystal spirit. The thousands of years of captivity made the hatred and anger in Li's heart surging like an exploding star.

In the vast universe, energy is extremely important to any civilization.

And they were imprisoned in an independent space with almost no energy. The fear and anger and hatred brought about by the depletion of this energy can never be extinguished!

Therefore, when he came out, there was no hesitation in launching a crazy attack on Jingling!

Countless battleships were dispatched by him. Although Jingling gathered a very large number of troops here, the gap between civilizations was real.

Jing Ling's army is many, but their Zerg army is also quite a lot!

What's more, these green skins of Jingling don't know why there was no attack by the whole army, but Keli didn't care.

In his view, the crystal spirit is undoubtedly fragile, no matter how many, it is not seen by him.

And the only obliteration gun that made him a little more vigilant, there was not much threat at this time.

Because the pocket space they can rely on has been opened a gap ~ ~ Li looked at the slowly expanding crack and was very satisfied.

This gap cannot be repaired, especially the special creature that is adsorbed on the crack opening, and it constantly **** the space medium of the crack opening.

Although this creature brought him a lot of trouble, this creature is constantly expanding the space crack.

This is equivalent to helping him. After he came out, he didn't think about the trouble of continuing to find this creature.

What's more, while this pocket space is constantly ingesting dark energy, it is also constantly assimilated. In the future, this pocket space will evolve into what it looks like.

The only thing he knew was that this space was no longer an independent space.


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