Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 920:

Although the battle with Jingling has been a desolate victory until now, Cheng Yuan did not take it lightly because of continuous victory.

He and Zero are just wondering why the crystal spirit is so vulnerable.

Even if they are maimed, their own heritage should still be, otherwise, how can they survive now?

Cheng Yuan didn't believe that there would be no civilization beyond this crystal spirit.

After all, the so-called 'yellow-headed worm' who destroyed the crystal spirit is also a powerful civilization.

Although the title of yellow head worm sounds awkward, Cheng Yuan doesn't know the real name of this civilization, but one thing can be guessed, that civilization is definitely an alternative life different from their humans and crystals.

At that time, the spaceship of Phobos had already explained a lot, plus the crystal nickname of that civilization, Cheng Yuan instantly thought of the horrible insect swarm in the interstellar game ...

Just as he thought about it, the look of the outpost gradually came into his vision.

Although the previous annunciator also had a video function, the annunciator had never had the opportunity to capture the so-called outpost appearance in this Jinglingkou.

This made him very helpless, but there was nothing he could do. After all, as long as the crystal captures his annunciator, he plugs it directly into their own spaceship and takes it home.

Now he and Zero are officially seeing this planet known as the outpost.

Between the two stars, a densely packed battleship has long been suspended around the planet, which is about twice as large as the earth looks.

Above the planet's atmosphere is a huge mechanical ring.

The mechanical ring, like a star ring, forms a closed loop around this huge planet. The surface of the mechanical ring also flashes a lot of signal lights, and many warships of different sizes enter and exit the huge mechanical ring.

"This looks like a huge space station. If you look at the small satellites that extend around it, they can form a huge web that does not interfere with the light!" Cheng Yuan stared at the unique creations outside the outpost with bright eyes. .

"What does this do?" Cheng Yuan asked curiously. Information transmission may not use so many satellites, but in addition to transmitting information, do these satellites have other functions?

After seeing the outpost, many doubts came to mind.

But before he thought about it, Zero suddenly said, "Be careful, a huge energy response is detected!"

Cheng Yuan froze. He was not too nervous. He was very confident in the strength of the barrier and asked, "Is the threshold of the barrier exceeded?"

"The energy level is unconventional, and I don't know." Zero paused before answering.

This answer made Cheng Yuan frown, and for a moment he was a little worried.

Since the barrier was made, although they have simply tested it, it can be said that ordinary conventional grade energy is basically impossible to cause any harm to the barrier.

But it's hard to say with an ultra-conventional energy response.

"Expand the range of the square matrix first, and try to distance yourself to see what it is."


In the Crystal Spirit Matrix, all the Crystal Spirits are waiting intact. The fact that three armies have been destroyed by the enemy in front has spread to the Crystal Spirits.

The power of the invaders has long been known to all crystal spirits.

However, this not only did not scare the crystal spirit, but stirred up the fighting mentality of everyone.

Facing the invaders, only the lessons of blood can let them know the severity of the invasion of their crystal spirit.

The commander of the Fourth Legion stared coldly at the enemy ahead.

Suddenly, the opponent's fleet formation began to change, and it was not known whether it was a closer relationship. In his eyes, the enemy's formation expanded.

And the energy shield on the outside like the egg shell is more prominent.

Frowning, it is not a good thing for the opponent's lineup to expand like this. After all, although the annihilation gun is extremely powerful, it has its own attack range.

Like the lineup in front of him, the annihilation gun he carried could not be eliminated at one go.

Sternly, although the commander regretted that he could not solve the opponent with one shot, he was not too disappointed. As long as the opponent's energy shield can be broken, he believes that the victory will be on their side of the crystal.

"Commander, the annihilation gun is ready."


Without any nonsense, a direct order was issued, and the dark red twisted energy burst out, and the ratio rushed to Cheng Yuan's fleet.

The speed of this dark red energy was extremely fast, Cheng Yuan and Zero did not respond at all, and the powerful energy hit the golden energy shield fiercely.

The central area of ​​the square array attacked by the opponent, where the number of battleships is the largest, and there are also several flagships inside, when the annihilation gun hits the shield.

The center of the impact instantly burst into a strong light. Like the stellar explosion, the carrier's numerous energy debris oscillated and spread around everything.


All crystal warships shook violently in the aftermath of energy, and the harsh alarm sounded madly within the warships.

"Warning, due to the impact of advanced energy, the shield energy value has dropped by 5%, and it is continuing to decrease ..."

An audible alarm kept stimulating Jing Ling's nerves, and all Jing Ling eyes fixed on the origin of the annihilation gun and the stalemate of the local barrier.

The strength of the barrier is beyond the imagination's strength. The annihilation gun, a weapon that can shatter space, cannot be destroyed at once, which puts a haze on all the crystal hearts.

The enemy's energy shields are so powerful, how powerful should they be?

At this moment all the crystal soldiers were a little confused and frightened.

"Warning shield energy value is reduced to 35 percent, and standby energy is turned on. The surface armor of the battleship is eroded by energy radiation, the damage is 40%, and the strength of the surface armor of the battleship is reduced to 40AC."

"Damn!" When the warning sounded again, all the crystal spirits couldn't help cursing, and the aftermath of the annihilation gun was so strong that it hadn't destroyed the enemy yet, they were almost maimed!

"What about the commander?" The lieutenant looked anxiously in the Fourth Army formation, looking at the expressionless commander.

This kind of combat is weird. He hasn't even encountered it before, and he hasn't started playing. He has a problem first. How can he fight next?

However, as the commander of the Fourth Army, the coach did not say anything, his eyes were still staring at the deadlock.

Suddenly he said, "Ready to attack!"

"Ah?" The lieutenant stunned, and he quickly returned to look at the place where the annihilation gun attacked.

I saw a crack like a spider web appear at the origin of the annihilation energy attack, and then the entire golden barrier was broken like a broken porcelain.

The dark red energy directly swept the battleship square like a storm.

All the affected warships were shattered in an instant ~ ~ without a flash of light.

When the energy of the annihilation gun was exhausted, Cheng Yuan's battleship array now seemed to be hollowed out, forming a huge empty area.

"It's interesting." Although tens of thousands of warships were lost, Cheng Yuan was not only worried but excited, Jing Ling had such a weapon, and the next war would be meaningful.

After all, powerful weapons are technology, and he believes that as he collides with the crystal civilization, he will find more and more fresh and available technologies.

"Enable backup energy, reopen barriers, and dispatch our large combat robots and flying saucers."


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