Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 703:

Xiong Tong was very worried about his father's situation at this time. He suddenly heard someone complaining that there was blood on the ground, and he thought of his father subconsciously. network

He cares more about the situation of his father than supporting the actions of national security personnel.

So he didn't care what Guo'an people said before, and wanted to rush forward and take a closer look at his father's situation.

In the face of Xiong Tong's behavior, the Guo'an personnel subconsciously blocked Xiong Tong again.

"Mr. Xiong, please stay calm." Zhang blocked in front of Xiong Tong. He glanced around at first. After not much attention, he said solemnly.

In order to minimize the concern, after they came out of the box, they deliberately walked towards the back door safety passage. The distance between the VIP box and the safety passage was less than 50 meters.

There was a distance of 50 meters in the middle. They had to walk along the banquet hall. As a result, they still walked against the wall at a distance of about 50 meters. Zhang Xin felt helpless.

"Calm? Then tell me what's going on, otherwise I can't calm down!" Xiong convex growled angrily.

Even though he was emotional, Xiong Tong was very restrained to keep himself from yelling.

Xiong Tong's performance made Zhang suddenly give him a high look, but at this time he did not want to have more trouble, and said to Xiong Tong: "Mr. Xiong, can we talk while walking, this is not the place to speak."

Xiong Tong pursed his lips and looked at Zhang and the expressionless group of people behind him. He took a deep breath, then said coldly, "Okay, let's leave here first!"

Seeing Xiong Tong being so reasonable, Zhang nodded, then turned around and signaled to two of his men, and then a group of people left in a hurry.

The two left behind looked at each other, "Lao Li, come this time. I did it last time in the capital."

Lao Li didn't make nonsense, took a thumb-sized glass bottle out of the jacket's lined pocket, and the bottle contained some brown liquid.

"After waiting to wash the stomach, remember Juyuan a meal." After speaking, Lao Li did not wait for the other party to respond, opened the glass bottle, and drank the brown liquid in the bottle.

"His!" Old Li frowned and pursed his lips, "This thing is so unpleasant!" As soon as he finished speaking, his facial muscles suddenly froze. Then he held his abdomen, his face turned white for a moment, and he covered his mouth and vomited With a sound, a large pool of bright red blood spouted along his fingers.

"I'm going, this is bigger!" Then he fell straight to the ground.

"Lao Li, Lao Li!" Wang Quan shouted in panic, his voice immediately attracted a lot of people's attention.

Especially the woman who complained about the blood on the ground before, when he saw Lao Li vomiting blood in the end, he naturally couldn't receive his treble and shouted.

"Come on, someone fainted!" Before Wang Quan called for help, the woman had already called for him. Wang Quan glanced at the other person, nodded secretly, and then took the mobile phone out of her arms to call the emergency number. .

The situation here naturally caused chaos in the banquet hall. Tie Qing came over with a face and thought that it was something that had been exposed, and he waited for him to look inside.

His expression suddenly froze. He looked at Wang Quan and Li Long, who was on the ground with a bit of amazement, for a while.

Just as he was about to ask, Wang Quan was striving to wink.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Jun calmly stepped forward and asked seriously: "This gentleman, what happened to your companion, why did you keep so much blood, did you notify the hospital?"

"The hospital has been notified, Mayor Zhao." Wang Quan said with a worried expression: "As soon as we came here, Li Long had such a thing, and I didn't know what was wrong with the body, maybe this banquet could not be attended."

"The banquets are all new, and the body is the most important thing. Should I arrange someone to settle him first?" Zhao Jun looked concerned.

Wang Quanzhuang frowned, "I think it's fine, I don't know what's wrong, if you move it, you may be at risk."

The two sang one and one, and the people around them were unknown. Therefore, they could only judge what happened here by their own guesses.

"Isn't this person terminally ill?"

"No, it's not that scary."

"It's impossible. This person can vomit so much blood. Even if it is not terminally ill, it is not an orangutan. I think Bacheng must prepare for the aftermath in advance!"

"Shh, don't talk nonsense. If it were heard by his friend, wouldn't you just find yourself uncomfortable?"

Listening to the whispers of people around him, Wang Quan was immediately at ease. As long as the situation of Xiong Yan was not revealed, his task was considered complete.

Chen Yu, who was standing outside the crowd, didn't stay much after understanding the situation here and went back to report to Cheng Yuan.

Jianguo Hotel, in a quiet box.

Through a safe passage, several people from Zhang brought Xiongtong to this place. After seeing the banquet hall, Xiong Tong quickly asked: "Can you tell me now, what happened to my father?"

Zhang Wenyan motioned his men to put Xiong Yan down.

The man with Xiong Yan on his face saw the situation, lowered Xiong Yan heartily, and nodded to Xiong Tong.

Xiong Tong had the opportunity to get closer to his father.

As he approached, his pupils suddenly shrank. The man had been caught on him before, and he had never appeared, and his father's face was extremely pale.

"Dad?" Xiong Tong shivered and pushed his father's body, a little cold.

He glanced back at him in suspicion, and now they all looked at him with a pitying look, and Xiong Tong felt half cold in his heart.

"Dad, what's wrong with you? Dad?" He stared at Xiong Yan who was motionless, then put his hand on his chest.

For a moment, Xiong Tong stayed, he looked at Zhang very puzzled: "Why, why is this, how did he die, we just came to the banquet, why did he die, you have to give me a reply, otherwise Otherwise, even Zhao Jun, I will pull him off the horse! "

Zhang Wenyan, to the point that Xiongtong has not been underestimated, nowadays, the company is highly valued by the state. This basic etymology is very precious in this special environment.

"This is a premeditated attack. The other party may be someone who has interests with your company. Mayor Zhao is also very angry about this. He has already reported to Shu!" Zhang did not drag this incident to Cheng Yuan. Body, but a different rhetoric.

Because he is very clear, the benefit of this thing can best toss people. Xiong Yan's mining company can stand up in this special environment, saying that it is impossible to offend people.

So this answer immediately made Xiong Tong shut his mouth. He knows the situation of his company very well, and also understands how many people offended his company during this special time.

But he never expected that the other party was so disappointed for the benefit, which was completely out of his imagination. He always thought that he would offend the other party, as long as he can show up ~ ~ In the end, they Still have to go back and stab yourself.

As for the use of killers, it is completely out of his consideration, because he never encountered such a thing from Xie until he took over the company!

Besides, even if the mining company in their family now makes up a lot of money, the total assets will be in the millions, even Cheng Yuan's fractions will not be enough.

Although Huaxia's currency is now very valuable, one million is equivalent to several hundred million before.

But even then, he has never heard of anyone who is worth hundreds of millions of people being targeted this way!

"Can you find the killer?" Xiong Tong bitterly.

As soon as Xiong Tong said this, Zhang Xin was relieved, but he didn't show it. He still said with a serious tone: "Our people have already been sent out. I believe there will be news soon. For The death of your father, we can only say grief, and the country will give an explanation to your family. "

"Then I'll trouble you." Xiong Tong thanked him in a low voice, and then took his mobile phone out of his pocket and dialed the home phone number.

Seeing Xiong Tong's appearance, Zhang could only secretly sigh in his heart. Sometimes a good-faith lie is much better than the real cruelty.

And after this incident, Xiongtong's family will be smoother.

After all, this matter must be said to be responsible, and it's no wonder Cheng Yuan, Cheng Yuan just didn't sit on the main seat. To be clear about finding someone to share the responsibility, those who support Xiong Yan sitting on the subject have this responsibility. !!

"We will notify you when there is news, so let's do it first." Zhang glanced at Xiong Tong who looked down and said nothing, the opponent gave a few gestures, and then took someone out of here.

Of course, he didn't forget to leave someone at the door and arrange for aftermath.

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