Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 829:

Everyone was silent. Although they were very interested in the land in the triangle, and the benefits that the land could bring in the future were inestimable.

But they are not idiots, and they can do small moves now because the technology crystallization company ignored them at all!

It really makes them work hard with the technology crystallization company, that is absolutely impossible!

Although it is said that the high-level protection of the technology crystallization company has been withdrawn in silence, there are even wind noises to suppress this company.

After all, this company is a completely private company, the state has no shares, and no relevant personnel are involved. And this company's specifications have already exceeded the country's 'standards'!

Such a company cannot survive in any country, even the United States, which claims to be free, cannot do this. For companies involving important national technologies, either the local government holds shares or the military participates in it!

But even so, they can't stand up to technology crystallization companies!

Don't you see the attitude of top management in the face of technology crystallization companies? It was also a feeling of powerlessness!

Thinking of this, they felt a kind of fear and awe deeply!

After Wang Meng's departure, the only woman left also resolutely said: "I quit, just like Wang Meng said, the technology crystal is not an ordinary company, I don't want to play with fire, before I ...

Having said that, she suddenly stopped talking, and then continued: "I tried my best before, so that the technology crystallization company that was already ready to start the shutdown to bypass the Sun's land was already the limit!

Do n’t you know how much pressure my dad has suffered at the meeting because of this! "

The more she said, the more angry she became, not saying: "I'll do my best for this matter, look at you? One Yu Hongtao can't figure it out!"

"To be honest, I'm disappointed with you. I don't think it's better to continue this matter." After complaining, it was probably smooth, and she left the villa without mentioning her handbag.

Seeing that both women had left, the remaining three were at a loss for a while. Especially JAC, his complexion is extremely green.

The retreat of Wang Meng and Li Na caused his chest to be filled with anger instantly. He looked fiercely at the two remaining people: "Zhang Chao and Wu Qiang, are you two ready to quit?"

Zhang Chao had short dry hair and square eyes.

He looked at Jianghuai and sighed: "Just let it go. Sister Li had already done her best. It was too useless for us to handle even Hong Tao. Moreover, Sun Ze was not vegetarian. It's impossible to have nothing in his heart! "

After listening to Wu Qiang, he nodded and nodded, but he didn't say a word, just staring at Jianghuai.

It was said that five of them participated, but in fact, the organization was Jianghuai. The one who really worked hard was Li Na. He and Zhang Chao and Wang Meng were just relying on their elder status to make it easier for Sun Ze. Just keep their original piece of land.

If something like this succeeds, then he earns. But even if it doesn't succeed, nothing will be lost. Therefore, Wu Qiang has always held a dispensable attitude, and his position is naturally not firm.

In the case of Wang Meng and Li Na quitting one after another, Zhang Chao also said that this matter was over, he naturally wished to immediately clear the relationship.

He didn't leave directly, it was because the three of them were friends in a circle. At this time, wasn't it too bad to give Jianghuai face?

This kind of thing that offends people, naturally he will not do it stupidly.

And in his opinion, Zhang Chao didn't leave, but explained the reason, Bacheng had the same meaning in his heart. In order to give JAC a little face.

Now in the entire Donghai City, who doesn't know that the Sun family's plot in the triangle area has something to do with them? Many people pay attention to this matter.

If they have n’t waited for the technology crystallization company to take any action, then they have internal contradictions. Is n’t that a joke?

In the future, if they go out, they will not be looked at as a joke by those people?

As for the strength of the opponent, those talents will not look at them, they will only pay attention to how these people become the object of their ridicule.

Although Wu Qiang thinks so, JAC doesn't think so!

The science and technology crystallization company is noble again. When it comes to this three-mu land in Donghai City, it is necessary to honestly follow the rules and regulations here!

In some ways, his idea is the same as that of Wu Qiang. If he fails, he will not lose anything. In this case, why should he look forward and backward?

"Do you think that offending the technology crystallization company will have an impact on the family?" JAC did not want Wu Qiang and Zhang Chao to launch it, and he asked the two back.

Zhang Chao and Wu Qiang looked at each other, both of them looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

"Impossible, the technology crystallization company is just a business! Even if it has an impact, that is not the main factor, let alone the result is not their final decision!"

Jianghuai felt slightly better when he heard such an answer. He continued: "So, what else do you worry about?"

Wu Qiang glanced at himself secretly, why not worry, although this is the reason, but you think it is so simple, if it causes the technology crystallization company and the Donghai Municipal Government to be on the bar, they must be the ones who suffer!

If a technology crystallization company feels that development in Donghai City will be hampered, people will have a lot of money, and it will be a big deal to just quit and go to Nanhai City!

He had heard earlier that the technology crystallization company had a very large port in Nanhai, and had seen it a few times in the news and on the Internet.

But how much urban and environmental impact did that port bring to Nanhai?

If the space portal blew up because of them, would the Tokai City Government tolerate them and their families?

The answer is absolutely no!

At the sight of the two people, JAC stopped talking ~ ~ and my heart became cold. Just as he planned to say something more, Zhang Chao suddenly asked: "Even if we support you, how are you going to organize the start-up of a technology crystallization company?"

When this question was not raised, JAC was confident. But as soon as Zhang Chao asked, he paused suddenly, standing in a bun in the living room stupidly.

Yeah, even if they agree, how can they stop the construction of the technology crystallization company?

It is certainly impossible to follow the formal procedures. After all, people in this area will give them face, but the face of the technology crystallization company is obviously greater!

As for going black.

They never thought about it. Hundreds of intelligent robots. Do you want to play the black road to find a thug? Let's first measure the gap between the two sides in muscle and steel before saying this!

As long as it's not an idiot, who will be fine with finding trouble with intelligent robots? Since the emergence of intelligent robots and gradually entering the society, even robbery has become an absolutely dangerous profession!

Because of being close to the people, the price of intelligent robots is very low, and even ordinary families can be equipped with one. And because of the versatility of intelligent robots, some people even use their own robots as bodyguards.

During the day, there may be less when you go out, but when you go out at night, everyone will bring a smart robot out. During that time, he heard a lot of news about intelligent robots interrupting the bones of a certain robber.

Don't look at the instructions of smart robots that do not harm humans, but once the owner of the smart robot is threatened, their first command will become the first order to protect the master!

Seeing Jianghuai's dumb eyes, Zhang Chao was relieved. He glanced at Wu Qiang, saw the other side concealed his thumb, and then turned to look at Jianghuai. He said earnestly: "Don't be stubborn, some things should be let go Just let go, it will be a lot less hassle! "

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