Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 876:

Opening the population fertility policy and providing excellent protection, such a policy is naturally a great deal of joy for people when they are announced. Of course, this policy is optional for young people.

虽然 Although these subsidies look a lot, when the child grows up, he will not pay for a house in the future? This is not enough money to buy a house in the future! The country does not provide stable houses. If you have more children and wait for your children to grow up, how much pressure will you bear?

So when Hua Lao announced this policy, most of the people who cheered were older people. In their thoughts, naturally, the more children, the better.

As for young people, if the family is ordinary, one or two children may be the limit. For the rich, this policy is the same as nothing.

After all, wealthy people don't care about the fine of being born.

Moreover, with the progress of society, it is unlikely that such a thing as pulling people out to give birth will happen. After all, pulling people to give birth is also a person who cannot afford fines.

For the poor, they have long realized that they cannot afford too many children, not only the children's future life needs, but even fines, and naturally they will not have too many children.

Next, Hua Lao said some official words and did not announce new news until the end.

After this amazing speech, not only did the Internet explode, but people from other countries also kept talking about Hualao's speech.

But everyone's focus is different.

Most people are concerned that Hua Lao and other senior leaders have so boldly given Mars to the jurisdiction of a technology crystallization company, which greatly stimulated them.

Some people even want to replace Cheng Yuan's position at this time and enjoy the feeling of being in charge of a planet.

At the same time when they came up with this idea, they seemed to understand one thing. Although Hua Lao did not say it explicitly, the hidden meaning was so clear to them.

Mars was developed and changed by a technology crystallization company, so they have the ownership of Mars. What's more, the world's largest country, Huaxia agrees with that very unreliable cosmic law.

Does this mean that in the future, when they discover a new planet and arrive there and press their own stamps, they will also get ownership of the planet?

想法 This idea seems crazy, but with the example of a technology crystallization company, they ca n’t refuse even if they feel crazy!

Not only are those large consortia that have survived frantically looking for opportunities, but countries that have begun to recover for a long time are also looking for ways to find their own planet.

Just like Hua Lao said, times have changed.

以前 In the past, there were so many countries on the earth that the conflicts and conspiracies caused by the limited resources on the earth seemed to be worthless.

Earth is big for individuals, but small for the universe like a grain of sand.

Not to mention the rich resources outside the solar system, it is just that there are countless various types of resources in the solar system to meet their extravagant use at the current level of technology for hundreds of millions of years!

The main thing is that today the earth can be said to be Chinese. Both economic and military are under the control of Huaxia. If they want to get rid of the current situation.

依靠 These useless things that rely solely on so-called moral principles do not work at all!

No matter how Huaxia flaunts his righteousness and morality, he will not easily interfere in the politics of other countries. In fact, as long as Huaxia needs it, they don't even have the courage to refuse.

It's like Huaxia's tough requisition of their country's NAS Astronomy Bureau. They did not agree at all in the U.S., but Huaxia did it. What can they do?

He is not wronged, like a three hundred catty fat man, should his face be bitter?

If they have a planet of their own, they can completely get rid of this awkward situation.

Such a temptation naturally caused a high level of ambition to ignite in the hearts of high-level members of various countries.

However, it is naturally impossible for them to explore such a thing with their current technological means. It is really necessary to be the same as a technology crystallization company.

It was totally undesirable, so they thought of another way.

虽然 Although we do not have such technology ourselves, the technology crystallization company does. Can't we rent the exploration spaceship of the technology crystallization company for external exploration?

The senior management have made a decision, so naturally they will not drag on. Soon, phone calls from embassies around the world made endless calls to the public relations department of the technology crystallization company.

The three Cheng Yuan who are still in Donghai City did not feel any surprise when they received the news.

后 After making a decision in Hualao, they realized that the opportunity for development was coming!

Foreign exploration is a huge and huge project, which cannot be accomplished by individuals or by a single force. If it could, Cheng Yuan wouldn't have had to plan so much.

It is one thing that all human beings can do together to get out of the earth and rush to the universe.

Only when the goals and interests are unified can all people develop towards one goal. Now, the goals and benefits are there, and Cheng Yuan has prepared the most suitable tools and hardware support for them.

From today, whether it is to discover a planet with rich resources or a suitable environment, that can bring him huge returns.

After all, the transformation and development of the planet cannot be separated from the support of technology crystallization companies! No one in the world can do this, they are in an absolute monopoly!

This situation is exactly what he wants!

"Sister Zheng, let ’s go ahead and agree to everyone ’s request. The cost of renting a spacecraft need not be too high ~ ~ You can estimate it and give it a suitable price." The smile on Cheng Yuan's face never stopped. , Some excitedly commanded Zheng Jia.

Zheng Jia naturally understood in his heart that this time the technology crystallization company will usher in greater development. And it is an unstoppable development. Even without Cheng Yuan, she understands what to do.

The corner of her mouth nodded with a smile, then got up and left, ready to handle the matter.

After watching Zheng Jiashi Shiran leave the office, Cheng Yuan wondered in his heart whether he would go to Mars, and sum up the planet development projects and various costs with zero.

I glanced at Guo Xiaolian, who didn't know what was thinking, Cheng Yuan said, "Xiao Lian, I'll go to Mars. Would you like to go with me or stay here?"

Guo Xiaolian turned back, thinking slightly with her head crooked, and refused: "I won't go. I plan to go to Anhe to accompany my parents and Ya Ting. They haven't gone back for so many days. My daughter must miss me. . "

After hearing, Cheng Cheng didn't object, and nodded in agreement: "It's okay, we have been away for so many days, and you can go back and spend time with your parents."

After separating from Guo Xiaolian, Cheng Yuan took the spacecraft alone through the portal to Mars.

But as soon as he came to Mars, he heard the sound of zero anxiety sound: "Sir, come to the laboratory, I seem to have some problems here ..."

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