Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 661:

Cheng Yuan was in a state of excitement and zero understanding. He has read countless books through the computer, entered the world-renowned major libraries, and entered many, many aspects of knowledge.

Human attitudes towards alien life are very complicated, and there are fears and curiosities.

And Cheng Yuan is now showing curiosity!

But his request, Zero did not agree, "Sir, I don't think you can pass yet."

The zero answer made Cheng Yuan froze, and then he frowned, wondering: "Why? Do you think the captured aliens can pose a threat to me?"

"Yes!" Zero replied immediately.

Cheng Yuan twitched his lips. He originally thought that he would explain it, but the answer was definitely so direct. There was no way. Cheng Yuan could only ask it himself.

"How did you come to this judgment?"

"Biological habits, its own living environment, and the food that it maintains are combined." Zero opening said: "We are all unknown about it, so we need to be vigilant, and we don't know whether it Carry germs that are deadly to humans! "

"So it needs to be observed in isolation for a while?" Cheng Yuan said the next thing to zero.

With zero certainty: "Yes, I don't recommend you go to [Hong Nong] until it is thoroughly checked."

Cheng Yuan was silent. The excitement of the previous excitement was instantly eliminated by these words. After calming down, Cheng Yuan felt too excited just now.

After all, it is an alien creature, and no one knows whether or not it carries any unknown bacteria. If it is not guarded, once it is accidentally infected, it may cause a small accident.

"Well, I'll leave it to you, but I'm going to watch the whole video." Cheng Yuan said with amusement.

Neglecting Cheng Yuan's low tone, he still calmly replied: "Please rest assured that I will solve these problems, and I will notify you if no harmful substances are found. Now, do you continue to see us Exploration of the Phobos building by our smart robot force? "

"Of course!" Cheng Yuan rolled his eyes and said, "You can't go to Hongnong anymore, how could you still miss the exploration of Phobos!"

As Cheng Yuan's voice fell, the picture in front of him suddenly turned, and the dim Phobos in the original picture disappeared, replaced by a bright indoor environment.

This is a very large control room. The control room is divided into two floors, and there are many intelligent robots in operation and control.

"Sir, expect to arrive in about 10 minutes," Zero said slowly.

Cheng Yuan didn't say anything, but looked curiously about the situation inside the screen. On the upper level of the control room, there was an arc-shaped platform. There was only a purple ball-like thing on the platform.

At this point, an intelligent robot was reaching out on the surface of the purple sphere and seemed to be operating.

Cheng Yuan was surprised: "Zero, is this spacecraft a new model?"

He has never seen such a control in his memory!

"Yes, the name of this spaceship is [Hong Nong]. It is the first large multi-layer battleship manufactured by our Hong Nong Satellite Base. It has a total length of 3,926 meters and a height of 840 meters. There are 1,600 nuclear fusion energy impact guns, 6,500 laser turrets, and 1,000 406 mm guns. "

"In addition, it is equipped with close-in defense devices such as intelligent positioning electronic jammers, electro-explosive magnetic fields, guided torpedoes, and interceptor turrets."

While introducing, Zero sent out a display chart. Through the display chart, Cheng Yuan was able to see the overall appearance of the Hongnong.

Hongnong's style is quite satisfactory, except that some red lines are added on the surface, it doesn't look much sci-fi on the whole, just like the style of those battleships on the earth, but it's bigger!

After looking at the appearance of Hongnong, Cheng Yuan chuckled, "I thought it would look very ... very ..."

Cheng Yuan frowned for a moment, then said, "It's different!"

"It's a pity." Cheng Yuan shrugged. "It looks so ordinary."

Cheng Yuan's words left zero speechless. His holographic projection appeared next to Cheng Yuan, making a roll-eye movement. "Sorry, sir, those are the fantasy products of the movie. If the spacecraft is really designed like that, it will give the universe a voyage Cause great inconvenience. "

"Haha!" Cheng Yuan saw that Zero ran out, scratching his head, and smiled awkwardly. "I said that." Then he looked at Zero in amazement and asked, "Why did you come out?"

Zero thinking, and replied, "I'm just previewing it in advance, so that you get used to the feeling that I often appear next to you in the future."

"Habit?" Cheng Yuan was puzzled. "Aren't you always with me, everywhere!"

"Yes, but I want to touch you, and Zen has given me a lot of inspiration. As a life essence, I ca n’t stay in the virtual world all the time. Only by experiencing life myself can I let myself have Higher sublimation. "Zero Zanran said.

"Higher sublimation?" Cheng Yuan murmured with a strange look.

With a smile, "Yes, better sublimation, let yourself be integrated into human life, not in the virtual world, but in the real world, through contact with different people, let yourself learn more and enrich your feelings , I want to try emotional choices, not rationality from start to finish. "

"Is it ..." After hearing Yuan Cheng's words, there was some emotion in his heart that evolution would never stop, but the evolution of some life was fast, but the evolution of some life was very slow.

In these two types of life, humans belong to the latter; zero-sum Zen belongs to the former.

The evolution of intelligent life is undoubtedly very fast, but Cheng Yuan is very entangled at this time, the expression of zero is very clear, he also wants to have his own emotions, joy, sorrow and joy are as complex and diverse as humans.

Rather than imitation as simple as it is now, even though Zero can express his emotions through his tone.

But these emotions are all 'rational' choices based on data references.

For example, ‘I ’m very happy’ should be in a happy tone, not heavy; for example, ‘I ’m very angry’ can be expressed in anger, hatred, quietness, etc., tending to be expressed naturally in the environment and atmosphere at that time.

These subjective manifestations are the difference between zero and real human beings, because zero can only judge everything with objective reason.

Zero wants to have his own subjective sensibility. Cheng Yuan also understands that as long as he grows, these problems will sooner or later be resolved.

However, letting Zero have his own emotional judgments, will this run counter to his ideas in the future and create a gap between the two sides?

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, Cheng Yuan himself can't say clearly.

Although he didn't know if it was good or bad, Cheng Yuan considered it for a moment and decided to let it go. For him, zero growth is a good thing.

In addition, he is not a person with a strong desire for control, and he can give the entire company to Zheng Jia for management, which fully illustrates this point.

So he didn't want to blend in with this matter. To what extent Zero can grow, it all depends on himself.

Thinking about this, Cheng Yuan smiled again on his face, "Zero, then do it according to your own ideas."

"Thank you, your decision is my greatest encouragement and support." Zero thanks.

Cheng Yuan smiled, shook his head, and said, "In my eyes, you are like my child. You created it by myself. I am also happy that you can grow, but ..."

Cheng Yuan turned around and asked, "Since you want to move in real life, are you ready to carry your body?"

Glancing at zero, Cheng Yuan continued, "In your current state, ordinary mechanical bodies cannot be accommodated, and you know how big your core is."

Zero's core has grown bigger after two migrations, and now his core is the entire state-of-the-art laboratory building!

Quantum computer for a whole building!

Such a huge core, if he wants to be like Zen, then unless he has a perfect body, he can only be separated.

But what's the difference between it and his control of the guard robot now?

"I'm building a new body." Zero said that he had been making his own body long before he appeared in front of Cheng Yuan with a holographic projection.

Because he has always been in communication with Zen, he longs for the way of living as a single individual.

So while envious, he started to build a suitable body carrier for himself, just like Cheng Yuan asked now.

His carrier cannot be casual.

Cheng Yuan drew a corner of his mouth and said, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, do you want to see it?" Zero said.

Cheng Yuan waved his hand and said, "Forget it, let's solve Huoyi's problem first, and talk about your body."

"OK." Nodded his head.

Then one person and one intelligently put their eyes back on the holographic screen. After a long and zero communication, ten minutes have passed.

Hongnong has arrived near Phobos.

However, Hongnong did not land on Phobos ~ ~, but instead dispatched a dozen small spacecraft to the bottom of Phobos crater.

The next step is the handover process. The first thing to do is to send the captured alien life to Hongnong for isolation.

Secondly, a part of the intelligent robot army was guarded at the door opened by the mechanical nanoworm, and another ten teams went inside the building for a formal exploration!

The number of each of the ten teams is twenty, and the number of the entire exploration team is two hundred!

Such a huge exploration team has entered into it, and Cheng Yuan now only needs to wait for the result of the exploration!

After all, compared to intelligent robots, these creatures are at an absolute disadvantage, both in terms of individual strength and weapons and equipment!

In short, there is no comparability at all! (To be continued.).

a () "Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the viewpoint of the author's rushing black ants. If the content is found to be inconsistent with national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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