Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 824:

"Manager Yu, you should know why I am looking for you." Zheng Jia said faintly, she looked at Yu Hongtao sharply.

Yu Hongtao stooped slightly, panicking, "I know, because my unauthorized Zhang disrupted the company's plan, I can hardly blame it!"

Zheng Jia frowned, and Yu Hongtao's confession made her unhappy. I knew what I was doing would have an impact on the company. Why did I go there early?

Now, who is to show a sincere attitude of admitting mistakes?

Forcing the dissatisfaction in his heart, Zheng Jiashen said: "It is best for you to realize this, and you should know why the company sent you."

Yu Hongtao nodded quickly: "Yes, the main purpose of the company for me is to ensure that the company and the local government can communicate in a timely manner, and will not cause misunderstandings between the two parties for some individual reasons."

"Then you did it?" Zheng Jia asked.

Yu Hongtao opened his mouth. He looked up at Zheng Jia, who was expressionless. He wanted to say that he had done it, but when he reached the mouth, he swallowed it again.

If it did, it would not happen today!

Gritting his teeth, Yu Hongtao said harshly, "No!"

At this moment, Zheng Jia stopped talking. She stared at Hong Tao for a long while before she sighed and said, "You don't have to be arrogant. You did a good job before, but you shouldn't be complacent."

After criticizing it, Zheng Jia groaned for a while and said, "Do you know what the big boss is going to do with you before I come?"

Yu Hongtao suddenly became tense. He looked at Zheng Jia eagerly. "What decision?"

The technology crystallization company is completely different from other companies. Although the company is the world's largest company, this company is a completely private independent company.

This company has no so-called shareholders and no so-called board of directors. Everything is up to the big boss.

The company is a big boss.

Theoretically, such a company cannot run for long. After all, as long as he is a person, he has ambitions. Who doesn't want to have more money on his own, and who doesn't want to live better?

Interest is the ultimate pursuit of everyone. Do n’t many famous executives choose to change jobs because of money and other conditions that meet their own interests?

But the technology crystallization company has achieved this. Even if it does not pay dividends and only takes the dead salary, none of the company's executives have the idea of ​​switching jobs.

Because today's technology crystallization company is a company that everyone wants to come in. If someone chooses to withdraw, there must be many people who want this person to get out of the way quickly to give up their position!

As the world's largest company, the status and influence brought by the company itself can greatly benefit all staff working in this company.

Not to mention the company's benefits, even now the company's cleaners can have a three-bedroom, allowing employees and their families to move in!

Who would resign from such a company?

So even if Cheng Yuan never mentioned anything about equity incentives, he wouldn't let executives complain.

This also made Yu Hongtao more nervous. After all, the big boss was very casual. He had heard a rumor when he first joined the company. After the big boss was successful in the project, he was ready to take out more than half. Profits to reward employees with less than two hundred people!

Although I don't know if this rumor is true or not, there is no exaggeration, but at least there is no wind and waves, and there are rumors that this is certainly the case.

It just didn't work out in the end!

Facing the uneasy Yu Hongtao, Zheng Jia said, "The big boss's decision is to fire him!"

The word 'firing' has just been spoken from Zheng Jia's mouth. Yu Hongtao's face turned pale instantly. If he was fired, could his own house and land be kept?

Absolutely impossible!

Without the technology crystallization company as protection, he is nothing at all. Even if these houses and land are now his, they will definitely be taken away by others after a while!

And the means of snatching may be ugly!

This is not that Yu Hongtao has delusions of persecution, but that things will really go in that direction!

Although the big boss may not know that well, as a middle-level manager of the company, he is very aware that some people are jealous and jealous of their company.

It is just because of the company's current power and the attitude of senior officials in the country that these people dare not reach out.

But if they were hired by the company, those jealous people would not immediately **** what originally belonged to him?

After the news of the space portal spread out, everyone knew that Donghai City would usher in the second development, and the land and housing prices here would definitely rise again.

And he Yu Hongtao, who has no identity protection, is the fat in these people's eyes. Who tells him that he has high-quality real estate and land in his hands and has no background!

How could these people not be moved?

Thinking of this, Yu Hongtao's face became even more ugly ~ ~ He looked at Zheng Jia with a look of despair, hoping that Zheng Jia's next words would have better news.

After all, Zheng Jia's words obviously had another meaning in them.

"So how are you going to decide?" Yu Hongtao asked cautiously.

Zheng Jia raised an eyebrow and looked at Yu Hongtao with a smile: "The decision of the big boss is naturally my decision, and the manager Yu has a lot of ideas."

Yu Hongtao quickly bowed his head: "Dare, dare, I just ..."

Before he finished speaking, Zheng Jia waved his hand and said coldly, "I will not change the decision of the big boss, nor can I change it, but I give you a choice!"

"Your mistake this time is not big or small. You can now resign and take two months' wages and leave on your own, or you can choose to continue working for the company, but you have to start again!"

To be honest, this time was also Zheng Jia's own anger. This kind of thing was decided without reporting to the company. What made her CEO face?

When can people in the company branch make decisions for people in the headquarters?

So she went straight to Cheng Yuan without carefully following up on this matter. In addition to giving herself air, she also meant to make Cheng Yuan show more face in the company.

Cheng Yuanzhai is too long and too deep, and now the company has almost no voice from him, which makes Zheng Jia feel very bad. Even if Cheng Yuan is fine, it is necessary to show his face!

Yu Hongtao naturally did not know what Zheng Jia was thinking. After Zheng Jia gave him two choices, he did not hesitate to choose to continue working at a technology crystal company!

Although it is said to start again, at least he is still a person from a technology crystallization company. As long as he has this status, his house and land in Donghai City will not be targeted by those people, and they will not be forcibly taken by those people!

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