Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 789:

Huge airships were suspended in midair, and a transport ship flew out of the door compartments on both sides to carry the coming population.

A transport ship flying to the United Kingdom came to the British capital, London. When the transport ship was behind a wide vehicle in the center of the city, the personnel inside came out of it under the protection of soldiers.

Most Chinese people are shocked with curiosity. They never thought that in just a few years, the capital of a country that was originally prosperous was so ruined.

An unknown weed on the broken highway struggled to emerge from the crack of the highway. The high-rise building was covered with a green coat, and the original steel city became a city surrounded by green forests.

If the buildings in the city are not so broken, and there is not so much dirt on the ground and walls, perhaps such a city can give people who are used to the steel jungle a bright sense of freshness.

As a soldier protecting these ordinary people, Mo Sheng had no response to the sight in front of him. As early as when he just entered the European battlefield, he had seen more of this situation.

The only regret he felt was why the chief did not let him take the transport ship to his country. Is it worried that he will return to his original country?

Mo Sheng immediately denied this in his heart. He had no loved ones in this world, and there was nothing left in his original hometown.

Rather than returning to his country poorly, he would rather stay in Huaxia, where he already has new friends, and also has a set of his own, a large house of 150 square meters.

You don't have to pay the property tax every month in Huaxia, so he can walk away with peace of mind, and he won't be kicked out by the officials of the tax bureau because he can't pay the taxes.

And with the gradual victory of the war, the state's promise of soldier subsidies has also begun to register, all of which made him very yearning for his future life.

In particular, the Huaxia official solemnly stated that all soldiers who participated in this intellectual war can get a chance to prioritize their work.

All this is strange and cannot be rejected.

So I didn't understand why the Chief had to make such arrangements. He could only obey the arrangement of his superiors and came to Britain.

Although the war has been victorious, it has not been completely victorious. After all, the residual power of intelligent machines still exists.

Inspired, Mo Sheng was wearing individual soldier armor. The deep color of the individual armor and the tall shape of about two meters and five meters made people around him afraid to get too close.

"Everyone, please line up in an orderly manner and follow the staff to the designated location to open a new camp."

At this time, the speaker of the transport ship sounded, and the crowd who had just disembarked turned back from shock and began to whisper.

"Li Mingming, how do I feel sorry for being here." A young Chinese man with black hair and yellow skin whispered to his companion.

There was no disappointment on his companion's face, and his eyes were full of curiosity besides shock.

"Zhang Kai, you can't say that. If it weren't for this time, you and me want money and money, cars and cars, and people with no room to go abroad? Just kidding!"

His companions have different opinions, and it is clear that he is full of interest in going abroad.

Zhang Kai saw that Li Mingming was full of enthusiasm and couldn't say anything for a while, because Li Mingming was right.

It was not because he did not go abroad that he did not live well in the country at that time, did he follow Li Mingming with a hot head?

At this moment, Li Mingming retracted his eyes, looked at Zhang Kai with a silent face, and sighed softly, saying, "Zhang Kai, if we have been staying in Huaxia, this life will be the same. But now it is different. Look around! "

Li Mingming opened his hands in excitement and said with excitement: "Although the environment here is not very good, but here is a place where there is a lot of waste, only poor people like us can rise in such an environment!"

Zhang Kai's expression moved slightly. Li Mingming's words did make some sense, but he was still hesitant, because although they were poor, they were not the kind of people who had always been in the mountains and old forests. very clear.

Many people with poor family conditions work very hard, but their efforts often don't pay off very well, and 95% of them can only get enough food and clothing. Another 4% of them couldn't even get enough food and clothing.

Only the last one percent succeeded on some opportunities and turned into a promising youth!

Society is very realistic. Talents with a background can be the best people in this society. People with background and incompetence can also live smartly.

Now even they can see that going abroad can make themselves rich, how can those who are rich and capable not see it?

In the face of these giants, can they really succeed?

Zhang Kai doesn't have this confidence.

Li Mingling looked at Zhang Kai very seriously. He also saw the distrust in the eyes of his companions, but he did not give up Zhang Kai.

As the saying goes, there are three guys who are good guys. If they want to make a career, how can there be no helper? Although Zhang Kai is not confident, they are both high-level students who graduated from Zhejiang University.

His own ability is not weak, but he has been suffering from not having the opportunity to show himself. Without self-confidence, slowly cultivate self-confidence!

"Zhang Kai, don't look like a pinch, think about if we succeed, will there be fewer beauties in the car? Do you remember your dreams?"

Zhang Kai nodded, a grudging smile pulled out of his mouth: "A Lamborghini!"

When Li Mingming saw that Zhang Kai didn't forget his dream, he smiled comfortably and said, "It's good if we don't forget. As long as we can succeed, what is a Lamborghini, we buy two, one left and one. Drive yourself! "

Li Mingming's imagination made Zhang Kai's look much relaxed and a smile appeared on his face, but he didn't smile for a long time. The look on his face suddenly changed. He looked at Li Mingming strangely and asked, "But, is there any Lamborghini now? ? "

"Uh ..." Li Mingming looked at him for a moment, and he also reacted at this time. Intelligent machines occupy the whole world. Are the manufacturers producing Lamborghini still there?

Even if they are still, what about the production technical staff?

Li Mingming's face was awkward for a while, but his mind was flexible and he turned fast. Without Lamborghini, would there be no sports car in this world?

"It's okay, big deal. Let's change to a bigger goal. The crystal car of the technology company knows it. Let's change the goal to this one!"

Zhang Kai thought, yes, without Lamborghini, isn't there the latest product of the technology crystallization company, the suspension car?

That's more windy and cool!

Zhang Kai nodded in agreement, then looked at Li Mingming and asked, "You make sense, but what do we do next?"

"This ..." Li Mingming froze, he thought for a while, and said, "Let's see how the government arranges it, after all, everything is empty talk before the city is rebuilt."


In the crowd, many people went abroad with the same thoughts as the two, and many were dispatched by major Chinese companies.

Their task is to give their bosses a head start and personally participate in the reconstruction plan so as to obtain better benefits in the future.

And cities like Britain are just a microcosm of the world.


A month later, Mo Sheng, holding a cleaning cloth, wiped his individual soldiers ’armor in the makeshift camp. He has been in the UK for a month, and has performed several missions during the period.

The first task was the day after the temporary camp was established. The people in the reconnaissance battalion discovered an intelligent machine. They took the initiative to eliminate these possible threats.

On the third day, he and six other soldiers went to the power station, cleaned the power station, and successfully occupied it.

It was followed by a series of patrol missions. During the patrol process, it also encountered several scattered intelligent mechanical shocks. However, in terms of equipment advantages and fast support, they easily eliminated these intelligent machines.

However, Mo Sheng's brow has been tightening recently. He is not disturbed by the recent encounter with intelligent machines, but the soldiers who have been promised by Huaxia officials have not responded.

It's been a month, not just him, all soldiers are also concerned about this issue.

This subsidy is related to their later life problems. They are naturally very concerned, but there is no news on it, and they are gradually anxious.

When the soldiers began to care about the subsidy issue, the high-level Chinese people in the capital of China and the Great Hall of the City Hall were all frowning.

There is no word, including No. 1, making the conference room of the General Assembly Hall extra quiet.

"Lao Liu, there are so many subsidies for soldiers?" At this time, No. 1 had lost the calm and calm attitude of the past ~ ~ Lao Liu frowned, he sighed: "Yeah, Hundreds of billions! I thought this was a protracted battle, at least for two or three years, but ... "Speaking of which, Lao Liu couldn't bear a breath.

If the duration of the war is extended, then they will have more time to prepare this huge amount of funds, but no one expected that under the intervention of Cheng Yuan, the situation of the war would end in a few months.

This completely disrupted all their arrangements and planning!

"Otherwise, look at Cheng Yuan. He has a lot of capital reserves. I think he should be able to help us fill some of the vacancies." One person suggested.

But as soon as he finished, Lao Liu retorted sharply: "No! We can't let Cheng Yuan develop in such a smooth way. He already shows signs of being out of our control. If we do this, we will pass the excuse. In his hands, this is absolutely not possible! "

Compared to Lao Liu's excitement, No. 1 considered more. He has always remembered the Mars plan proposed by Cheng Yuan. In his opinion, Cheng Yuan already had his own right to speak while mastering powerful force!

Not to mention that his company has also created huge profits and jobs for Huaxia, and its contribution to the entire Huaxia is not clear in a sentence or two.

"Maybe we can try to cooperate with Cheng Yuan to see if this lucky guy doesn't make any request that is too difficult to do." No. 1 expressed his own opinion, and the entire conference room was quiet.

No. 1 had already made a decision, and they were not too directly opposed. Even the excited Liu Liu, who had shown excitement before, immediately quieted down.

"Then try it, anyway." Although he could not object to the practice of No.1, Lao Liu's resentment was still not small.

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