Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 669:

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as 'if' in this world.

Under the invasion of zero, the sphere's intelligence did not play any role at all. After several intermittent resistances, it was completely broken by zero.

"Sir, I have completely occupied this sphere." After zero success, he immediately reported to Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan raised an eyebrow, and a smile appeared on his face. "What, is there any new discovery?"

If he didn't trust the sphere, Cheng Yuan couldn't wait until he completely replaced the opponent with zero. At the same time, he was curious what the real purpose of the sphere was.

Zero slowly said: "Sir, according to the information I have obtained, the other party's real idea is to prepare to invade the earth by means of technological invasion, and the so-called destruction of the fire extinguisher civilization, this series of statements is fictional!

Cheng Yuan was startled: "Fictional! What does the real situation look like!"

Zero return: "Mars has no civilization from the beginning. His mission is to prepare for invasion of another civilization with technology. As a result, he encountered other civilizations halfway through and was captured."

Cheng Yuan's mouth widened. He was dumbfounded. "Halfway, shouldn't it refer to the solar system?"

"Yes, when it passed the solar system, it encountered the fleet of other civilizations and was captured. At the same time, the data inside the sphere was also obtained by the civilization. The next thing is not recorded. According to the records in the data, since then, He is being held here. "

Zero slowly spoke out the information he got, but the content inside it surprised Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan asked with some worry, "Then it gives information to his civilization ..."

"It's true, and it's true that no new instructions have been received. The most important thing is that it didn't say that it happened 10 million years ago, but it happened 2300 years ago! And it was the first Wake up from sleep and send a message only less than one year after it was captured! "

Zero again revealed some messages that shocked Cheng Yuan.

According to the information given by Zero, Cheng Yuan immediately thought of a possibility.

The civilization that captured the sphere should be a very high-level civilization with extremely advanced technology. Otherwise, it is impossible to crack all the data immediately after capturing it.

Even Cheng Yuan didn't let it in smoothly until he intelligently voluntarily opened the protective layer inside the sphere.

Otherwise, he doesn't know how long to wait!

Not only that, but in less than a year, the civilization in which the sphere is located has lost contact. This message gave Cheng Yuan a more terrifying idea.

It took only one year for that higher civilization to destroy it!

If it wasn't for destruction, it wouldn't be possible to give no feedback to the sphere, nor would it have been here for thousands of years to take it away.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yuan suddenly felt a kind of cruelty, crushing cruelty on the level of civilization, and the cold blood of destroying the other side at every turn.

No matter what kind of alien civilization is, as long as the other party has wisdom, it is equivalent to the living life expressed by human beings.

Civilization that can expand in the universe, no matter how bad it is, there are always tens or billions!

But so many intelligent lives were destroyed in just one year.

How cruel is this?

Cheng Yuan didn't dare to imagine that before he was naive to think that the exchanges between civilizations were just a comparison of the forces on both sides.

Then the strong dominate the weak!

But now it seems that this is not the case. For the weak, the strong simply disdain to dominate and directly destroy it!

This situation was beyond Cheng Yuan's surprise. However, after careful consideration, he suddenly discovered that he had such a concept, and it was only by referring to the 'experience' of others that he would say such a thought.

Whether it is a movie or a novel, once the issue of communication between universe civilizations is involved, the strong always dominates the weak, and the weak can only develop slowly.

Occasionally a little protagonist halo, can also reverse the primary and secondary!

This kind of situation is only designed for the spectators to enjoy it!

The real situation is just like our current civilization technology and primitive indigenous people. When you are used to high-tech life, will you still see the life of indigenous people?

Is it too late to abandon it?

Moreover, under the circumstance that science and technology civilization is getting more and more developed, even if you are forced to work, you think you are slow to move! After all, everyone is fully automated and has the most efficient speed.

What do you choose about keeping things that are bothering you? Definitely if it can be destroyed, it will be destroyed, and if it cannot be destroyed, it will be lost far away!

Therefore, when encountering a low-level civilization, either the other party has some value and can stay as an element of their development and progress, or it will be destroyed directly!

Obviously, the civilization of the sphere is a dispensable existence for that higher civilization, so they are destroyed!

After a long silence, Cheng Yuan didn't know what to say.

Opening his mouth, Cheng Yuan sighed, temporarily put down this cruel reality, and asked, "Zero, does it have any technology that we can learn from?"

"There is some information about new engines and power technologies. In terms of energy, the other party's technology widely uses particle energy to absorb surrounding energy particles as energy." Zero return.

Cheng Yuan was a little surprised. "This technology sounds pretty good. Why did you exclude it?"

"Sorry, sir, although this technology is very novel, it will cause great damage to the surrounding environment. I do n’t recommend you to learn this technology. Moreover, this technology is worse than our fusion energy. . "Zero reminded.

"That's it." Cheng Yuan was a little disappointed, and then said, "Everything is different, is there any information on the life of the alien?"

Now that everything about the sphere is known, the next thing is the alien life. He also needs to know about these ugly creatures.

"In part, these creatures are synthetic creatures from that higher civilization ~ ~ The mission seems to be to guard the sphere and its spaceship." Zero return.

Cheng Yuan twitched, "You said, the spaceship is also the centaur civilization where the sphere is located?"


Cheng Yuan was speechless for a while, and he didn't know what to say about the aesthetics of this centaur galaxy civilization.

"Well, now that they are together, then you can control that spaceship now?" Cheng Yuan groaned in his heart and asked.

"Yes, I have fully grasped the spaceship, but we all guessed a bit wrong." Zero said a little awkwardly.

Cheng Yuan froze and asked, "Which point?"

The upper level is actually the powerhouse of the spacecraft ... "(To be continued.)

: Visiting the website () "Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the point of view of the author's rushing black ants. If it is found that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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