Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 484:

The process of going back was also very smooth. Although the distance between Mars and Earth was further, it only increased the flight time by a few minutes.

When the two returned to Earth, Cheng Yuan did not return to Anhe City for the first time, but directly let the spacecraft land at the space portal base in Donghai City.

"Boss, you are back." When Zheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian both walked down the spaceship with laughter, Zheng Jia hurried over.

Looking at Zheng Jia in a hurry, Cheng Yuan smiled and asked, "What's wrong, so anxious for me to come back?"

"The space portal is already ready. The next test phase requires you to personally host it. I'm an authentic layman."

Zheng Jia rolled his eyes, and then continued: "I called up yesterday. He is the logistics minister named Ruan Zhongming. He wanted to ask some preparation questions about the Mars exploration plan. As a result, we were not prepared at all.

Zheng Jia sighed, and she was actually curious as to how Cheng Yuan planned to arrange. Seeing that the country has already begun preparations, is there really nothing to prepare yourself?

Cheng Yuan waved his hand without worrying, "Sister Zheng, don't you worry about this, haven't you seen me and Xiaolian walk around Mars, do we still need to prepare here?"

Zheng Jia stayed, but she still asked uneasily: "Is that ready? Don't make any mistakes."

That's Mars, a planet that no one would mention in everyday life. Now that she is finally able to board 6 and survive there, even if she is stable, Zheng Jia's mentality is somewhat unbalanced.

At this time Guo Xiaolian took the stubble, and she laughed: "Sister Zheng, don't worry, Cheng Yuan has built a big city there, everything is everything, but I took a lot of photos and videos, and wait for me Pass it on to you, and you'll understand after reading it. "

Zheng Jia's curiosity was immediately hooked by Guo Xiaolian. If she could also want to go to Mars, but thought of the crimson planet in her impression, she became very tangled.

Bu Chengyuan and Guo Xiaolian have all been there, which shows that the situation on Mars must have improved a lot. Just don't know what the situation is.

Seeing Zheng Jia's entangled look that was curious and could not help thinking about it, Cheng Yuan smiled and arbitrarily set off: "Sister Zheng, if you want to watch, go with Xiaolian first to see the video. I will first Go and look at the space portal here. "

"Okay." Zheng Jia was also polite and took Guo Xiaolian to watch the video.

After the two walked away, Cheng Yuan said to zero: "Let's go, first look at the overall situation of the space portal here."

Although the space portals are huge, their control center occupies a small area. It is a three-storey building, and the building is a standard T-shaped building.

The two came to a three-story white building, and they walked in front of them, surrounded by a smart robot with a weapon holding a guard.

Cheng Yuan came all the way and nodded secretly to such an arrangement. Intelligent robots are undoubtedly very safe to use as a defense, and sneaking in wanting to sneak is undoubtedly a nightmare.

Under the guidance of zero, Cheng Yuan walked through the aisle and came to a metal gate.

Zero to Cheng Yuan smiled and motioned, then opened the door. As soon as the door was opened, the sound of familiar machinery running into his ears.

This is a huge room. The incandescent lamp on the top illuminates the room, and three special rows of desks occupy the center of the room.

There are no computers on these desks, just a thin crystal keyboard on the desktop. The virtual screen is hovering about ten centimeters from the desktop.

Each intelligent robot was busy walking back and forth in the aisle, and Cheng Yuan could still see the slender metal fingers of a part of the intelligent robot sitting at his desk typing on the crystal keyboard quickly.

"No one here?" Cheng Yuan saw this scene and was not surprised at all, just a little curious.

Zero shrugged his shoulders: "The space portal is not an ordinary thing. At present, no one except you and me has mastered this technology. So whether it is here or Mars, the program maintenance of the space portal depends on smart robot."

Cheng Yuan was stunned, he nodded, agreeing: "Also, but in the future we will also train some talents in this area. After all, human beings are the main body of society. However, this is the best way now. If intelligent robots are used, confidentiality do not worry."

Cheng Yuan doesn't mind transmitting some of the technology, but the premise of the external transmission is that he has enough to eat.

Moreover, the danger of the space portal technology is also extremely great. It may not bring benefits, but it will also cause a lot of trouble.

"Sir, there is no problem with the space portal of Donghai City at this time. When will we start the first teleportation test?"

After coming to the control room, Zero was also a little excited. Although the space portal is OK, the teleportation between Earth and Mars is the first time!

"This is not urgent." Cheng Yuan glanced at the intelligent robots around him, but did not immediately agree, but walked to the central computer.

On the holographic display of the central computer, there is no complicated data, but it directly and simply presents the status of the three space portals at this time and the indicators of each link.

Everything on the screen is very normal. After looking at Cheng Yuan for a few moments, he said to Zero: "You are responsible for the preliminary work of the test, but you also know the size of the space portal. Our test will surely shock many people. , So it's impossible to have a closed test. "

Cheng Yuan naturally wanted to conduct a test smoothly and quietly, but the portals like the Big Macs outside did not want to be quiet.

After a while, I said with a bit of shame: "I was so anxious, this thing really shouldn't be too random, do you need to notify President Zheng?"

Since it cannot be tested directly ~ ~ According to Cheng Yuan, it must be made public. This requires joint participation with the outside media and all parties.

This can only be done by Zheng Jia or Guo Xiaolian. Although he is very, very human, even more like humans than some humans.

But in essence he is still smart!

The main thing is that he has never tried to accept people, and the only communication objects are also Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan looked back and smiled. It didn't matter: "It's okay. I started to test directly like you, but the space portal was too large."

This point, Cheng Yuan is very helpless, but it doesn't matter too much. After all, public testing is also good for public testing.

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