Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 861:

"Masters, everyone, good noon. I am your anchor poet. Many newcomers may have heard or knew what was happening here before me." The poet glanced at the surging number in the live broadcast, secretly in his heart. At the same time, the smile on his face became even brighter.

She said with excitement and exhilaration: "Yes, I am now on Mars, 50 million kilometers away from the earth. This place has become more beautiful than the earth under the transformation of the technology crystal company."

After turning the camera to the outside, she controlled the camera to return to normal, and continued: "I took the spacecraft arranged by the Technology Crystal Company to take you through the vast grasslands, high-risk mountains and rolling rivers. Now I will lead you through a vision that no one has ever seen before. "

The poet ’s words aroused curiosity among many people. What is an unprecedented sight? Is it unique to Mars?

Those who watched the live broadcast were interested, and began to ask in the barrage in the live broadcast room. The poet also missed the opportunity to chat with the water friends to mobilize the atmosphere.

However, the poet also understands that if the curiosity of others is not satisfied in a proper way, many people will definitely turn black.

So when she boarded the spacecraft, she said, "Everyone, on Earth, we can only see one moon, but on Mars, there are two moons!"

"Two !?"

Most people who watched the live broadcast were stunned, but some ‘professional’ people said directly, “Would n’t it be the two moons of Mars? Poet, are you sure that the two moons of Mars are the same as the moon?”

"I remember Phobos and Phobos are irregularly shaped. How can they be compared to the moon?"

The poet looked at the barrage and smiled slightly: "Is this the case, we will not know if we look at it? After all, no matter what the shape of the two moons, it is always something we haven't seen, haven't we?"

"That makes sense!"

After seeing that the wind direction in the live broadcast was going according to his own thoughts, the pressure of the poet's mind was also greatly reduced. Although it was not face to face, but so many people flooded into her live broadcast room, she would inevitably be nervous, for fear that she might have been mistaken for a black spot attack.


On the other side, Cheng Yuan took a lot of journalists and company members to tour around Mars City, and then invited them to have a Mars dinner at noon.

But it's a Martian meal, but it's actually food on Earth. It just grew up in the soil of Mars.

"Cheng Yuan, is this Mars? It's so beautiful, we never thought that we could only set foot on this planet if we could only see Mars photos on the Internet." Zheng Jia stood at the window, looking at the sky in the distance, Lamented.

"Yeah, I never thought about it before. I have the ability to change a planet. I didn't expect to develop a planet at all. Do you know what I thought at the time when only you were interviewing? "Cheng Yuan stared at the blue sky in awe.

Zheng Jia smiled slightly, and a corner of her mouth raised an arc. She shook her head and said, "I don't know how to read your mind. How do I know what you think. I only know that it was a big advantage."

With that said, Zheng Jia's smile was even stronger.

Cheng Yuan glanced at Zheng Jia depressedly: "You will have no friends if you speak like this."

"Oh?" Zheng Jia raised an eyebrow and replied, "What should I answer?"

"You should ask 'what's this time', and you should have a look of doubt on your face, so I can go on!" Cheng Yuan reminded solemnly.

"Ha ha."


There is no sensation of emotion in Cheng Yuan this time. He glanced at the crowds who were eating hot, and nodded: "Aren't you eating?"

"Not very hungry, are you?" Zheng Jia asked with a shrug.


This time, it is Zheng Jia's turn to roll his eyes. If you just say yes, can you still have a good chat?

"By the way, how are you going to arrange national development and bring them near this Martian city?" Zheng Jia could only find another word by himself.

"Look at how the experts over there judge, after all, I can't be the master where they want to start. After those experts have finished testing, there should be a specific plan."

Cheng Yuan considered it for a while, thinking about his own plan, and said, "But the other party around Mars will not make an idea. If you don't even have this vision, you won't be able to be sent over, will you?"

Zheng Jiayi thinks the same. She had this idea before because Mars City had complete facilities. It would definitely be more convenient if you started from this neighborhood.

But at present, it seems that Cheng Yuan will not agree with the other party to develop land around Mars City.

"In this case, let's prepare a map of Mars in advance. It will also save you the trouble when we talk to them." Zheng Jia frowned, apparently knowing that some people always look for all kinds of things. The reason is nonsense with you!

Now it's not that she deliberately thinks of the people sent by the high-levels to the disadvantages, but it is clear how obvious the benefits involved are!

In the face of absolute interest, few people are unshakable.

Moreover, this first piece of profit cake does not determine how much you get this time, but also affects all aspects of the next comprehensive development ~ ~ which involves more interest issues.

In this case, even if the above knows that there are definitely a few people in the people who are sent over, they are touching the water. Let them fight the idea of ​​a technology crystallization company, they certainly dare not.

But people don't think about the disadvantages. They use the excuses of various development problems to approach the company's senior management all the time, and then climb the human relationship, which is annoying!

And her Zheng Jia is obviously the first goal. Who makes her one of the biggest rights holders of technology crystallization companies?

She is not Cheng Yuan. She can toughen everyone who he doesn't like, and the other party doesn't even dare to fart. She can ignore those people, but she can't ignore them.

Even if Cheng Yuan supports her, she still has to consider hundreds of thousands of employees in the company!

She doesn't want her company's employees to be targeted everywhere in life chores in the future, so that when units in some systems hear that the employees of the technology crystallization company are doing things, they are dragging themselves on excuses for various reasons.

If this happens, the employees must be suffering from their own companies, which will indirectly affect the employees' work efficiency and the company's affirmation.

After all, people living in this society always have to contact outsiders to get in touch with things.

Therefore, Zheng Jia simply told Cheng Yuan here and prepared everything needed, which would also reduce a lot of annoyances.

She can be sure that even if she does, she cannot guarantee that no one will come to her. Can at least reduce a large number of people coming, right?

Cheng Yuan didn't expect that Zheng Jia would think about so many complicated things. If this happens, he doesn't mind shifting the company's focus to Mars.

After all, according to international law, the entire Martian at his feet is his, and every grass and tree here is planted by him!

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