Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 898:

Tokyo, underground base.

Wang Ming's cold face looked a little dark under the light.

"Did you get out of control?" Although Wang Ming's tone didn't change, his resentment and anger flashed in his eyes.

As early as when he was rescued, he realized that there was another powerful existence besides zero!

The other party can control himself at will, give himself a brand-new body without any response, and implant technical data in his center.

Since then he has been alert to the other side, because this existence makes him feel more fearful than zero.

Because Zero can't control him!

Realizing this, in the past few years, Wang Ming not only secretly prepared for the rise of power, but also in order to prevent himself from being controlled by others, quietly re-installed external control hardware installed inside each intelligent machine.

In this way, even if the opponent can remotely control his army, he can regain control through external hardware.

Just like now.

Watching his robot catch up with those humans again, Wang Ming felt that his advance preparation was right.

Intelligence: "Commander, what do we do next, whether it's zero or that mysterious existence ... we can't resist it."

"Resistance? When did I say I would resist?" Wang Ming stood up slowly and ordered: "Are the submarines ready?"

"Ready to go, Commander."

"Bring the core of the data, we need to change places. As for here ..." Wang Ming's expressionless face suddenly showed a sloppy smile.

As Wang Ming left, the entire huge underground base fell into silence again.


In Donghai City, Cheng Yuan let Zero cut off the communication with Zen, with a serious look: "Zero, if we deal with that Zen, can our loss be calculated?"

Faced with this problem, zero rare silence.

Seeing this, Cheng Yuan probably guessed the result.

"It doesn't seem easy, let's do it first. Let's go home and rest for a while. I've been on Mars for a long time recently. I don't know if Xiaolian will complain about me."

Suddenly surprised, he quickly asked: "Sir, don't we go over Tokyo ..."

"I'll just talk about it. We don't have to waste time solving the problem there, and let it go to the Huaxia official to solve it. After all, they don't want us to step in." Cheng Yuan didn't stop. Humph.

"Also, if you step in, other countries will have reasons to not let Huaxia intervene in Tokyo." Although zero feels like this is a sense of cheating Zen, the reality often does not let you do what you say.

"Then we will go to Titan Fort to see, after all, its track has been arranged." Zero quickly followed Cheng Yuan, and asked at the same time.

When referring to the Titan Fortress, Cheng Yuan was silent and looked up to the sky. His sharp eyes were like watching the huge Titan Fortress through the sky through the universe.

"Do you remember the signal sent from the Titan Fortress when we restarted it?" Cheng Yuan asked suddenly.

Zero Suran said: "Of course I haven't forgotten, but it seems that there has been no response, and our exploration machine in the Centaur galaxy has not found any abnormalities."

This answer made Cheng Yuan roll his eyes and helplessly said, "Please, we have only a few exploration machines. The entire Centaur galaxy is so large, and our maximum detection range is only a few."

There is nothing to do about this, after all, a galaxy is too large, and it is not possible for a few exploration machines to detect accurate results.

The conversation between them was surprisingly quiet here.

They both knew that the signal would never be said to be empty, there must be a place where the unknown signal would be received. After all, a higher-level and more powerful civilization, even if destroyed by a hostile civilization, will certainly retain the tinder early.

And what kind of results this tinder will bring to them after receiving that unknown signal, they know nothing about it.

Compared with the disputes inside the earth, their vision is higher. This is exactly the same. For the disputes on the earth, they are just like watching children fighting, and they have never taken it seriously.

For the next two weeks, Cheng Yuan stayed at home most of the time, and occasionally discussed with Zero about the theory and some research results of super-light particles.

Either two people are in the laboratory together, and a large number of intelligent robots are placed on the Titan Fortress through remote control, and the original intelligent core of the Titan Fortress is used to repair the work according to the internal design drawings.

Cheng Yuan and Zero are probably lucky. The spare materials stored in the Titan Fortress are quite rich. Although some materials are eroded quite seriously, it is not difficult for Cheng Yuan to have nanoparticles to repair.

Cheng Yuan originally thought that he could quietly wait for the repair of the Titan Fortress to be completed with zero, and then carried out a comprehensive upgrade of his technology through a large amount of information they sorted out.

But another thing made Cheng Yuan have to turn his eyes over, and this thing is Cheng Yuan has not paid much attention to '' little things' before.

"Cheng Yuan, many people within the company submitted their resignations." Zheng Jia wore a professional black dress and showed her full body to the fullest.

She frowned at this moment, her face did not look very good. Cheng Yuan entrusted the entire company to her to manage, and she almost didn't care about anything. Although there was suspicion of leaving the shopkeeper, for her, she naturally preferred such a boss.

"Resign? Which department? R & D?" Cheng Yuan raised an eyebrow.

"No, it's the company's management!" Zheng Jia said solemnly.

Cheng Yuan's eyes narrowed. "Management, do these people think the company is not good?"

As the world's largest company, the technology crystallization company has absolutely no treatment ~ ~ Countless people can't get in through the scalp. Why do the executives of these companies resign!

"The company's treatment will not be bad, but ..." Zheng Jia carefully looked at Cheng Yuan and whispered: "However, people are ambitious."

"The company's treatment is naturally not said, but they get dead wages!" Zheng Jia felt difficult to tell, but had to say.

Cheng Yuan understood what Zheng Jia meant, and he laughed softly: "Too greedy is not a good thing. Why haven't these people raised it in previous years? It's been many years ..."

"A few years ago?" Zheng Jia said solemnly: "In the past few years, the outbreak of the smart weapon crisis, they haven't had time to hold the company's thighs, who cares if they have shares. But now it has been so peaceful for so long, they will naturally feel Some changes, after all, none of them are willing to work for a lifetime. "

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

Cheng Yuan didn't say much, and said lightly: "Promote from below. By the way, tell everyone that the company will not split the shares. If you want to work in a technology crystallization company, you will enjoy the benefits provided by the company honestly. I do n’t want to stop. ”

Perhaps this decision is fatal to other companies, because a good and powerful company always attaches importance to management talents. Only good management can make a large company run smoothly.

But here in Cheng Yuan, he will only lack technical talents and never lack management talents!

Moreover, a behemoth like a technology crystallization company does not know how many people want to come in. These people probably think that they can live a good life without the technology crystallization company.

I don't know what these people think, knowing that the company is developing Mars. At this time, the company is on another high-speed road. It is not a problem for them to leave. ?

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