Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 674:


This problem has always been a thorn in No. 1's heart.

With the rapid development of intelligent machinery and the rapid increase in the number of his own troops, why didn't he think about expanding his own intelligent robot army?

However, increasing production is not something he can do in a word.

After the outbreak of the intelligent crisis, many people have developed a kind of vigilance on intelligence. This vigilance is not only manifested in the people, even they have also developed such ideas.

And this is just one of the reasons for limiting production.

The main thing is the raw material problem!

The manufacturing of an intelligent robot requires too many raw materials. Under the condition that the country's basic resources are not affected, the current quantity is already the largest.

Huaxia itself is a big importer of iron ore. After the outbreak of the intelligent crisis, it suddenly shattered the import and export trade.

Fortunately, without the support of external raw materials, it did not cause the market to collapse. Not to mention the expansion of intelligent robots!

Therefore, the matter of increasing the number of intelligent robots has been shelved there.

According to the original plan, No. 1 was preparing to complete the big picture in his mind step by step. From the establishment of the Earth Federation, he began to calculate.

Everything from population to resources is within his plan.

However, the only thing he missed is that there are too many refugees, and the domestic food reserves are not as many as expected!

After all, with the development of society, in this era of money, fewer and fewer people are willing to face the loess and the sky.

Although it seems that I still receive a lot of food every year, compared with the past, it is declining year by year. If not now, science and technology can transform food into other richer foods and import food from other countries. That must have gone wrong.

Although they are also working to solve this problem, they have promulgated many favorable policies, such as exempting agricultural taxes, subsidizing farmers, and so on.

However, the actual effect of these policies does not increase the enthusiasm of farmers.

In addition to exempting agricultural taxes, the issue of various subsidies involves too many things, which he knows well, but is also somewhat weak.

It was under such circumstances that problems were exposed in his grand plan, and he was not sure as to whether there would be any later.

But now, he didn't think too much, because what he needs to do now is to solve the problem instead of reflecting on the root of the problem. This can be done slowly afterwards.

After thinking for a moment, No. 1 frowned. "Are you really going to send soldiers over?"

Entering the hinterland of intelligent machinery is undoubtedly very dangerous, but the intelligent robot army can't dispatch too much in the past.

The number itself is small, and if you are expatriating, you don't need to be native. If the smart machine is given such a neutral position, the other party will never miss such a good opportunity.

Just as he was lingering in his heart, No. 1 suddenly awakened. He subconsciously asked many members of the parliament: "Everyone, where are the intelligent machines now occupying?"

Many lawmakers heard a word of surprise, they looked at No. 1 in wonder, wondering how the old man's thoughts could change so quickly.

Just now I was still discussing how to send a transport team, but now I have moved to the chassis of the intelligent machine.

Just when they were very surprised, a member of the Chinese Councilor calmly knocked on the table in the conference room, his mouth moved slightly.

Then a huge hologram appeared in the center of the conference room.

This is a map of the world with red, blue, green, and gray colors on it.

The Huaxia MP looked respectfully at No. 1 and bowed his head: "Head, this is the current situation in the world. Red represents the place occupied by smart machines, blue is a safe area that has not been attacked, and green represents ourselves. Gray is no man's land. "

Many lawmakers looked at the map. They found that in Asia, the only green place is Huaxia, and the other places are either red or blue, and they are separated one by one.

Most of the European places are red, blue is very few, the Americas are the most terrifying, almost all of them are red, and the only few blues are particularly magnified.

The gray area has only two polar regions.

Under such circumstances, many members of the parliament have a stagnation in breathing, and many have a gloomy and painful face.

Because the places covered by red are their former homes.

How can they not feel uncomfortable seeing this scene? But this is the reality, and even if they are uncomfortable, they have to accept it.

But more people are unclear and don't know why No. 1 wants them to watch this.

Only a few thoughts were revealed.

"Speaker, does this picture have any special meaning?" A Member asked.

No.1's brow was locked and his face was dignified. He took a deep look at the hologram and then sighed, "Did you not find out, the world's major food-producing countries have been occupied by them!"

The words of No. 1 made everyone look tense, and they didn't react at the beginning ~ ~ But No. 1 reminded them to understand the meaning of No. 1 in an instant.

A member of parliament looked surprised and terrified, stunned to be indifferent: "How is this possible that these intelligent machines were already laid out from the beginning !?"

"These **** machines, they have killed our fellow citizens, and even want to control the food we live on, we shouldn't make them any different from the movies!" A councillor scolded angrily.

"No, it's more serious than movies. They're smarter."

"Are we really waiting to die?"

Some members cannot accept this fact. After all, the people present are very clear. It is difficult to feed 2.4 billion people by relying only on Huaxia!

"What must we do!"

At this time, many members who were unwilling to change their minds at this time have changed their minds, even now they are gone. How can we talk about the future?

The future thing, let's talk about it in the future!

Watching everyone's enemies look at each other, No. 1 then nodded and Shen said, "I think it's time to get our soldiers on the battlefield!"

As soon as the words No. 1 were spoken, two Huaxia members worried immediately: "Head, this is not good!"

They know how weak human beings are on the battlefield of intelligent robots. In those movies, human beings can fight with robots with flesh and blood, just joking.

Unless the opposite robots are all toy robots!

No. 1 naturally knew their concerns, and he said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I didn't say to let them go directly to the battlefield, even if the battle nest needs equipment and weapons and they should be qualified to fight robots!"

When saying this, No. 1 unconsciously thought of Cheng Yuan, who was far away in Anhe City.

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