Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 887:

弼 When Shen 弼 was fascinated, his shoulder was suddenly patted heavily.

"Xiao Shen, what are you thinking about? The highlights have begun!" Gao Cheng smiled, signaled Shen Yan to watch the monitor. At this time, several other people were already watching the holographic screen happily around the table.

Everyone's attention was in a small park, and a dozen people carrying bags or boxes gathered in the middle of a small open space tremblingly.

And about a dozen or five meters away from this dozen people, a man was holding a pistol at them.

"This guy can, ah, this operation is no longer, this wave is almost profitable." A Shen comrade exclaimed a surprise, with a surprised expression on his face.

However, as soon as his words fell, someone retorted: "Not necessarily, I haven't seen one outside the park? I noticed this person before, and he has a gun in his hand. I think he's going to be a mantis After catching the cicadas and the cardinals, they put these people to rest. "

Even Shen 弼 couldn't help but want to see what would happen later. Suddenly someone claps his hands vigorously, opening his mouth to divert everyone's attention.

"Don't talk, everyone is here."

I talked about Zhao Yang who came back from the bath. He had changed into a clean black combat suit and was still wearing the fragrance of the shower gel.

As soon as he heard the news, everyone dared not neglect and hurriedly looked up. Through the screen they can clearly see that a group of people have entered the obelisk building.

There was nothing in the empty building, and the most prominent was only a few pillars. After the party walked in, they also stayed for a while, apparently hit by this scene.

"Li Long, are you sure you are not mistaken? It looks like there is nothing here." After a few people turned around and found nothing, one of them couldn't help saying.

龙 Li Long is plain and not tall, but he looks very calm. I glanced at the questioning person, and said lightly, "I just said that it is most likely here. After all, this building is the most special one. I guess it is an important base for intelligent machinery."

As soon as Jin Jinyuan heard it, he immediately quit. He looked at Li Long fiercely, gritted his teeth, and said, "You just brought us here with a guess? Do you know how much time you waste?"

Xi Jin Dayuan was originally five big and three thick, and with his face full of horizontal meat, the people who came hard to follow him dared not squeak for a while.

"I haven't been to the Kingdom yet, of course I can only guess, otherwise I said there must be you here and you won't believe it. Besides, I didn't waste time, after all, we still have to look everywhere.

What's more, didn't the boss say that we all found a weapon and each of us had a huge bonus. "

Although Jin Dayuan looked fiercely, but Li Long still looked unpretentious. Although Jin Dayuan wanted to go up and give the kid a punch, he just thought about it. After all, Li Long was right. Even if he didn't come here in advance, they would search it again when they searched a little bit.

But even though he thought so, he wouldn't say that in his mouth, and snorted coldly: "Do n’t you say something like this, how much can the old thing give me as a bonus? With this time, we each hold A sack of gold is back for a better life! "

Jin Dayuan's temper is not that Li Long did not find what they wanted, but the atmosphere because this kind of breaking things actually delayed them to grab gold!

Ma Ma, there is no one in the whole country, they can choose the wealth of the land. With so much money, will they follow the old man?

In Jin Dayuan's opinion, what is opposed to intelligent machinery is purely nonsense, only the brain-savvy gadgets can say such things! Who would do this kind of thing if it wasn't going well?

If I have money, I buy a house, a car, marry a foreign wife, and buy a few intelligent robots to be a bodyguard and nanny. Can I have a bad life?

He just followed the organization for money!

Besides, now that you sell gold, people don't care about where your gold comes from! There is gold in this troubled world. Don't take it too easy!

This is the simplest ideal of Jin Dayuan. As for why you want to marry a foreign wife, of course, you do n’t need anything at all. As long as you can have a reassuring family and food and drink needs, they will follow you!

Anyway, like your own country, marriage requirements are not high, especially after the outbreak of the smart machinery crisis, there are more men and fewer girls, and the women's requirements are even higher!

Until the arrival of foreign refugees, this situation in Huaxia suddenly improved.

需要 Single men need to get married?

Find a foreign wife. Not only can it satisfy your exotic tastes, but the requirements are not high. You can eat, live, or wear clothes to follow you!

Jin Jinyuan's friends are basically married to his wife, he also regretted why he did not go to the army, otherwise he would not have to worry about living now.

But who made him timid at first.

I watched Jin Dayuan's eyes flicker, and the sympathy in Li Long's eyes flashed away. He also knew about Jin Dayuan's information. Although he looked fierce, he followed them to organize several robberies.

However, this guy doesn't look like a good person, but he has a moral bottom line compared to other people in the organization, at least he won't move the indoor hostess.

But he has joined this organization, and it can be regarded as a confluence. If Kim Dae-won can survive in Tokyo, he will be released a few years at most.

This is the method discussed above. Some people in these organizations are fierce, others are different, and there is a possibility of transformation.

Although this method of treatment is quite good, Li Long still has some dissatisfaction. He is not dissatisfied with the way he handled these people. But, like Shen Yun, he was dissatisfied that he would let these people do harm to others in order to contain the territory of the country. Should n’t those families who have been harmed be right?

But anyway, he's just a soldier.

"Maybe after this time, you should apply for retirement." Li Long thought, watching Jin Dayuan said faintly: "As long as we find powerful weapons, those people will be yours even if they take more gold. . "

As soon as Li Long said this, no one squeaked.

Because Li Long's words are like a warm wind in the winter, making them feel like a new life instantly.

"Brother Li is right, we still find a weapon quickly, this is equivalent to them finding gold for us!" A skinny man in the team grinned ~ ~ eyes bright.

Jin Dayuan also stunned for a while, then scratched his head, and suddenly realized, "You are right, why didn't I think of it?"

龙 Li Long waved his hand and continued: "Now that we understand everything, let's not search the entire building quickly? Jin Dayuan, take Wantian and Zhu Qi to search for high-rise buildings."

"Wang Ming, you and ..." Waiting for Li Long to arrange, the skinny man who just spoke stood up with enthusiasm: "I and Wang Ming go to the basement."

龙 Li Long took a deep look at the skinny man, no objection, and nodded: "That line, I will search the middle layers myself, everyone must be fast."

Li Long originally wanted to arrange Wang Ming to go to the basement with this skinny man. After all, there is a warehouse for intelligent machines.

Once they open the warehouse, they will die!

As for the three people who went to the top with Jin Dayuan, they are all those who can be transformed.

After the people like Li Long and Jin Dayuan left, the skinny man smiled and looked at Wang Ming.

"I don't believe it." Wang Ming shook his head decisively, but then he said, "I don't believe you either."

The dry-skinned man smiled stiffly, looked at Wang Ming gloomily, snorted coldly, and turned to find the way to the basement.

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