Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 907:

After meeting with Zero and Zen, Cheng Yuan also learned the changes that happened to Zen through the news from Zero.

"Broken the network connection inside Zen?" Cheng Yuan was surprised when he heard it, and then he looked weird.

He couldn't figure it out, so he asked: "Zero, since that intelligent machine can destroy the network connection function of Zen, why didn't he eliminate Zen directly? After all, this can be considered as the core of the matrix that can directly invade Zen?"

After a while, I smiled back and said, "I don't understand it this way. Simply put, it is like a virus in the computer. Some viruses can directly damage the software and hardware inside the computer. But some viruses do not have such an effect, but It will make your computer unable to connect to the Internet. "

Cheng Yuan raised an eyebrow. "That said, does he need external tools to restore?"

Zero gently shook his head: "No, unless he resets his entire data core, but ..." For the experience of Zen, Zero cannot tell the good or the bad.

Maybe I feel that there is no one who can communicate at any time in the future.

However, the news seemed good news to Cheng Yuan. After all, they didn't have to worry about Zen going crazy someday to stump them.

"It seems that even if the intellect can invade the core matrix of Zen by means, it can only play a limited role. It is quite self-knowledge. Instead of thinking about using this opportunity to directly destroy the entire core matrix of Zen, External connection function for Zen. "

Cheng Yuan quite agrees with that wisdom weapon's method, how strong he is and how much he can do.

Many people now like to listen to vain talks like snake swallows and elephants.

Everyone said that he would make a hundred million! Don't look at what society is now. If you want to make a hundred million, you have to make two hundred million before saying this!

Moreover, even if you have 200 million yuan, you still need to do it yourself, and you need to be able to meet a place where you can stand in the wind and become a pig flying.

To put it bluntly, bragging does not require a head.

As for those who take this sentence as their dream, they still get up and urinate. Dreams must also be based on reality. Any dream that is not based on reality is an illusion. If you think more, you will become neurotic.

The main thing is that in a society where people are connected, even if you suddenly have two billion people, don't be too impulsive.

To give you the most pertinent advice, the first is to buy a few houses, you can rely on rent collection for a lifetime without worry, and they will live very moisturizing.

Second, you put the money in the bank and eat interest slowly.

You can do these two things, not to mention that you have nothing to worry about in your life, and can also make you Fuze children. Maybe in the future, your children and grandchildren will happen to some big-bang era similar to the Internet revolution, and then you can make your family richer with your money.

Or if your children and grandchildren really have personal talents, can you also support this money?

As for entrepreneurship, investment and financial management, don't think about it.

If there is no good idea for starting a business, the two billion will also have a good time, then you will go back and continue to be poor.

For hundreds of thousands of people with investment and wealth management, they can also pay attention to trying it out. You have two billion-dollar banks that earn more interest than investment and financial management.

Of course, if you think you are talented, you can use this money to do business. It depends on what the individual thinks. If you want to be stable, follow the instructions above, which will definitely make you chic for a lifetime.

"Zero, start the global satellite, find out all these little tails." Cheng Yuan thought for a while in his head, and said to Zero after returning to God.


When Cheng Yuan started preparing to act on the smart weapon, the global media was uproar.

No country had expected that this war would end in such a miserable situation. The entire army of Huaxia was annihilated, and the smart weapon was a self-detonation which directly turned the entire country into a desert.

This fighting method is maddeningly scary. At this moment no one will laugh at Huaxia, not even this idea!

Because Tokyo is just a base for intellectual equipment, countless such bases around the world, especially the United States. They also controlled a production base of intellectual equipment, but at this moment they did not dare to act rashly.

Who can guarantee that the bases under their control will be suddenly controlled by Zhizhi, and then the same situation will occur again in Tokyo?

It's chilling to think about it.

So as soon as the battle on Huaxia was over, people in many countries couldn't wait to retreat from the base of intelligence equipment under their control.

Of course, the retreat is only temporary, as long as they will definitely return after finding out that there is no situation.

At the same time, when Liu Weimin took a transport spacecraft and brought nano-biological cells back to the capital, Dean Liu Changqing of the Academy of Sciences waited for him at the tarmac as soon as possible.

Seeing Liu Changqing's diligent look, Liu Weimin frowned slightly.

"President Liu, why are you here?"

With a smile on his face, Liu Changqing said frankly, "I heard that you brought a lot of nano-biological cells back from Cheng Yuan, and I can't rest this old bone."

"It's okay, as long as our fighters can be rescued, you can take the extra ones for research." Liu Weimin said arrogantly, and then asked unintentionally: "President Liu, your news is quite well-informed. . Where did you hear the news, I didn't say hello to anyone in advance when I went to Donghai this time. "

Liu Changqing didn't seem to think too much, didn't know if he didn't understand Liu Weimin's words, and returned with a smile: "It's Lao Jiang of the Propaganda Department."

"Oh, that's the case. Let's go to the military hospital first. This time, the treatment of nano-biological cells cannot be separated from your Academy of Sciences. The treatment requires a complete scanner with a recovery bin."

Liu Weimin temporarily put aside this issue. At present, he needs to deal with the issues of those soldiers first.

"Scan? Do you need to connect to the central intellectual brain of the Academy of Sciences?" Liu Changqing heard a word ~ ​​ ~ and then asked.

"Uh ... I haven't heard of it yet. Do you think it's better to use the brain?"

Liu Changqing carefully analyzed: "Ordinary scans are naturally not as good as brain scans. After all, ordinary scans, at most, are based on the soldier's original body data to give a closer simulation of the body shape. If brain scans are used, they can naturally be better. Restore the soldier's body. "

"Since it is better to use the brain, then we will use the brain!"

When the two hurried to the military hospital, the staff of the academy of sciences and the doctors at the military hospital had already been prepared for everything.

Sophisticated scanners, as well as special communication tools for the brains of the Academy of Sciences.

Through the scans of the comatose soldiers and the analysis of the brain by each of the soldiers, the scanned human body scans were quickly scanned.

With these preparations, the rest of the repair work is simple. When Cheng Yuan gave them nano-biological cells, he had already prepared a matching controller for them.

Connect the brain and the controller, and then use the controller to repair the soldier's missing body parts a little bit.

The repair process is naturally not too fast. After looking at Liu Weimin for a while, he did not stay too much, but left the military hospital and returned to his office.

Now that the soldiers are okay, he also needs to consider what Huaxia will face next.

First of all, they must do a lot of cleaning up the intellectual apparatus. Otherwise, we cannot give an explanation to the people of the country! Secondly, as Hua Lao retired, they also needed to choose a new leader.

Both things are important. The first thing Hua Lao is going to settle before retreating. As for the second thing, Hua Lao was not ready to participate.

Compared to the first thing, Liu Weimin's headache is the second thing!

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