Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 918:

In the battlefield of the ruins, when Jingling was preparing to retreat, Cheng Yuan also began to fight back.

Thousands of battleships, like a flying saucer, were quietly arranged into a huge square array in several main battleships and in a spacious parking bay.

These flying saucers are about thirty meters in diameter, but they are very thin, and they seem to be less than two meters in height!

The surface of the flying saucer is as smooth as a mirror, and it looks like it is not equipped with any weapons, but the round edges of the flying saucer are very sharp, and you can see the cold light flashing even if you do not start it.

At this time, the lights in the spacious and tall shutdown room suddenly turned on, and at this time, not only the ground, but also the walls and the top were filled with flying saucers of the same style.

As the hatch of the main battleship opened, these flying saucers started instantaneously, floating without any help, and then one by one passed through the hatch in an orderly manner.

Cheng Yuan's move immediately caught the attention of the crystal spirit. The commander of the Tenth Army immediately urged: "Withdraw, strengthen the offensive, how much can be blocked!"

Slowly retreat while attacking the opponent.

Although this order was not wrong, as the commander of the Tenth Army Corps, he had some unease in his mind.

In particular, even his own attack could not even break the other's barriers, he was even worse.

Just when he was worried, the golden streamer suddenly bloomed, but only instantly filled his sight, the streamer dragged the long tail like a comet and pierced the darkness.

Dozens of golden rays just approached in the blink of an eye, and before the commander had made any response, a severe tremor came from the hull.

Was attacked! Why does energy protection not have a blocking effect? What kind of weapon is the other party? Speed, why is it so fast?

This was the doubt that flashed through the minds of the commander of the Tenth Army before being engulfed in flames.

Hundreds of thousands of flying saucers, like the meteor group, rushed into the square array of the Crystal Tenth Army recklessly. Facing the flying saucer coming directly, although the crystal warships tried their best to fight back, what made them desperate was that all the weapons When hitting the opponent's thin golden barrier like a cicada, it completely lost its effect.

Just as when they attacked each other's battleship squares.

Invalid attacks naturally cannot threaten these flying saucers. When the flying saucers are raging in the crystal warship square, the battle can be declared over!

In the Titan fortress, Cheng Yuan and Zero looked at this scene with some surprises.

"Crystal's fighting power seems a bit low." Cheng Yuan looked strange. Before, they overestimated each other's strength level as much as possible.

However, this first battle made them feel that the opponent did not seem to be as powerful as they thought.

That's a far cry from the information they got from the Titan fortress.

Is it possible that a war of civilization would directly destroy the crystal spirit to such an extent?

Cheng Yuan pondered this problem in his heart, but did not stop his fleet to move forward. Now that the battle has begun, there is no reason to fight in half.

Although Jingling tried his best to escape, Cheng Yuan's flying saucer was incredibly fast, and the speed of their battleship was simply not comparable.

"Quickly, start the jump engine directly and escape as much as possible!" In a battleship, Captain Jingling roared madly, accompanied by the continuous destruction of his own battleship. At this time he gave up the resistance and thought of running away. .

The opponent's horrible weapon was unprecedented, and he had made up his mind. As long as he escaped, he would immediately report the situation here, so he might reduce the guilt of the deserter.

However, he just ordered the intelligent start of the jump engine, but found that the engine did not start but instead sounded an alarm.

"What's the matter?" The captain was horrified. In this dangerous battlefield, he could be killed at any time. Those golden things were too fast. He didn't know what the other party used to destroy them. Battleship!

The unknown even caused fear in his heart.

"Captain, the engine has failed!" A herald looked at the prompt on the screen in front of him, his face was pale, his dark eyes were horrified.

"Damn! The engine didn't go bad, it didn't go bad at this critical time!" It was said that the captain jumped like thunder, but before he had vented his anger, a golden light passed through his eyes.

Then the battleship under his feet trembled violently, and the shock almost made him fall.

He didn't wait for his body to stand still, only to hear a huge hole in his head was knocked out. At this moment, he clearly saw that the flying saucers were not attacking them with powerful weapons. It's simply a hit!

At this moment of greatness, his ears were deaf immediately, and a powerful suction erupted from the opening of the crashed hole. The temperature inside the battleship suddenly dropped, and his body's surface also condensed a thin layer of frost at this moment. .

And the captain of this battleship lost his pupils and lost his color at this moment, and the harsh environment of the universe took his life in an instant!

The flying saucer doesn't care if the life in the battleship has disappeared. A few quick turning collisions will knock the entire battleship apart.

A warship was broken down in this way. The whole process was rude and simple, and it also satisfied Cheng Yuan and Zero who watched the battle.

At first, Cheng Yuan's idea was a shuttle warship. After all, the streamlined shape is more in line with his previous understanding of warship design.

However, the idea was utterly rejected as soon as it was proposed.

Because the environment of the universe battlefield and the earth battlefield are completely different, the shuttle type may be in line with current design concepts, but a disc-shaped flying saucer with an energy barrier can make the attack direction more perfect.

For this reason, Zero also listed various situations for Cheng Yuan. Whether comparing in area or attack direction, the round type has more advantages than the shuttle type.

Especially when Zero proposed the use of sub-light speed impact, Cheng Yuan had no reason to refute.

Although he was worried about hitting it at the speed of sub-light, he would crash his flying saucer.

But zero means that the flying saucer has the ability to fly at the speed of light, not to keep it at the speed of light.

The sub-light impact is a killer, the ultimate means to face such a large and strong fortress as the Titan fortress they are now riding on.

Under normal circumstances, sub-light speed impact is not used.

After such an explanation, Cheng Yuan was relieved.


The unilateral fighting lasted for a whole week.

It wasn't the Jingling who made the final resistance, but the crystal warrior's tenth army had too many warships. In addition, many Jinglings gave up the warship and fled on the escape boat at the sight of the defeat.

Although Cheng Yuan wanted to leave all the crystal spirits on the battlefield, the chaotic universe battlefield and the vast area made his idea difficult to realize.

A month later, the central star.

In the Supreme Senate, the Crystals did not have the spirit and self-confidence at the beginning.

Everyone's face was gloomy and watery. As the supreme commander of Jingling, the General Senate's eyes were full of anger at this time, and he looked at the Jinglings coldly: "All destruction!"

His dark eyes swept over everyone present, all the crystal spirits remained silent, and some crystal spirits didn't even respond.

They couldn't believe it, so the Tenth Army was destroyed!

Although the Tenth Legion was not the backbone of their crystal spirits, it was their first defeat in thousands of years!

"The other party is still advancing now. It has reached the middle of the ruins and will soon arrive at the outpost. Tell me how we should destroy them?" The General Counselor looked at the crystals coldly and asked.

"His Excellency the Chief Senate, according to the feedback from the front line, the opponent has an energy barrier that cannot be destroyed, which is probably the reason for the total destruction of the Tenth Army. If we cannot find a way to break this barrier, the front will only continue Spread towards us. "

"I think we need more powerful weapons today, and I think it's best to let the Kuroshio and Nihilism go."

"Oh? Commander Carlo, think you just need to let the two legions pass?" The Chief Senate looked at Carlo calmly, waiting for his explanation.

Carlo shook his head slightly and said, "Of course more than that, I don't want to see that we send one or two legions at a time and then be completely destroyed by the other, and then send two legions, so they are consumed by the other side a little."

Carlo stood back and said solemnly: "In addition to the Kuroshio and nothingness, Your Excellency the Chief of the Senate, I also need to let the Fifth Legion Barriers, the Seventh Legion Rift, the Thirteenth Legion Destroy and the Seventeenth Legion Flame go together!"

The Chief Senate heard this and then nodded secretly: "The Fifth Legion Barrier, the Seventh Legion Rift, the Ninth Legion Kuroshio, the Thirteenth Legion Destroyed, the Seventeenth Legion Flame and the Twenty-second Legion Nothingness, a total of six Do you think the Legion is the most suitable? "

"Yes ..." Carlo nodded, and as soon as he was about to explain the reason, he heard another objection: "I don't agree, Your Excellency the Chief Senator. These six legions are the most elite of our crystal spirits. Once all are dispatched, what about the enemy sneaking behind us? "

Carlo turned his eyes to the open crystal, wearing the same costume as him and a senior commander.

He smiled calmly and said calmly: "I believe that even if the six legions are out, as long as the three major legions of the central star are still there, there will be no problems."

Having said that, Carlo's eyes inadvertently glanced at the young Locke. As the commander of the Third Army, Locke had no authority over them except young.

"Moreover, there are six and eighth legions in the rubble to resist the enemy, a total of eight legions! I believe they can't find a way to sneak attack ~ ~ Carlo behind us narrowed his eyes, he did not explain everything.

After all, the other party just discovered them, how can they understand all of their crystal spirits so quickly?

However, when they were discussing how to eliminate Cheng Yuan, there was no change in the side-by-side form on the ruined battlefield. As a supplement to the 6th and 8th Legions of the Tenth Army, even the last battleship was in the light of the cationic gun. Into dust in the universe.

Without the obstruction of these two legions, Cheng Yuan's troops moved towards Jingling's outpost at a faster speed, and with the victory of the two battles, Cheng Yuan followed the Zero Control Titan Fortress through the wormhole. .

As the front line deepens, they can't stay on the other side, otherwise the information delay in the middle is very terrible!


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