Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 856:

"Miss Poet, please follow me."

所有人 As everyone put their eyes on the portal, the poet was awakened by the official staff of the technology crystal company who was suddenly approaching. Also lamented the shocking and immensely impassive poet who brought the portal, turned his head to look at the other side.

"Where to go?" The poet looked at the work card on the chest of the other person, then glanced at Cheng Yuan on the stage, and found that the other person nodded to him, and then moved forward.

The staff smiled softly and whispered softly: "Make some preliminary preparations. Although there will be no problems with our portals, we will not let you go directly."

Staff did not specify, but the audience in the poet's live broadcast room was boiling, they didn't care what the difference was. They just care that they can step into the portal with the anchor with their own eyes, and then enjoy the scenery of Mars!

They are looking forward to what this brand new Mars looks almost like the Earth!

The Poet Master Yun followed the staff members when everyone didn't notice, but no one paid special attention to her at this time.

She followed the staff to the back of the stage, with a free camera hanging beside her. The pictures she came all the way were also seen by all the netizens watching the live broadcast.

But when the poet saw the people behind the stage, the whole person was still. For a moment she wondered if she should keep up.

"Wo grass, see who it is !!!"

"Cheng Yuan, Zheng Jia, and Guo Xiaolian!"

"The poet is so handsome, everyone can meet, envy! (Funny face)"

Cheng Chengyuan held Guo Xiaolian's hand, and smiled at the poet who suddenly stopped.

"Hurry up, the poet is calling you!"

"Go! Go! Go! Go down! He will be the richest man in the future!"

In the live broadcast room, the audience immediately laughed at the scene. For them, it's definitely a good thing to juggle a wave of anchors at this time.

In particular, seeing the careful appearance of the poet's poetry, they even gave them a ridiculous idea.

Seeing Cheng Yuan recruiting himself, the poet bit his lower lip, moved a small step, and lowered his head and came to the three of Cheng Yuan: "General Cheng, General Zheng, and General Guo."

The poems of Puppet Master said hello, one by one, very restrained.

"Don't be so nervous, wasn't you brave just now?" Zheng Jia saw the little girl so restrained, came to the poet with a smile, and patted her on the shoulder comfortably.

"Wow, I was comforted by the pat on the shoulder!"

"General Zheng is so gentle and beautiful. I heard that General Zheng is still single now, and I don't know who is so blessed to marry General Zheng."

"Upstairs, I want to make Zheng Jia look good. There are only a handful of people in the world! I doubt if Zheng Yuan got married, Zheng Jia would be in Cheng Yuan's arms!"

"It's true, the process is far from being specific, so Zheng Jia has no hope."

佳 Zheng Jia didn't know that her common practice would also attract a large number of netizens to tease. She looked up and down on the poet, her white and tender skin, as if talking bright eyes, and her lips were red and white.

She called for an intelligent robot and ordered: "Give this lady a suitable protective suit."

The intelligent robot scanned the poet with his eyes and nodded, "No problem, ma'am." After speaking, he turned and left to get his clothes.

Poet Master Yun also relaxed a lot at this time, she looked at Zheng Jia puzzledly: "General Zheng, you asked me to wear protective clothing, is there any radiation during transmission?"

Her question made the audience in the live room also come to spirit, one by one watching the holographic screen of the mobile phone or computer intently, waiting for Zheng Jia's answer.

"Stupid girl, the energy of the portal is nuclear fusion. How can this clean energy have radiation? Letting you wear protective clothing is to provide you with more secure protection."

Zheng Jia rubbed the poet's head and joked, "You don't want to have an accident during the teleportation yourself?"

Zheng Jia did not tell the truth to the poet at this time, but did not lie to her. It is true that the portal does not radiate, but she will not be sure if it will directly affect people during the transmission.

So a protective suit can well protect the poet from being affected by energy during transmission.

At this time, Zheng Jia glanced at the free camera floating above the poet's head, looking a little surprised: "Are you broadcasting?"

She is not Cheng Yuan, and Zheng Jia has not been informed of the identity of the poet.

Master Shi nodded quickly: "Yeah, I'm the anchor." She glanced at Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian, and looked at Zheng Jia again, whispering: "Can't I broadcast live here? Should I shut it?"

Looking at a little panicked girl, Zheng Jia waved with a smile: "Of course, we are not in a special area here. Of course, there is no problem with the live broadcast, but you will have to broadcast when you change clothes later."

Zheng Jia stared at the poet with a grimace. The poet suddenly made a big blush. Before she could answer, the audience in the live broadcast immediately made a noise.

"Of course I have to change clothes live!"

"Change clothes, change clothes!"

"Poet, it's time to show your figure!"

Ignoring the message in the live broadcast room, the poet quickly shook his head: "I will just leave the camera outside."

At this time, the intelligent robot that had been instructed by Zheng Jia to pick up the clothes also returned. He also carried a very special-looking clothes in his hand.

The clothes look soft and small in size.

"Go and change the clothes. This dress is close-fitting. After you put it on, you can put your skirt back on." Zheng Jia told him, and then the intelligent robot took the poet to change clothes.

When the poet was changing clothes, Cheng Yuan motioned to Zheng Jia, and then took Guo Xiaolian to the stage.

At this time, most people also recovered from the previous shock. When they re-focused on the stage, they found that Cheng Yuan and his wife even appeared on the stage at the same time.

This caused some reporters to take pictures crazy, and the flashing of the magnesium light kept on.

各位 "Everyone, the portal has been opened. According to the data in the background, I can be sure that the portal is very stable now! Then it comes to the real test phase!"

Cheng Yuan's eyes were stunned ~ ~ He looked at the reporters and members of the audience, solemnly said: "Applying Armstrong's famous saying, the next step will be 'a small step for individuals, a big step for human beings. 'At first, this sentence was what Armstrong said after the moon landing, and I feel that it also applies to what we will witness next.'

Wu Chengyuan's words naturally aroused the enthusiasm of everyone, especially those members who were very clear with the reporters. Many of them were bare-chested and full of regret.

If they were the same as poets, would they be the lucky ones?

A lot of people have such ideas, but they know very well that even if they have such opportunities, they can't do it! After all, they are different from poets!

Such a behavior by a young girl like Poem Master Shi will be easily understood by others. But they are different. Regardless of their identity and age, if they do, they will definitely be discredited by the reporter sitting behind them.

那么 "So, if you ask our poet girl, she will be the first human to pass through the portal, and the first human to set foot on Mars!"

There was no nonsense, Cheng Yuan announced after confirming that the poet was ready.

After his words fell, the poet slowly brought her live broadcaster Liberty Camera out of the back of the stage. Although she also broadcast live for a short time, facing the audience and the media for the first time still made her feel uncomfortable. of.

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