Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 881:

Both Cheng Yuan and Zero were stunned. They stared at the wormhole in the space suddenly appearing, their minds were blank. The space wormhole that originally thought it would not appear again appeared at this time, where will the space wormhole lead this time?

However, when the two stunned God, the accident appeared to them again.

I saw the carrier's golden light supersonic particles immersed in the dark wormhole vortex, and disappeared.

With the disappearance of the super-light particles, the wormhole that was still expanding suddenly stopped, then collapsed towards the center, and disappeared under the eyes of the two in a blink of an eye.

After a long while, the two who returned to God looked at each other.

"Zero, check the tunnel to see if the dark matter has been reduced." Cheng Yuan, looking back, thoughtfully looking at the acceleration tunnel for a long while, he felt as if he had discovered something interesting again.

Zero quickly checked the condition of the detector, and then answered, "Sir, the dark matter concentration in the tunnel has been reduced by 90%. The space wormhole just now ..."

Looking at the empty acceleration tunnel, Zero realized that the space wormhole just now didn't seem to be the situation they encountered for the first time.

"Is that a jump wormhole?"

Although the Tachyon particles have disappeared, not only is there no trace of annoyance in Zero's heart, but he is more excited and excited than before.

Wu Chengyuan nodded, but nodded.

After all, judging from the current situation, they really can't find any explanation other than the transition.

零 "Zero, you record that super-light particles can not only derive dark matter, but also use dark matter to open space wormholes for jumps."

Cheng Chengyuan said, a touch of regret appeared on his face.

"It's a pity we didn't have such good equipment for the first experiment, otherwise we could get more useful information."

Zero to laughed: "Sir, I think our findings are amazing enough, and we have come to a conclusion from two experiments."

"Either transition or opening the wormhole in space requires dark matter as the basic energy, but then we need to study more. Do you remember the star road map we got from the centaur civilization?"

Of course, Cheng Chengyuan did not forget the dazzling map of the universe. When he mentioned Zero, he immediately understood what Zero was about to say. "You mean those fixed transition points?"

In the star road map of the centaur civilization, it contains many space nodes. These wormholes can greatly save the time required for the journey.

With this in mind, Cheng Yuan raised a brow and pondered his chin. "It's interesting to say that. According to the information we have so far, the space wormhole needs a lot of dark matter to support it, which means that every space The wormholes are full of dark matter. "

Zero Concord said: "Yes, but it is impossible to open the wormhole in space by relying only on dark matter, and super-light-speed matter is also needed, so the problem we have to consider is also here.

空间 After the super-light particles disappeared, the space wormhole also disappeared. We don't know if the dark matter content in the tunnel is not enough to support the space wormhole or there are other reasons. "

After finishing Null, he added: "However, I personally prefer the former, because those fixed wormholes do not frequent patrons of Tachyon."

"I agree with you, but we still need to learn more about the specifics. Unfortunately, the Titan fortress of centaur civilization is a fortress of war, and we don't have too comprehensive scientific knowledge for us." Cheng Yuan sighed with regret.

Cheng Yuan is also very eye-catching for the technology of space transition. After all, this technology is more suitable for long-distance space navigation than the space gate.

And the space gate is just a fixed planetary teleportation. Compared with space transition, it is more stable and safe.

零 "Zero, you record all the data of the entire experimental process, no matter where the changes are, I need." Cheng Yuan commanded, and then turned and went outside.

The super-light particles have disappeared, there is no special meaning to continue, simply Cheng Yuan is ready to go back.

Stepping out of the laboratory door, his phone vibrated.

Cheng Chengyuan opened it and saw a smile on his mouth. The message was from Zheng Jia, and the content was related to the land.

选择 The choice has been made above. For Hua Lao, they chose the huge black land on the plain, which was not unexpected.

Cheng Yuan knew the value of the dark land naturally.

13 million square kilometers, a year's output is enough to meet the consumption of three quarters of the world's population, not to mention the fact that the global population is now declining?

But for Cheng Yuan, the black land has not valued as much as the country.

After all, the nature of the two parties is different, as long as Cheng Yuan manages his company. But Huaxia has to feed more than a billion people across the country!

This is the essential difference between the two sides.

Perhaps Cheng Yuan will also need to rely on a large amount of food to feed the population on Mars. Cheng Yuan is not worried about this. After all, even if the black land is handed over to the country, it also has its own part.

Dialed Zheng Jia's phone, and soon a large slap screen hovered in front of Cheng Yuan's eyes.

"Cheng Yuan, you finally called back, Hua Lao and they chose black land on the plain, with a total area of ​​15 million square kilometers." Zheng Jia raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, relieved after seeing Cheng Yuan.

给 "For them, as long as they remember that there is also a part of me in it." Cheng Yuan said with a smile, the national development also saved him a lot of trouble.

"If you don't have an opinion ~ ~ Cheng Yuan agrees, Zheng Jia naturally has no opinion, but the conversation turned, she looked at Cheng Yuan very seriously and said:" But there is still a problem that may Need you to solve it. "

"what is the problem?"

"Do you remember that poet girl?" Zheng Jia suddenly asked without a thought.

Cheng Cheng froze for a moment, then chuckled: "Remember, how could the first human on Mars forget it?" But soon he couldn't laugh because Zheng Jia's face was a bit wrong.

"what happened?"

Zheng Jia reached out and patted his cheek gently, frowning: "The poet girl and the experts who returned from the survey on Mars are all sick!"

"Sick !?" Cheng Yuan froze, looking at Zheng Jia with a sad look, and realized the key to the problem: "Do you mean that their illness might be the cause of Mars?"

"It's very possible." Zheng Jia looked at Cheng Yuan and saw that his face was white and red, very healthy, and there was no sign of illness, and he was not sure.

After all, the poet ’s little girl and the geological expert only went to Mars. Cheng Yuan did n’t know how many trips he had made, and he never saw him sick.

Why did these people get sick once and again?

自然 This naturally made her afraid to determine whether it was a problem with Mars.

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