Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 842:

不管 But no matter what it was, the top priority today is Mars development. Technology crystallization companies can't count on them, so they can only work on their own.

既然 "Since there is no preparation from the technology crystallization company, let's come by ourselves and talk to the observatory experts and listen to their opinions."

Lao Huahua thought for a moment and then made a decision, although it may cause a certain degree of waste and deviation because of not understanding the situation on Mars.

But at least it can guarantee that it will not delay the entire time of the Mars plan. He must ensure that the space portal is officially opened and passed. The first time will let people pass!

Ruan Zhongming nodded silently after hearing this, which was a big problem for him.

As for Hua Lao, he communicated with the experts of the observatory, but he was a bit disapproved. Even if he communicated with the experts there, what opinions can they give?

He has asked before that this period of time is just the observation of the empty window period. The so-called empty window period is not to say that it is completely impossible to observe, but to use more advanced equipment to see!

And even if you can see it, it is only a rough outline of Mars, and you ca n’t see it at all. Unless they, like the United States, send a satellite over.

So to achieve this through the observatory is nothing more than self-deception.

If the observatory can really do that, there will be no previous meeting. Ruan Zhongming will not go to the technology crystallization company.

Looking at Ruan Zhongming, who was speechless, Hua Lao also realized that there was a problem in his words, but at this time he was helpless.

The weakness of the country in this regard cannot be caught up in two steps.

In terms of astronomy, although the country has also developed vigorously, not everything will be supervised by him. Many things are handled directly by the people at the Astronomical Bureau and the Ministry of Finance.

After all, he has a specialty in the art industry. Even if he is the supreme leader of Huaxia, he cannot directly tell the Ministry of Finance that he must support the development of astronomy?

虽然 Although he is the top leader of Huaxia, he cannot use his power to disrupt the domestic economic situation.

If something goes wrong, it will be the people of the whole country who suffer.

So although he knows that there is a big contradiction between the people in the Ministry of Finance and the people in the Astronomical Bureau. And the cause of the contradiction is straightforward.

That is, money!

Astronomical development requires huge amounts of money to support it. A rocket launch requires a value in billions.

Also, the development of astronomy cannot bring the GDP and other things that the Ministry of Finance cares about, so the leaders of the authorities are very reluctant to pay for this.

In this situation, Hua Lao can only keep silent, no objection and support, and can only do this kind of thing after the country becomes richer in the future!

However, Hua Lao also knows that if the country does everything, it may do well, but it may not do well. Maybe this situation will continue indefinitely.

In view of the possible situation, this led them to decide to invest some resources to accept the existence of private enterprises.

不 No detailed list here.

I was embarrassed. He suddenly thought that the United States had not put a lot of satellites on Mars. If we could borrow the US Astronomical Agency for a while, this problem would not be solved?

He first instructed Ruan Zhongming: "Go work first, try to prepare as much as possible!"

Ruan Zhongming was relieved, nodded, and ended the call.

阮 After Ruan Zhongming hung up, Hua Lao quickly notified the rest of the people, and although it was not long before the meeting ended, he was called again.

But everyone is not dissatisfied. After all, there are no major issues, and Hualao will not look for them.

After waiting for everyone to come, Hua Lao Zhongqi said with full force: "Everyone, the problem with the Mars plan has always been that we cannot effectively observe Mars. Once this problem is solved, it will be much simpler."

I listened to Hua Lao's words, the crowd did not speak, they were waiting for Hua Lao's next.

"If we borrowed the US Astronomical Agency, wouldn't it be a lot easier?" Hua Lao looked at everyone with a burning look.

"This is not good, isn't it?" Which of these people, Lao Liu, is not a savvy person. As soon as they finished speaking in China, they realized their purpose.

But will such a direct "borrowing" cause dissatisfaction on the part of the United States?

Although in their eyes, the so-called United States is the same, but in the end, they are a country, and their approach will affect China ’s international reputation to a certain extent.

After all, the crisis of intelligent machinery has passed, and the basic conditions of all countries have been restored. Important industries such as the news media have recovered early.

Once this matter is advertised, it will not look good to Huaxia.

"Lao Liu, I don't like to hear what you say. If it's not good, we will use their astronomical bureau to use it. Lao Maozi dares to blow hair. I will immediately send the fleet over!"

When the old Liu just said, an old man immediately stared and yelled.

Although the old man was wearing a formal dress at this time, the face that turned red because of anger made him look angry.

"Lao Zheng, what are you talking about, when did I say I was afraid of the United States, and now we can just destroy them with a fleet of air fleets, I care about the face!" Old Liu suddenly displeased and stared with a beard. Staring at Lao Zheng.

"Well, your old Liu still talks about face? Today I will tell you what face is, how big your fist is, how big is face! Regardless of what you have and what others like to say, can you say our fleet is not? Can't you? "Lao Zheng looked at Lao Liu with a disdainful expression, very dissatisfied with the other party's approach.

他 In his eyes, the image and face are all played out ~ ~ Even if you don't do it, then go out and brighten your fist, whether it is threatening or showing muscles!

"You!" Lao Liu stalked his neck and stared at the other side indifferently.

"Okay, well, it must be borrowed, but we are not borrowing in vain. Look at the two of you, both of whom are old, and look like this." Hua Lao looked at the two in dispute, Shaking his head and laughing.

If at a formal meeting, the two may not be the same for their respective image in the media, but in this small conference room.

They don't have so much scruples.

"Hua Lao, do you mean, we still have to give Laomei some benefits?" Lao Liu snorted softly and turned to look at Hua Lao.

As soon as Lao Liu said this, everyone was happy.

"Lao Liu, feeling you started thinking about Bai Borrowing things from the beginning!"

Lao Liu was also blushing at the moment. He argued, "We have helped them rebuild the country. Will it be useful to borrow their astronomical bureau?"

"But they are paid."

"Even if they don't pay, as long as we don't agree, those things are not ours?" Old Liu muttered.

But this is just his angry words, the actual situation is clear to everyone present, some things should let go.

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