Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 852:

佳 Zheng Jia stepped onto the stage, and the voice at the press conference dropped instantly. Everyone looked at her with anticipation. Today is an extraordinary day, and they all want to be witnesses to it.

"Welcome media people from all walks of life and distinguished members of our technology crystallization company to participate in this press conference."

Standing on the stage, Zheng Jia calmly said that today, both she and the media below are very excited, because everyone present knows what the press conference is for today.

But next she has to give home to Cheng Yuan, so I can't say too much.

She smiled and said to the audience: "Today is a special day. For me and you."

Zheng Jia's solemn words made the audience under the stage look enthusiastic. After Zheng Jia finished speaking, many people couldn't help but glance at the huge portal next to the ground.

Yeah, the space portal. The emergence of this cross-generational product is a special encounter for anyone, although it is unclear how the space portal is intended to be used.

But they definitely do n’t want to use it for simple transmission. After all, today ’s highlights are Cheng Yuan and Hua Lao!

These two have come forward, the role of the space portal is definitely not easy! It's just that no wind has been revealed, they know too little too little.

But unlike these media, a large number of business leaders who have not received Cheng Yuan's invitation know about the Mars plan because of a previous meeting of Hua Lao.

Although they are not present at the scene, they are paying close attention to every move here through live TV. Different from the expectations of the media and ordinary people, these people are all complex, they don't know if they should be happy or angry.

The development of Mars will definitely bring more benefits, but this benefit is not what they want, but how much do they want to give?

What's more, once the development of Mars is announced, the whole economic market will definitely usher in a new round of fluctuations, and the ordinary people will definitely benefit from it.

After all the news was revealed, coupled with the simple and convenient way of back and forth through the space door, whether it is food or housing, there will be a substantial price reduction.

China's housing prices are still high today, which is higher than New York's former largest economic center in the United States! Once the news of Mars's habitability spreads, housing prices will definitely have a huge drop.

This is not a good thing for them.

无论 However, the decisions and actions of technology crystallization companies do not need to refer to their opinions. Because they all know that they are nothing in front of Cheng Yuan, a technology crystallization company!

Regardless of what people from all walks of life think, Zheng Jia said to everyone with a smile: "Now I have invited the chairman of the technology crystallization company, Mr. Cheng Yuan to introduce the main content of this conference."

At the back of the stage, Cheng Yuan smiled slightly, adjusted his clothes, and walked out calmly. With the emergence of Cheng Yuan, the journalists below and the participating members also voiced their voices.

Although Cheng Chengyuan didn't do any special dressing, the young and handsome face, tall and straight figure, and the calm and calm posture all made people unconsciously focus their eyes firmly on him.

"Everyone, viewers, did you see that Cheng Yuan came out, he looks so young and handsome!" The poet on live broadcast saw Cheng Yuan for a moment and couldn't help screaming at the camera.

"It's over, it's over, the goddess is going to commit idiots."

"Pay attention to the image, poet, what about your high cold?"

靠 "Fuck, Cheng Yuan feels that nothing has changed in the past few years. It's almost thirty people. How can he be so young! It's just irrational!"

弹 The barrage fills the screen instantly in the live room, making many people watching the live broadcast have to close the barrage to see the normal live broadcast picture.

"Hello everyone, I haven't participated in such a press conference for a long time." Cheng Yuan didn't say any tall words at the beginning, but was very bland.

"Today, our company's press conference is mainly to introduce the space portal that everyone has long known!

Perhaps many people can easily understand the role of the portal, after all, its name and its role are very easy to understand. However, where it works, it may be difficult for anyone who is present or who is watching this conference to guess. "

Cheng Chengyuan smiled confidently, looking at the eagerly waiting reporter with a microphone below, as well as members who looked or solemn, or curious, or looked forward to.

"Of course, what I said may not be all right. After all, no matter where, smart people are always there. You can see that there are three portals of completely different sizes in the portal space square, so their sizes are different. What does it mean?

A lot of people are sure to guess their differences, distance!

The size of the indicates that the energy required to start it is different, so the more powerful the energy supply is, the longer the transmission distance is! "

Many reporters in the market nodded inadvertently after Cheng Yuan ended the remarks. Then in the short while Cheng Yuan paused, he had a conversation with a colleague or colleague beside him.

Although they are very anxious and want to interview Cheng Yuan immediately and ask their questions in a brain, their professionalism tells them that it is not time.

If you disturb Cheng Yuan's speech at will, the consequences will be very serious! After all, the consequences of doing so already happened years ago.

的 There were a lot of media who were kicked out by Cheng Yuan, and there was no way to get kicked out. Even if you are not convinced, you don't want to be black!

So these reporters are tacitly restrained at this time.

"So, where can the smallest portal be teleported to?" Cheng Yuan used a question, but he didn't answer it to the reporter below.

He said to himself: "The smallest portal will allow us to move smoothly between Asia and anywhere in Europe. Of course, as long as we also set up an identical portal there as an exit, otherwise you might You can't go out when you go in. "

This sentence immediately led to a burst of laughter in the audience, not easy to say far away, but they did not dare to underestimate Cheng Yuan's words while laughing.

After all, if you go in a single item, you can't make it out, which means that you must never go back in hastily! Even if it is not dead, it will remain in the channel of space transmission.

"The second portal, which is much larger than the first portal, but it doesn't look very different from the visual inspection. It allows us to teleport to any place in the world!"

Xu said here, Cheng Yuan suddenly lowered his voice: "Moreover, this is not its maximum teleportation distance. If a portal can be established on the moon and connected to it, as long as you walk past it, you will immediately appear on the moon!"

After saying this, Wu Chengyuan immediately shocked everyone, and people who watched the live broadcast were also surprised. Many people involuntarily looked at the biggest portal.

Compared with the third portal, the second portal is as small as a child, so this portal will not directly transfer people to other parts of the solar system?

Seeing the thoughtful appearance of many people, Cheng Yuan smiled slightly and said, "As for the third portal, which is also the largest portal at present, its teleportation distance is farther away! Even I ca n’t evaluate it. The limit! "

Cheng Chengyuan ’s words made more people curious and expectant. The second portal can be teleported to the moon. Can the third one be teleported anywhere in the solar system?

If this is the case, does it mean that humans will completely conquer the solar system in the future? The reporters present were enthusiastic about the rich and endless resources in the universe.

Especially for Huaxia reporters, for them, the emergence of the space portal represents that Huaxia will become the first country to enter interstellar development!

华 Huaxia will also become stronger than it was originally!

Compared to the inner excitement and surging of Huaxia reporters, many foreign reporters also cheered excitedly!

This surprised some Chinese reporters who were unknown.

"Huang Yue, this portal is from our country. What are these foreigners excited about?" A journalist with eyes stared at the group of blind and excited foreigners.

Huang Huangyue's mouth was raised, and the makeup's delicate face showed pride, but the words spoke with a sense of contempt.

"Zheng Yang, how have you been a reporter for so many years? Why are your heads clueless? These cheering reporters have either joined our Chinese nationality or started their own business here. They are half Chinese."

Zheng Yang lifted his glasses and looked at the same group of men and women. There were also many beautiful female reporters. The exotic style made Zheng Yang's eyes straight for a while.

He murmured: "By ~ ~ How can I not encounter such a good thing!"

许多 At the time, many foreigners came to China to take refuge. Although the Huaxia government accepted many people, there are many conditions for them to truly integrate into China and become a formal citizen of China.

The simplest is to marry a Chinese woman or a Chinese man, so that they can officially acquire Chinese nationality.

Obviously, these cheering people must have joined Huaxia nationality in this way. After all, compared to the condition of marriage, other conditions can be much more complicated and demanding.

And if these people adopt other conditions, they will not become their counterparts. After all, Huaxia does not have any law that says that being a reporter in China will allow you to join the Chinese nationality.

Looking at the exclaimed people below, Cheng Yuan's expression remained unchanged, and he continued, "Of course, although I don't know its extreme distance, this largest portal is the only one that can start teleportation among the three portals One! "

Before these people returned to God, Cheng Yuan threw another heavy news.

This news made everyone stunned. When Cheng Yuan introduced the two smaller portals before, he clearly stated that the two portals have not yet established corresponding exits!

But the third largest has already been able to teleport, so where is its portal destination?

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