Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 699:

At this time, everyone in the VIP box was horrified. How could they have never thought that someone would dare to do it at such a banquet!

Looking at everyone's shameless complexion, Zhao Juntie Qing shouted at the security guard who rushed in, "Go! Immediately, arrest the target!"

One person was killed in an attack. Although Zhao Jun was not sure whether the above people would continue firing, he could not care about that much. ??

Seeing Cheng Yuan pulling Guo Xiaolian and Zheng Jia side by side without expression, he instantly understood who the other party's true goal was!

But the more he thought about this possibility, the more angry he became. Cheng Yuan was definitely a person that Huaxia could not afford to lose. If Cheng Yuan was killed by a cricket just now, it would be a disaster for the entire human race!

This is not Zhao Jun's alarmist or wild thoughts, but an event with a high probability! Because the intelligent machines that threaten humans are still staring at each other, if they know that Cheng Yuan has been murdered, the results can be imagined.

"Mayor Zhao, our people have already gone up!" The security guard who came in replied solemnly. After he said it, he looked at Cheng Yuan who was not showing anything, and then stood silently at the door.

After the two had finished speaking, the other talents in the VIP room suddenly came back to their feet, one by one quickly stood up from the sand, and looked at Zhao Jun in a panic.

They are just ordinary businessmen. Wherever they have experienced such a battle, they can't do it at all or they can hide behind the sand or cover up with an absolutely excellent response when they see an attack.

Their response is the most direct manifestation of ordinary people.

Zhao Jun was the backbone of the crowd at this time, but in the face of such a bizarre attack, he was still at a loss.

After all, such a bridge is just like the killer bridge in the movie. It can actually kill the target across the ceiling!

When he was hesitating in his heart, he saw Cheng Yuan who was very calm, and thought he quickly walked to Cheng Yuan: "Mr. Cheng, otherwise you should go first, it is too dangerous to stay here, the other party ’s goal is very It could be you! "

Zhao Junsheng was afraid that Cheng Yuan was unclear. He also gave a subconscious glance at the immortal guy sitting on the main seat when he spoke.

Cheng Yuan's eyes narrowed, and he was seated in that position. As a result, his casual behavior escaped the disaster, but even if he sat in the main seat according to the other person's thinking, he would not be in trouble. .

In order to protect himself, Cheng Yuan did not prepare less.

But even if nothing happens, he will find out the murderer!

"Mayor Zhao, leave it to me, I will find out the killer!" Cheng Yuan said coldly.

"You?" When Zhao Jun froze, when he was about to say no, Cheng Yuan waved his hand vigorously and said in an unquestionable tone: "No need to say more, I will hit him as fast as possible!"

Cheng Yuan left such a sentence and took Guo Xiaolian and Zheng Jia out.

In this case, staying in the box is useless. It is more suitable to go to the lobby.

"..." Zhao Jun looked at Cheng Yuan's back and opened his mouth, unable to say a word.

After getting out of the box, Cheng Yuan looked at the still lively banquet hall and said indifferently: "Zero, track the signal of the whole city, activate the overlay hologram, and find the target. At the same time, send out the robot guard to fully capture the target, if possible Broken limbs will do! "

"Yes, sir." Zero's voice sounded in Cheng Yuan's ear.


On the second floor of Jianguo Hotel, the long-faced man excitedly came to the room he had already prepared, a utility room for cleaning tools!

He skillfully opened the drawer of the storage room and took out a black palm-sized box from the inside. Then he came to the table, turned on the power, and adjusted the channel, just as he was about to start.

The door to the utility room was suddenly slammed open from the outside, and the three sturdy men held pistols and yelled at him: "Don't move! Put down your things!"

The long-faced man was frightened. He looked at the three strong men in horror and stuttered, "Do n’t shoot, I, I just want to listen to something!"

The long-faced man looked at the dark muzzle, his legs straight.

"Who are you?" Looking at the other person's so unbearable performance, the big man frowned, and asked coldly. But while he was talking, the muzzle was still pointing at the other side.

"My name is Zhang Ming, a reporter from Anhe Evening News!" Zhang Ming said as he prepared to touch his pockets, but he just had a little movement.

The inquiring man immediately drank: "Don't move, otherwise I have the right to kill you directly!"

Zhang Ming was frightened suddenly. He stared blankly at the big man, and he didn't dare to do anything for a while.

After stopping Zhang Ming's behavior, the big man told the two people behind him: "Go and tie him up. If there is any resistance, kill him directly!"

The big man looked at Zhang Ming coldly, then raised his wrist, and said to the watch: "Suspect No. 3 has been arrested and is preparing to be taken into custody!"

"Know, No. 1 and No. 2 have also been taken into custody," the other party replied quickly.

"Report, the attack point has been found. It is in box b1o33 in the restaurant on the second floor! The other party has left and is preparing to retrieve the surveillance records."

With the reports, the big man couldn't bother to care about Zhang Ming who was already scared, waved his hand to signal the two to take Zhang Ming away, and then hurried away.

After the big man left, although Zhang Ming's expression was still flustered, a surprise and triumph flashed under his eyes but he couldn't hide it.

Although he had been arrested at this time, he knew very well that he would be fine at all.

And their target has been successfully killed!

Just when he was so excited, he was taken downstairs by two strong men, and as soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw Cheng Yuan standing in the far door of the banquet hall.

The moment he saw Cheng Yuan, he froze.

"The target is wrong!" Zhang Ming thought this!

And just as he stared at Cheng Yuan with his eyes widened, Cheng Yuan suddenly looked back at him, his cold eyes let Zhang Ming look back instantly, he immediately lowered his head and couldn't dare to face Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan glanced at Zhang Ming. Although it was unclear who this person was, he might be one of the suspects since he was caught by the security guards.

Although passing through the security guard, he already knew that the real murderer had been found and was organizing people to arrest him.

But Cheng Yuan felt that this matter was not simple.

"Zero, screen the identities of all the suspects, as well as the recent call records." Cheng Yuan looked back and instructed.

"Okay, sir." Zero said, and then said, "Sir, there are sixteen suspected targets, including their call records and text signals, which takes three hours."

Although the emergence of quantum networks makes zero very, very powerful, it still takes a long time to search all the information about these targets.

Cheng Yuan frowned. Although he was not very satisfied with this time, he could only wait. After all, he also understood what all the information was about.

"Well, did the guarding robot chase that person?" After receiving information about the attackers, Zero immediately began city-wide surveillance.

"The other person drove a black Mercedes just out of the underground parking lot of Jianguo Hotel. Our guard robot has been driven over, and we have locked the target. He has nowhere to run!" Zero said with great confidence.

"Don't take it lightly ~ ~ Now thinking about the person who attacked me, it is definitely not easy! You can control the traffic signal, you must catch him!" Although Cheng Yuan believed in zero, he could not help reminding him .

"Understand, sir!" Zero tone eased again.

After Cheng Yuan had ordered zero, he said to Zhao Jun, who had been staring at himself for a long time, "the man has been found, the guard robot has been dispatched, and I think he can catch him soon."

"Then trouble Mr. Cheng!" Zhao Jun nodded solemnly. He was already very angry at this time. Such an accident is absolutely inseparable from those immigrants!

Because of these people, the personnel of Anhe City have become complicated again. This has the basis for those criminals to attack Cheng Yuan!

This made him intolerable. He had made up his mind that by the time he caught that person, it was no longer a simple thing to solve with a peanut.

He also needs to know from the opponent's mouth the real mastermind behind them! 8

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