Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 679:

"These are the drafts that I designed. You can see if they meet the requirements." Cheng Yuan said with a smile, and said the edited yellow flower without change.

As he spoke, he displayed several redesigned individual armor designs.

I don't know if he is used to lying. He didn't blush a little, but he was very calm!

Cheng Yuan's generous look made Liu Xianghua even more embarrassed. At this time, he felt particularly shameful. Listen to what Cheng Yuan said?

Original design draft!

This gave him the feeling of choosing sesame from sesame and watermelon.

He glanced at the hologram in front of him, and his first reaction without knowing his professional knowledge was that these ‘drafts’ were indeed incomparable with the previous authentic ones.

But for the task, he still nodded honestly, and said to Cheng Yuan with some shame: "Then please trouble Mr. Cheng, pass on these materials."

Seeing this, Cheng Yuan said nothing, and passed the information in cooperation.

"Well, I think they should be satisfied this time." Finally, finishing his thoughts, Cheng Yuan was relieved.

Liu Xianghua heard the words and laughed with companionship: "Oh, it's really hard for Mr. Cheng." When he said this, he was still a little bit uneasy in his heart. Unhappy?

However, Liu Xianghua's worry at this time was superfluous. After Cheng Yuan's data passed to the Academy of Sciences for Liu Changqing and others to read, and after intelligent analysis and evaluation, the conclusions reached just in line with their current requirements.

As a result, they were naturally happy, and quickly sorted out the materials and reported them to No. 1.

This time, after No. 1 looked, there was no smile on his face, and there was a bit more bitterness in his look. He sighed, "It seems that it should not be ours, still not!"

Shaking his head, ignoring Xiao Zhang's surprised look, he solemnly ordered: "Come down, make all these armors, let the staff members allocate the numbers, and the recruitment and training of the soldiers can not be delayed. The news will be announced tonight Get out! "

Xiao Zhang nodded again and again, although he wondered why the head of the child was so embarrassed just now, but since the head did not say, he did not dare to guess, and left the office immediately after receiving the order, dare not stay.

After waiting for about ten minutes at Cheng Yuan, Liu Xianghua's phone rang again. Without hesitation, he immediately connected the phone.

Liu Xianghua, who answered the phone, didn't say anything, but just nodded, and then ended the call with words like ‘um, um’.

Liu Xianghua, who ended the call, looked relieved and looked a lot better. He looked apologetically at Cheng Yuan and solemnly said: "This time is really troublesome Mr. Cheng. It said that he was very satisfied with the second time. Thank you also for your support! "

Cheng Yuan waved his hands and said calmly: "It's nothing. As a member of Huaxia, the country has difficulties. I naturally want to help!"

Huahua Jiaozi was lifted by everyone. Naturally, Cheng Yuan did such a good thing. Anyway, if he spoke well, he would not lose anything.

The two chuckled for a while, and Liu Xianghua offered to leave, but before leaving, he also invited Cheng Yuan to go out for a meal together.

Cheng Yuan politely rejected such a request.

In this regard, Liu Xianghua was not upset and left the cutting-edge laboratory with a smile.

After he left, Cheng Yuan began to consider the next steps, the armor had been sent out, and now it was waiting for the efficiency of Huaxia's senior management.

The real time for the war will certainly not be in the near future. Without one year's preparation, it will not be able to fight too much.

So during this time, Cheng Yuan couldn't do nothing.

Although the plan is perfect, who can guarantee that nothing will happen? With this in mind, Cheng Yuan said to Zero: "Zero, how many space bases and production plants do we have now?"

"Sir, since the [Hongnong] base, we have added two additional bases, named k1 and k2. The two space bases are mainly based on scientific and technological production; there are now 1,400 production factories. These The factories were built according to the needs of the time, and I think we need a few more research satellites. "Zero said.

"If you are researching satellites, wait a moment. Now it ’s still monitoring smart machines all the time. The gap in one year may have unexpected changes. We ca n’t do nothing! Keep the manufacturing of intelligent robots and the manufacturing of large warships! Cheng Yuan ordered.

Cheng Jiancheng was so anxious about scientific research satellites that he did not continue to request, "I understand, I will keep my focus on intelligent machinery."


In the evening, the news starts on time.

As the Internet becomes more developed, the number of people watching TV news is very small. Even if there is any big news, it is also publicized through the Internet media.

However, with the replacement of the old quantum network by the new quantum network, television programs have begun to transform, and ordinary physical televisions have been almost replaced by the dual pressures of quantum networks and holographic technology.

People who are leisurely enjoying a walk after a meal suddenly find that the holographic public screen that usually plays advertisements constantly has been replaced by news.

This made people wonder, but also had some interest in watching.

The hostess said, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, today the Earth Federation has held its first federal conference, and 33 members including the Speaker attended the conference."

"The content of the meeting revolved around the theme of recapture of human land. The meeting process lasted three hours, during which all members of the parliament reached an agreement that humans must recapture the land occupied by intelligent machines as soon as possible."

"After the meeting, West China ’s top leader and speaker of the Earth Federation said that starting tomorrow, soldiers will be recruited across the country. The requirements for soldiers are as follows: they are between 18 and 30 years old, and they have a minimum education level of high school. No physical abnormality and familiar with intelligent operation. "

As soon as the hostess finished this sentence, all the viewers were suddenly surprised and recruited!

And this is not an ordinary conscription, but a conscription to be sent to the battlefield! Such conscription immediately attracted great attention.

Everyone ’s life is precious ~ ~ No one wants their children to be sent to the battlefield. What should I do if I accidentally lose my life?

What could be more heartbreaking than a white-haired or black-haired person?

All kinds of worries caused many people to frown unconsciously, and just when they were thinking about it, the hostess in the news spoke again.

"In order to show its contribution to the soldiers, Huaxia officials have decided that all soldiers participating in the battle can get a set of 150 flats provided by the government and a reward of 500,000 yuan! And, in order to ensure the fairness and authenticity of this reward, the official decision It will supervise and manage this matter with the technology crystallization company. "

As soon as the reward conditions come out, countless young people in China will not be calm!

Cheng Yuan was having dinner with his family at this time. When he heard the news, the expression on his face was also very wonderful.

"I wipe, when did I agree?" (To be continued.) () "The Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the views of the author's black ants, if you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it Processing, the position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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