Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 811:

Looking at the crowds who changed their faces instantly, the Chief Executive No. 1 did not say that it was the nature of businessmen to seek profits. At the same time when facing the huge temptation of Mars development, they naturally took risks.

If you don't want to take any risk, then there is no need to convene these people. Of course, the ultimate choice for developing Mars also depends on what they mean.

No. 1 chief will not force anything.

Chief One is waiting for the decision of these people, and these people are also thinking hard. Are they involved or not involved in the development project?

"Head, see, can we go back and discuss with the company's directors, after all, this matter is important, we must think carefully!" A middle-aged man frowning with a big back and a frown, Looked carefully at Chief One.

He is the founder of Fangjie Real Estate and the chairman of Fangjie Group. Relying on the starting price of the real estate industry, the entire group now spans multiple fields.

It was because of the diversified group that he did not suffer much after the outbreak of the intelligent machinery crisis. Even because of the crisis of intelligent machinery, his own wealth has increased slightly!

Although the global economic system is broken, Huaxia's currency is still strong, and due to the surge in population of Huaxia, housing prices, which were slightly weaker, have exploded in the second spring when domestic conditions are stable.

Among the many corporate leaders present, he dared to say the second, but no one dared to say the first! Of course, the technology crystallization companies that are not present are naturally not included.

Because of this status, he has the confidence to talk directly to the No. 1 Chief.

No. 1 Chief Jie did not feel surprised, and he nodded and said, "Yes, although this matter is very important, it is not a confidential matter, so there is no need to hide anything."

Fang Jie heard that his mouth twitched. As long as the person present was not a fool, he would never say it. Now China ’s population has skyrocketed. Although there are many foreign populations, a new province has also been added to the south.

But the house is still scarce, which is one of the reasons why Huaxia used the house to encourage recruitment and was very popular.

And Fang Jie knows that with the increase of Huaxia's population, not only the price of houses has risen, but the other three things in clothing, food, housing, and transportation also continue to rise in value.

It's just that the price is not rising as fast as a house, but it is actually rising a little bit, and the country is constantly intervening in market prices.

So except for the house, these three things are not obvious.

However, if today's news is spread, the impact on real estate can be imagined. Although his Fanjie Group is no longer limited to real estate, real estate is still the main project of the group!

When everyone knows that the country can develop Mars and can still live on Mars, this will be a huge disaster for the real estate industry!

Not only that, after learning that there is a new dwelling planet, the affected single house prices are not so simple, more land represents more property harvest.

This influence is definitely a series!

Fang Jie is thinking about the pros and cons of Mars development and the impact on the group, but among the many companies present, not only Fang Jie Group.

"Head, Mars Development Project, I personally express my full support on behalf of the Western Mining Resources Group. What are your requirements?"

Miao Changjiang, chairman of the Western Mining Resources, looked slightly red, looking at the head of the No. 1 with excitement, anxious that this project begun immediately!

For other companies, the impact of the Mars development project on the group is not yet good or bad, but for these mining companies, this Mars development project is simply a project to send money!

After Miao Changjiang spoke, the chairman of several related companies expressed their support. In this regard, the head of the No. 1 head also expressed his understanding.

In fact, the opinions of these business people were already clear before the meeting was held. Calling them over this time is to say hello to them in advance, so as to avoid any surprises when the project officially starts.

After all, the business people present here are the only companies in China that can be called, which is related to the livelihood of many families!

This is why they have to pay attention.

After taking a look at Miao Changjiang and Fang Jie, the head of No. 1 groaned for a moment and said, "You don't have to worry too much about the project of Mars development. After all, this matter still needs a detailed discussion with the technology crystal company."

I heard that the Chief Executive No. 1 once again mentioned the technology crystallization company, and the people present were not stupid. I instantly guessed that 80% of this Mars development project was started by the technology crystallization company.

If the state is leading, as long as people at the level of Chief Executive No. 1 have the heart, things about the development of Mars have long been publicized.

After all, the Mars project does not need to conceal anything, once it is publicized, it is an exciting event! It's just that this project brings great news, but it will also have a great impact.

Is that why they are here today?

Ignoring the thoughts of everyone, the head of No. 1 continued: "Everyone go back and discuss the matter of the Mars project, and the meeting will end here first."

In fact, the most important thing of this meeting is to inform these people. As for the specific situation of development, it is still necessary to communicate with the technology crystallization company.

Because no one has experience in the development of the outer planet, even if they have only talked about it theoretically. The technology crystallization company is different.

Cheng Yuan has mastered the technology of extraterrestrial mineral mining several years ago, and also has the ability to establish a qualified base in aliens.

Regardless of whether Cheng Yuan's technologies are used on the planet or on some asteroids, this is very advanced technology and experience for China.

The most important thing is that if there is no technology crystallization company, the Mars development plan will be impossible to talk about!

The meeting soon ended on the first announcement ~ ~ As for the reactor problem associated with the portal, this is no longer the business elite's ability to participate.

After seeing this part away, after watching the synagogue empty for a long time, the Chief Executive No. 1 continued the meeting.

"Next, it is about the placement of large-scale nuclear fusion reactors in Donghai City. From the information submitted by the technology crystallization company and the performance of our previous cooperation, nuclear fusion reactors are very stable."

Head No. 1 looked calmly at the crowd, and continued, "We also had some communication with President Liu Changqing of the Academy of Sciences. President Liu said that the establishment of the nuclear fusion reactor in Donghai City not only solves the problem of the portal, but also Can give the entire Donghai City sufficient energy. "

"I personally think that there is no problem at all." Speaking of which, Chief Executive No. 1 laughed and continued: "Of course, this is my personal opinion. Here you can also talk about your own views and brainstorm. . "

As the No. 1 leader spoke, the crowds talked whispered to each other, while the other eight people sitting on both sides of the No. 1 leader looked at the people negotiating without squinting.

These people are already the highest level of people in charge of Huaxia, and the Mars development plan has involved all aspects of Huaxia's interests.

At this point, although No. 1 can maintain a normal mentality and talk with the technology crystallization company, this only represents him personally, not the whole!

He cannot bias the technology crystallization company because of his personal thoughts, but he will not force the technology crystallization company for the collective benefit.

He is sitting here now, just to get a compromise that can be accepted by both sides! Of course, after they have discussed here, they will further negotiate the results here with Cheng Yuan.

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