Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 809:

Rockefeller Jr. knew very well that Cheng Yuan could not send someone in person to enter the Pentagon to check the contents for him.

He himself had to send someone over if he wanted to know. At the moment he instructed his current bodyguard to complete this task.

After receiving orders, bodyguard boss Ivan didn't leave immediately. After exiting Rockefeller Jr.'s villa, he immediately took out the phone to contact his former colleague.

Although the crisis of smart phones has spread to the world and caused disasters to countless people in the world, for those of them who lick their blood at the muzzle, war has become commonplace.

Because of habit, such people are much more likely to survive disasters than ordinary people. After all, this disaster is not a natural disaster, but a war!

In November, the temperature in Washington has started to gradually decrease.

In a potty and broken street, dusty abandoned cars almost blocked the street, and the broken buildings on both sides were already covered with vines.

A group of heavily armed personnel was moving forward quickly, but although they were fast, they looked very relaxed.

"Boss, do those smart machines never pay attention to hygiene?" A young complainer in the team sounded.

The quiet and broken street did not make them nervous to pay attention to the surroundings, because the situation of this street reflected a little directly.

That is no smart phone here!

Although smart phones don't care about the surrounding environment, they will at least clear the road to maximize efficiency.

Through this, these battle-hardened mercenaries will naturally be able to relax themselves. Unlike humans, because of the structure of their bodies, the movements they make are so great that they can be detected from a distance.

When there is no threat, they will naturally communicate with each other to alleviate the atmosphere of silence when moving forward. After all, they are mercenaries and not soldiers.

Ivan glanced around the corner of his mouth. As the leader, he was not as relaxed as his teammates. Although he seemed to be joking with these people on the surface, in fact he had a sense of urgency.

It has been a month since the boss gave the order, and the young boss was already a little impatient, which made Aiwen anxious.

It is difficult to find good jobs in this society, especially those with good conditions. Although dangerous, isn't their previous work dangerous?

At the moment he replied badly: "Dirty mess means that we are safe, so you should feel fortunate. If you encounter those things, how many of us can you survive? Those things are not afraid of us. thing!"

Ai Wen patted his expressionless gun darkly.

His attitude surprised the mercenaries, and the smile on his face weakened a little, because Ivan's words were not true.

If those intelligent machines do not have such high-end equipment as the hawk armor, they cannot be countered by manpower at all. It is naturally impossible for these people to get something like individual armor.

Therefore, if they encounter a smartphone before arriving at the Pentagon, they can only escape.

Looking at everyone's expressions, Ai Wen waved his hand and said Shen: "We speed up, it is best to pray not to touch those **** things!"

"Of course, fortunately, someone has already crossed the road for us."

After being interrupted by Ai Wen, everyone had no interest in chatting, and the group accelerated their pace and headed towards the Pentagon.

The Pentagon, which has not been cleaned for several years, is like being built in a deep forest. The main body of the building has been covered by a large group of vines, and even the weeds on the roadside of the group of buildings have grown over the knee.

When Aiwen and his team arrived nearby, they were obviously relieved. Although the task was officially started next, compared to the task, they were more worried that they would encounter a smart phone on the way.

Simply, their luck was really good, and they didn't encounter the **** ironhide along the way.

"Boss, what do you do next? Sneak straight in?" On the balcony of a building about a kilometer away from the Pentagon, Aiwen and his team observed with a telescope.

There are no standing guards outside the Pentagon. It looks empty and empty, and it is completely impossible to compare with the situation of five steps, one person and ten steps.

Aiwen didn't speak, but gestured to a man with gray eyes in the team. The man got Aiwen's gesture and said nothing. He took out a pure black laptop from his backpack, and quickly tapped his fingers on the keyboard. .

Soon, the computer showed the overall structure of the Pentagon. After the structure map came out, the man tapped the keyboard a few more times to mark a total of three routes. Then he turned to Ivan and said, "Boss, we cannot determine the specific distribution of the cameras outside the Pentagon. I think it is best to dive in from the ground Ulcers. "

"Underground?" Ivan frowned, but did not refuse. As a mercenary, he didn't care as long as he could complete the task.

"Specifically, that route is the fastest."

Ivan's words made everyone involuntarily move their heads closer to the man's computer.

The man pressed a few times on the keyboard, and the three road maps were enlarged. He explained to everyone: "The three routes are all to the main building of the Pentagon, one is an underground ventilation pipe, one is a drainage pipe, and one is their development. Underground safe passage. "

"The fastest of the three lanes is naturally the safe lane, but I think there must be some people in this lane, and the other two may be better."

After the man had finished his analysis, before Ivan could say what to do, a black mercenary Pellegrid stood out and looked at the crowd in doubt.

"Hey guys, our mission is to get rid of the two **** on the information. We don't have to enter that building at all, do we?"

But as soon as Peloje's words were spoken, he was interrupted relentlessly by another person. "Sorry, Pellegri, although the mission is only two people, we have to go in."

The speaker has well-developed muscles, his arms exposed are thick and powerful, and his hands are shot with the muzzle facing down. He shrugged: "First, according to the records of the data, the two **** you have known recently walked out The time when the building went out two months ago was irregular, so our role of staying outside was almost zero! "

"Secondly, we don't have much food to supplement, and although it is close to the Pentagon, you look at the streets around the building." The strong man pointed to the clean streets around the Pentagon, his tone was a little more dignified.

"Look at those streets and think about the path we took when we came over." His words made the mercenary's nerves tense up at once.

No one who can be a mercenary is a fool, and they instantly understand what a strong man means.

"Mad, there might be smart machines around? No wonder these people rarely come out after entering!" Pelegui also realized the fundamental problem at this time, and spit in his mouth angrily.

Ivan answered at this time: "So, we don't have much time to break into it. It is better to find the secret of this building, then we will be overfulfilling the task. If it doesn't work, then it may take us away. The goal!"

"Actually, I've always been curious. Why didn't the boss send some more people directly, and we're going to occupy it here soon? It's not the time when the U.S. government is in charge. As long as we have money, we can organize a team stronger than them. Go in! "

The strong man spoke again after Ivan finished speaking, but his words made the mercenaries stunned, and then he looked at Awen.

At this time, Ivan also realized that the words of the strong man were indeed very constructive. Now there are no tens of thousands of American soldiers stationed nearby, and no powerful Fox military base is always on guard around the coast and can conduct long-range strikes at any time.

However, at this time, he cannot say that his boss did not think of it at all, or that his boss was negligent.

He thought about it and explained, "Our current boss is an American, and he is very prestigious in the United States. Although your ideas are very good, he can't do it, understand?"

Ivan's explanation was simple and did not elaborate on the reason. However, the mercenaries nodded and seemed to understand.

It is not that they do not delve into it, but that they do not care at all. In this chaotic age, having money is the most important thing.

As long as the Rockefeller family can pay them enough commissions so that they can live well, what is his mission?

The next group began to organize their equipment and prepare for action.

While they were preparing, the people inside the Pentagon were unaware of the situation, and led by two scientists, most of them gathered on the 12th floor underground.

This floor was originally the place of the research laboratory. At this time, it has been converted into a temporary factory. A series of pipelines are installed neatly here.

"Michael, how's the restart?" A man in a suit and leather came over and asked one of the scientists.

The man's blond hair was meticulously combed, and his hard-lined face was indifferent. Although the voice of his inquiries was plain, the hoarse voice was chilling.

Michael is no different from ordinary researchers. His hair is a bit messy. He wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses. There is no difference between scum and weeds that have not been cleaned for a long time.

Michael Tiao said, "Sorry, Mr. Anthony said that some production lines need authorization to operate, and we can't crack them for the time being. Moreover, it is the safest for me to stop starting these production lines. We can't guarantee that the products produced are obedient to us. of."

Taking a look at Anthony, who was still expressionless, Michael courageously courageously said, "Once what we make is out of control, it is likely to cause even greater disasters. I say so, do you understand? "

But Michael ’s words did not shake Anthony. He still said flatly: "Michael, you are a good scientific researcher, but do n’t forget your identity. Your task is to restart it and let it Start working, you do n’t need to care about the rest, you understand !? ”

In the end, Anthony's words were almost a threat, but his threat was not effective. Michael nodded instantly to show that he understood, and then turned around with colleagues to continue research.

After seeing Michael continue his research, Anthony turned and left. He took the phone after he got on the elevator. "Sir, the problem of the production line has not been resolved yet. I think I need more researchers here ~ ~ Phone At that end, there was a moment of silence, and then there was a voice: "Anthony, you should know that scientific researchers are very difficult to find now, but I will try to meet your needs. "

"Okay, sir."

Just after Anthony just ended the call, far across the sea, inside the technology crystallization company, Zero suddenly said to Cheng Yuan, who was watching Mars, "Sir, I just intercepted a call, which is inside the Pentagon. Those people seem to be really Something was found there and it is being studied. "

"They didn't explain the specific situation?" Cheng Yuan looked back in surprise and asked.

Zero Drag, "No, but according to my guess, it should be some modification technology left over from smart phones."

Cheng Yuan groaned for a moment, then waved his hand: "Then leave them alone and just keep staring. We have completed the infrastructure in the East China Sea oath project for one month, and now we have the portal. Construction, this is a huge project! "

"What's more, not only do we have to build in Donghai City, but we also need to build the same project on Mars. Is the number of intelligent robots okay?"

Zero frowned and said, "Sir, quantity is not a problem. I think you should go and talk to the high-level person. After all, the super-large fusion reactor required by the portal is more worthy of our attention. After all, although it has a large amount of energy, it is also very important. Danger!"

On January 01, Cheng Yuan noticed that this problem really needs to be solved, and the safety of nuclear fusion reactors must not be ignored.

Although the senior management agreed with the portal plan, they definitely have to talk about it once again. But they can guarantee that there will be no problems, but the people above will not let him go 100% because of his guarantee. !!

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