Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 771:


A huge explosion sounded in the city, the ground trembled violently, and two white and black robots 30 meters high were entangled on the street like crazy bison. .

The powerful pusher under his feet spewed a blue tail flame, driving the two steel monsters at high speed.

The distance between the two robots is no more than five meters. The white g-type robot retracts its wings, and the back of the four rattlesnake missiles blasts out, dragging the tail flame towards the black intelligent machine.

In the face of the four whistling missiles, the black intelligent machine had no meaning to dodge, and it rushed straight towards the g-type robot.

The huge metal soles stepped on the oil road and made a heavy sound. Every step down was like a heavy hammer hitting the ground.

The ground was shaking and the dust was flying. When the Sidewinder missile was about to approach the intelligent machine, it saw that it suddenly raised its left arm and lay it across his chest.


Four consecutive explosions exploded directly in front of the intelligent machine. The hot flames scattered along with the blast of the explosion, and the huge flame instantly engulfed the intelligent machine in front.

But just invisible to the naked eye, in the center of the explosion, a semi-curved blue barrier composed of diamonds was deployed on the left arm of the intelligent machine across the chest.

The energy barrier perfectly surrounds the front of the intelligent machine, blocking all the impact forces and high temperature damage from the explosion!

Resisting the damage, the intelligent machine broke through the flames, and there were no scars on the black mech shell, only the white smoke rising from the shell.

The intelligent machine raises the beam saber on the right hand and splits it towards the g-type robot.

In the face of fierce intelligent machinery, the g-type robot naturally unwilling to show its weakness. It raised the beam saber in its hand and blocked the opponent's chop. The left palm suddenly retracted inward, and then turned 180 degrees. Three metal claws like a bracket.

The claws are not sharp, the tip is not sharp, but there are some blunts like baseball, but the current suddenly flashes from the three metal claws.

The three beams of current did not fly freely. They were gathered under the control of a specific magnetic field to form a ball of incandescent energy balls.

The left hand of the g-type robot slammed hard against the chest of the intelligent machine. The elbow of the left arm glowed blue, and a small thruster worked here.

The thruster brings more powerful power to the left arm of the g-type robot. The powerful energy ball is already powerful. With such a powerful impact, the black shell of the intelligent machine that can block the submachine gun bullets has a little blocking effect. If not, it will be directly penetrated by the g-type robot!

"Woo!" A dull voice sounded, a strong current penetrated the protection of the chest, and the current rushed into the mechanical body of the intelligent machine, destroying the internal energy circuit and armor structure.

The distance of this attack was very short. Even if the intelligent machine is flexible, it cannot escape such a close attack, but this attack did not cause the intelligent machine to be destroyed.

The armor of the intelligent mechanical shoulders that were still able to move suddenly opened, and two black cannons protruded from the inside, aiming at the head of the G-type robot.

The red light began to converge. Facing the forthcoming light beam, the g-type robot did not have any intention to step back, and the strength of its left hand was strengthened again and pulled to the right.

"Ka-K-K-K!" The torn and twisted sound of the metal sounded, and the body of the intelligent machine also shook, but even so, the two beam cannons on its shoulders still locked the G-type robot.

After a second.

Soaring fire burst from the streets of the city, and a huge explosion accompanied the intense air currents and raised the sky's dust.

Soldiers stationed in the city evacuated the explosion area.

As they approached after the explosion, they found only two mechanical remains that had been scorched in the flames.

In the city, the sound of explosions was rumbling.

Intelligent machines and intelligent robots have carried out a brutal battle, with a war damage ratio of 1: 1!

At this time, there are shadows of these hill-like robots all over the city, and the battle between the two sides caused great damage in the city.

Collapsed building, broken ground, burning flames.

All this made the soldiers on the side afraid to approach.

After all, although their mission is to resist these robots, they are also self-aware. Let alone say that the difference in body size between the two sides is enough to make them afraid to step forward.

Small intelligent machines of the same height as human soldiers have already detonated their energy reactors when they were on the battlefield above the sea.

The remaining intelligent machines today have an average height of 55 meters. The lowest intelligent machines are all 24 meters and the highest is 90 meters!

The height determines the size, strength, and ability to fight.

And the soldiers?

Although protected by individual armor, individual armor is just one layer of armor, not the Gundam they imagined!

They can't even get close! Because they were very skeptical, as soon as they approached, the robots would lift their huge feet, and then flatten them with one foot.

Therefore, most of the soldiers in the city avoided the smart machines far away, and then used the weapons in their hands to carry out some harassment attacks on the smart machines entangled with smart robots in the distance.

But it is clear that the weapons in their hands did not play much of a role for these big guys.

A g-type robot was pushed by an intelligent machine and slammed into a 60-meter-high building. The building couldn't support the power of the two big guys, and it was broken only in an instant.

Then, in the dust, a huge explosion sounded. For some reason, the intelligent machine that originally seemed to have the advantage over it ignited its own reaction furnace!

The city began to be damaged in a large area, and the situation became more and more serious. When Lu Changsheng on the airship received the news, he looked extremely dignified.

Although he would like to immediately mobilize the airship to rush back to support ~ ~ to use the powerful weapon power of the airship to eliminate all those crazy intelligent machines.

However, with the madness of intelligent machines, more and more intelligent machines under the sea are drilling out of the water, and these big guys who have just come out are even more crazy. Their flagship airship has detonated themselves crazy with four or five intelligent machines. , There was a large area of ​​damage!

Lu Changsheng's face was gloomy and watery, and he cried; "son-in-law, when will our support fleet arrive?"

"Commander, there are new energy reactions within the radar range, the number is more than three thousand!" The son-in-law's voice sounded. On the holographic screen, dense red dots appeared above the airship!

Then Lu Changsheng felt a dark overhead, the sun was blocked, and a large shadow covered the top of their heads!

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